Wanyan Wushu returned to the rear with more than 30,000 cavalry.

Facing the young king Wanyan Dan, he respected him very much

"See king."

This little fat man who is less than twenty years old is the eldest grandson of Jin Taizu Wanyan Min and the son of Jin Huizong Wanyan Zongjun.

While he has a distinguished status, he is also a very capable monarch.

Ten years later, he transformed the Jin Kingdom from a backward country. The large tribe on the grassland imitated the Song Dynasty and became the real Jin Kingdom.

It can be said that he is Liu Chan's biggest enemy at present.

In terms of politics and military, his ability is slightly stronger than Liu Chan's.

"A small defeat has nothing to do with the Kingdom of Jin.

According to the saying of the Song Dynasty, there are still three thousand nails in the broken ship.

You are facing the Song army on the entire border without any reinforcements."

Wanyan Dan looked at Wanyan Wushu, who was full of shame, and comforted him. He admired the Han Dynasty very much.

When he was very young, Wanyan Dan studied Chinese classics and history with Han Fang, a Jinshi of the Liao Dynasty.

He often went to the Jigu Hall of the Royal Library to study the Central Plains classics, and he was very Chinese.

Many people had objected to him as the leader of the country.

For this reason, Wanyan Dan looked too much like a Han Chinese.

This caused him to be incompatible with the Jin people around him.

If I don’t ride horses or shoot arrows, I just like reading.

"Lord of the country, alas."

Wanyan Wushu sighed and swallowed back all the words he wanted to say.

What's the use of talking so much now? If you lose, you will lose, but the arrogance of the Lord He Sect will be even more arrogant.

Wanyan Wu stood in the palace , looking at the pond in the distance and said leisurely

"It's time to negotiate peace. The envoy is expected to arrive in Jiankang today.

Do you think the emperor of the Song Dynasty would agree to negotiate peace?"

He still remembered the Song Dynasty envoy Qin Hui, who said that peace would be achieved.

But Wanyan Dan didn't think so, especially after the victory on the sidelines.

"Reporting to the lord of the country, I thought that the emperor of Song Dynasty would not make peace.

Instead, troops and horses will be gathered for another northern expedition."

Wanyan Wushu thought for a while, and saw the empty scene under the dragon flag.

"go on"

"I think that if the emperor of Song Dynasty had a partial idea.

He would not go from Lin'an to Jiankang in the rear, and he would not trust Yue Fei so much.

Not to mention leaving most of the troops under Yue Fei's control."

What Wanyan Wushu feels guilty about is that in fact, he did not even encounter the powerful Yue Army in this defeat. Instead, he was defeated by the second-rate Song Army like Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun.

This was something he could not imagine.

"The emperor of the Song Dynasty was so cowardly before, why is it now as if he had been replaced by another person?"

Wanyan Quan couldn't understand.

How could a person change so much in just a few months?

But he no longer dwelled on this issue, and instead talked about more important things.

"The imperial court has decided that there is no need for Puppet Qi to exist.

It will only waste the power of the Jin Kingdom. You go and capture the leader of the Puppet Qi Kingdom and others."

Wanyan Dan ordered

"I obey, my lord."

Wanyan Wushu thought for a while, and it seemed that he was the only one to do this.

The backstage of the Puppet Qi was actually Wanyan Zonghan, the main fighting faction.

After this person disappeared last year, many people in the Jurchen nobles expressed their disapproval of the Puppet Qi. Dissatisfied.

Now a big rout has accelerated this process.

Ten days later,

Wanyan Wushu led a dozen cavalrymen and rushed into the palace of Puppet Qi.

Under such a rampage, the guards guarding the palace did not dare to stop them..

It is easy to talk about the puppet Qi leader. No, it is now captured by the prisoner Liu Yu.

Since then, the puppet regime of the puppet Qi has collapsed.



Yue Fei, who was ready for the Northern Expedition, looked at the military map.

I just feel that happiness comes a little suddenly.

