In Jiankang, the emperor went to camp.

Right Prime Minister Zhao Ding stood in the main hall and saluted Liu Chan.

"It is not a bad idea for the officials and the Jin people to negotiate peace."

A compromiser who advocates that after half of the country has been managed, he will then slowly make plans for it.

"The official family cannot negotiate!

The Jin people's peace talks were hidden with evil intentions, and they attempted to use peace talks to assist the war.

The temporary peace is just a way for the Jin people to recuperate.

When they come back, it will be another catastrophe!"

Although Zhang Jun ran away with his ministers, he was a war fighter. He preferred to fight against the Jin people.

"Mr. Zhang, you might as well listen to the Jin people’s conditions."

Right Minister Zhao Ding looked at Qin Hui, who had returned from the Jin Kingdom as an envoy.

"Report to the officials that the Jin people do intend to negotiate peace this time.

The envoys of the Jin people will arrive in a few days, and their conditions are.

Two hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver and two hundred thousand pieces of silk are sent every year.

However, they are willing to return the land of Henan and Shaanxi.

He was also willing to send back the late Emperor's Zi Palace and Empress Dowager Wei."

The first request is of course a yearly coin, and the money should be paid as protection fee.

The second is the sincerity of the Jin people.

Returning the two large pieces of land owned by the Puppet Qi, obviously they do not intend to keep the Puppet Qi.

The third is to give The body of Huizong of the Song Dynasty was returned to the Empress Dowager Wei, who was the mother of Zhao Gou.

When Liu Chan heard this, he suddenly felt that the peace negotiation was not bad. He got two large pieces of territory for nothing, and the annual coins were not unacceptable.

The Southern Song Dynasty only had half of the country, but one or two million The peace that Yin Zi seeks seems good?

Just as Liu Chan was thinking about it, Zhang Jun shook his head again

"In the official family, Cai Chen said that the Jin people were harboring evil intentions, and that was indeed the case.

After years of fighting, Henan and Shaanxi were exhausted.

If a large army were sent to guard the border, food would need to be transported thousands of miles, which would cost a lot of money.

The golden man has a good plan."

After Liu Chan heard this, he looked at Zhao Ding and seemed to be asking.

Although the other party was a compromiser, he had to admit it at this moment.

"Officials, what Mr. Zhang said is true.

The people in these two places were traumatized by the war, and the land was left uncultivated."

The implication is that recovering these two places requires great efforts to restore people's livelihood.

In the short term, it is a loss-making business.

When the people's livelihood here recovers a little and can provide food and grass for the army, it will be a few years later. Yes, maybe the depositor has called me after he has taken some time to rest.

"In this way, I was almost deceived by the golden man."

Liu Chan suddenly became more vigilant.

Sure enough, pie in the sky will not fall into the sky.

How can the Jin people have any good intentions?

It's just that they can't fight anymore. Let's take a break for a few years and deal with their own domestic problems.

Liu Dafu, There is a peace faction in the court.

It is even more resolute than Zhang Jun, the prime minister.

"I dare to let the officials know that the evil intentions of the Jin people in negotiating peace are far more than that.

If the court really agrees to negotiate peace, it will take over the two places.

With so many fallen lands in the north, could it be possible that they belong to the Jin people?

Aren’t the people in the north people from the Song Dynasty?"

His words are very prophetic.

If Song Chaotang really agrees to negotiate peace, then they will publicize it in the north.

By then, the people will only be alienated from morality and will no longer rise up to resist. They will silently become the fourth class of people, the Semu people.

"No negotiation!"

In the court, this voice became louder and louder.

The biggest reason was that Liu Chan's"personal expedition" by the imperial commander defeated a large-scale invasion!

More than 100,000 Puppet Qi soldiers were buried in Shouzhou.

There were even tens of thousands of Jin people. Being eliminated broke the myth of the Jin's invincibility.

Without support and at a military disadvantage, the Jin would still die and lose completely!

However, the reaction in the court was completely beyond Qin Hui's expectations. , he thought that many people would agree to negotiate for peace.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ding, a compromiser in the past, also chose to remain silent at this moment.

Only a small number of people said that negotiating for peace was not impossible.

The conditions could still be negotiated.

Qin Hui only felt that he I can’t keep up with the version anymore

"It is impossible to negotiate peace, and the fallen country must still be recovered by soldiers.

However, the Jin man’s messenger is coming soon, how to deal with it!"

Liu Chan almost gave up the idea of ​​negotiating peace.

After listening to the analysis of many ministers, he didn't believe the sincerity of the Jin people at all.

"The official family has three policies: upper, middle and lower."

Prime Minister Zhang Jun cupped his hands and said

"The best policy is to detain the Jin envoy immediately after he arrives.

Then he beheaded him on the spot for the crime and immediately declared war on the Kingdom of Jin!

The best strategy is not to contact him and let the Jin messenger go back in despair.

Later, Lieutenant Yue can be asked to send troops to counterattack the puppet Qi territory.

The next best option is to send ministers to stabilize him for the time being.

When the Jin people return, send the cavalry to follow and fight without declaring it!"

For ministers and counselors, they only have middle and lower strategies.

As for the best strategy, it is almost impossible to implement it.

Most of the time it is very extreme, used to set off the following two strategies.

Sure enough, after listening to this, Liu Chan felt The first one is too aggressive.

The middle and lower strategies are more reliable.

"Then send some random people to contact him to make the Jin envoy relax his vigilance.

Then I will order Lieutenant Yue to send troops at the right time."


After the negotiation was completed, the next step was to implement it.

Everyone was very satisfied, except for one person, that was Qin Hui.

Because he was the one who wanted the peace negotiation to succeed the most. After all, he was responsible for this matter.

However, Qin Hui never expected that he would leave only a few Yue's effort.

Why did the atmosphere in the court turn 180 degrees?

And why do the proud group of civil servants below obey the officials.

In the past, it wasn't just the officials who didn't listen to them, and they kept admonishing them until they obeyed. So far?

Qin Hui didn't understand, he didn't understand.

Historically, Zhao Gou and Liu Chan made completely opposite decisions.

He highly praised the peace negotiation and let Qin Hui take the lead in the matter.

It took two years to negotiate the peace and it became a complete agreement. Yan Gou.

Because the request of the Jin people was to have Song Dynasty become a subordinate.

Other emperors would not agree to this humiliating request.

Zhao Gou, no, Wan Yan Gou agreed.

When the crowd was excited and the people protested, In short, the arrival of Liu Chan took the Southern Song Dynasty to another path of resistance. The huge court machine began to operate slowly.

The right minister Zhao Ding was a compromiser, but his logistics capabilities exceeded those of the main station. Zhang Jun.

From the land south of the Yangtze River, from the relatively wealthy south.

A steady stream of food was sent from here to Yue Fei's location.

This time, Yue Fei gained the absolute trust of the court and the emperor. He was no longer fighting alone.

The entire Southern Song Dynasty Because of Liu Chan's edict, it began to slowly transform into a war machine.

Armor weapons were built faster, and countless craftsmen began to work day and night.

The lives of the people were still hard.

But under the leadership of Liu Chan, an official Next, there is some hope ahead.

What if the fallen territory in the north can really be recovered?

What if the Jin people can really be driven back?

The significance of a large-scale battle is not only to give confidence to the soldiers on the front line. It gave great confidence to the people in the rear.

The entire Southern Song Dynasty began to prosper after getting rid of the previous shortcomings.

On the other hand, the Jin Kingdom's own contradictions became more and more prominent!

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