Not only did he gain the emperor's full trust, but the military supplies and baggage that he had prepared over the years were also quickly delivered.

Puppet Qi, the biggest opponent in the early stage, was actually dismembered!

Liu Yu is gone before we send out troops to attack?


Niu Gao excitedly rushed in from outside.

"Yue Shuai, after the puppet Qi was captured by the Jin people.

Recently, many people have sent letters saying they are willing to surrender."

Without Liu Yu and others to stabilize the place, uprisings immediately broke out in Henan, Shaanxi, and Shandong.

There were spontaneous uprisings in the countryside, and some generals abandoned the dark side and defected to the bright side.

For a time, the original territory of the Puppet Qi Dynasty became lively.

The Han Dynasty was in this area On the land, it has been maintained for one or two thousand years.

How long have the Jin people been here?

Even the Song people who surrendered to the Jin people actually still regard themselves as Han people in their hearts.

Now that the time is ripe, they will revolt.

"Send them a reply and ask them to defend the city.

To prevent the Jin's surprise attack, something must be done after dismembering the Puppet Qi."

Yue Fei's judgment was very accurate.

After Wanyan Wushu captured Liu Yu and others, the Jin troops who maintained order set out one after another. In larger cities, thousands of Jin men went to maintain rule.


Niu Gao encountered such a good situation for the first time, and he was inevitably excited.

As the current Taiwei of the Song Dynasty, Yue Fei, who held a heavy army, began to hesitate.

Where should the fight start?

Soon, his eyes looked In the direction of Caizhou (Zhumadian).

If we capture it, the left can move upward to recapture Luoyang, Kaifeng Prefecture, and the right can move upward to recapture Xuzhou. The

Shouzhou front can then advance forward.

The army of Han Shizhong and others can just take advantage of the trend to move north. March forward and regain Haizhou (Lianyungang).

If everything goes well, Wu Jie, who is guarding southern Shaanxi, can advance south together.

The Song army can regain the land of Shaanxi by itself!

Of course, everything is not as perfect as it seems.

The subsequent governance is still a big problem Problem.

But Yue Fei couldn't care so much at the moment and couldn't waste the great opportunity Liu Chan created for himself.

Three days later, the Yue Family Army's fourth Northern Expedition began!

Three months later, a steady stream of battle reports were sent to Jiankang.

Liu Chan at this moment What are you doing?

On Miss Feng's bed.

The official, who was looked upon with admiration by everyone, has ignored government affairs for another three days.

The two husband-in-laws, Zhang Jun and Zhao Ding, are too busy to touch the ground. They spend most of the day , all in the Yamen Office.

It was because of their heavy burdens that Liu Chan was able to live in peace and quiet.

He did not even have to worry about being ignored.

Yue Fei, who had the greatest military power, was an extremely loyal minister.

Han Shizhong and other generals, after the war, the emperor Absolute loyalty.

All the middle-level officers and soldiers below them all target Li Qiong.

They swear to the death to kill the enemy for the government!

"Officials, Lieutenant Yue has won another battle."

Ms. Feng stretched out her white jade arms and handed the good news to Liu Chan.

"Um? Where did it go this time?"

Hearing this, Liu Chan took the battle report. The content above was beyond his imagination.

After reading it, he immediately stood up.

As a result, the little lady on his body suddenly fell to the ground.

"Kaifeng Mansion was recaptured! Xuzhou was also recovered!"

Liu Chan was a little surprised at the speed of Yue Fei's Northern Expedition. It was too fast!

He felt that he had done nothing. He just asked the court to provide sufficient logistics for the Yue family army. Food, grass, baggage, and weapons were all provided according to standards.

There were even some that were not given. Enough to achieve such great results!

"Official~" the little lady who was thrown to the ground said coquettishly

"Oh, it was my fault, I threw the little lady."

Liu Chan smiled coquettishly, then pulled the other person up and asked the young lady to return to her original position.

It seemed like she was taking revenge.

The young lady treated him like a cow and a horse tonight and kept galloping.

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