Kaifeng Mansion.

The shouts of death that lasted for three days gradually subsided.

In other words, Bianjing.

This former capital of the Song people was once again in their hands.

The people in the city all cheered and jumped for joy.

Eat a pot of slurry to welcome the king!

This city, which had been dormant for more than ten years, is once again bustling with activity

"Yue Shuai! Marshal Yue!"

Countless people gathered around to look at the army entering the city, wanting to see the world-famous Marshal Yue.

In just three months, Yue Fei achieved ten times the results of his previous battles!

If he had followed the previous speed, It took him thirty years to reach Bianjing.

But with Liu Chan's full support, it only took him three months.

In just three months, he regained the capital of the Song Dynasty!

"Yue Shuai!"

Many elderly people stood by the roadside with tears streaming down their faces. They were extremely excited and moved.

Finally, they saw Master Wang in their lifetime!

"Yue Family Army!"

"Yue Family Army!"

Almost every soldier who entered the city was warmly welcomed by the people.

They took out all the things they had, whether it was eggs or fruits.

Or the hot rice that had just been cooked, and they hurriedly stuffed it into the hands of the soldiers.

The chickens, ducks and fish that they were reluctant to eat in the past were all taken out to reward the army on this day! Bianjing , this city and its people have been ruined by the Jin people for too long!

Representatives of the people, some rural sages and gentry spontaneously Organized.

In the next three days, the Yue Family Army did not even start cooking.

Just the food sent by the people was enough for every soldier.

In Bianjing City, children over ten years old were even more enthusiastic about joining the army.

They wanted to join the Yue Family Army. Army, become a member of it!

After Yue Fei heard the news, he just smiled.

Then he drove all these half-grown children home.

He promised to give them a chance to join the army in a few years.

During this period, there were many widows and The unmarried women stared at the Yue family's army in the city.

In their eyes, such men were called men and loved.

To this, Yue Fei turned a blind eye.

This just solved the problem of too many bachelors in the army.

The military and civilians cheered from top to bottom, and the relationship became more and more harmonious. The original building of the Taiwei Mansion was ruined by the Jin people.

It took Yue Fei several days to send people to sort out all the government offices.

Almost at the same time , Yue Fei sent people to start repairing the city wall and the fortifications outside the city.

To be honest, it was a very risky move for him to conquer Bianjing this time.

Because the Jin Army was stationed across the Yellow River, if troops were sent, they would be able to do it within ten days. Arrive at Bianjing.

By then, it will definitely be a hard battle, and Bianjing may not be able to defend it.

In the overall defense line, Bianjing is a prominent point.

It is difficult to get cover from reinforcements on the left and right.

"Yue Shuai!"

Zhang Xian, Yue Fei's deputy came in from outside.

"What are the movements of the Jin Army?"

"Good news, they didn't move.

It seems that the previous peace talks are true."

Zhang Xian obviously knows about the internal struggle in the Jin Kingdom and knows that the peace faction now has the upper hand.

"We cannot take it lightly and send people to guard the bridge beside the Yellow River."

Yue Fei thought for a moment and then ordered


After explaining all the affairs, he sat on his desk and began to write a letter to the emperor.

Summarizing the Fourth Northern Expedition.

The main idea above is that the Northern Expedition was overall successful, but this was all under the premise that the Jin people did not counterattack on a large scale.

Continue What to do next, whether to fight or stop, I hope the officials will decide.

Soon, this letter was quickly sent to Health.

What’s rare is that Liu Chan happened to be handling government affairs.

He summoned the officials to discuss the next move..Qin

Hui said in a hoarse voice

"Your Majesty, we must not continue the Northern Expedition.

The golden man's patience has reached its limit.

If they go further, the Jin people will definitely mobilize the whole country to go south again.

How could Yue Taiwei's hundreds of thousands of troops fight against the two to three hundred thousand Jin army?"

Although he is a surrender faction, there is nothing wrong with the analysis.

Yue Fei fought too fast this time.

Not only did the Jin people fail to react, but the Song Dynasty's own people also did not react.

The defense line was changing almost every day.

Privy Council In these three months, almost twelve hours were at full capacity.

The two prime ministers, Zhang Jun and Zhao Ding, looked a lot thinner. But Liu Chan, who was sitting on the dragon throne, looked much richer. Obviously, he looked much more prosperous.

I also gained weight, and my originally thin figure began to align with my own self during the Shu Han period.

"Officials, this Northern Expedition has yielded a huge harvest, and we really cannot continue the campaign."

Zhao Ding immediately stood up and said.

He is under the greatest pressure now.

It is a good thing to have a lot more fallen territory, but it is difficult to manage. There are wastelands everywhere, and people are fleeing everywhere. Farming is not a piece of cake.

It is easy, but requires intensive cultivation. There are a large number of farm tools and ironware, rivers and water conservancy that have been in disrepair for a long time, etc.

All of these are big problems that make Zhao Ding lose his hair.

Even Zhang Jun of the main war faction agreed at this moment.

"Your Majesty, we really can't fight anymore."

Seeing this, Liu Chan looked at the map on the dragon case and said suddenly

"Otherwise, negotiate peace with the Jin people for the time being?"

As soon as these words came out, the ministers below all pondered.

It seems that it is not impossible? The reason for not agreeing to peace before was because the Song army had the strength to fight.

A large area of ​​​​the country fell.

Three months later, it was the opposite.

Yue Fei's Northern Expedition It was a great success, and almost half of the puppet Qi area was recovered.

Now, it is our side that needs to recuperate.

It takes time to manage the occupied areas so that they can support the logistics of the army.

"Officials, I think it’s feasible"

"The minister seconded the motion"

"You can temporarily make peace with the Jin people."

The ministers all agreed to temporarily negotiate peace with the Jin people, and then everyone looked at Qin Hui

"In the official family, I suggested that the Privy Council send Mr. Qin as an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin.

Discuss the matter of peace"

"I also think Master Qin is suitable. Wasn't he the one in charge of this matter before?"

Qin Hui suddenly panicked, don't do this kind of thing!

Maybe the Jin people are preparing for war now. Didn't he go there to die?

"Officials, ministers. Qin

Hui said with cupped hands and wanted to refuse.

Unexpectedly, Liu Chan was good at accepting advice and nodded with satisfaction.

"This peace negotiation is left to you. Are you in trouble?"

Qin Hui paused after hearing this, unable to speak any words.

We can't let Yue Fei retreat hundreds of miles, spit out the meat in his mouth, and then go to negotiate peace.

No matter Yue Fei and the generals don't agree, the civil servants group Nor would they agree.

How difficult it is for everyone to provide logistics for the army!

If it weren't for the sake of leaving a name in history, who would bother so much!

"Sir, I will set off tomorrow."

Qin Hui felt tired. He didn't even know what kind of treatment he would receive when he went to the Kingdom of Jin.

He couldn't imagine it, for fear that the Jin warriors would think he was provoking and chop him with a knife.

"OK, that's it."

Liu Chan then chatted with the ministers for a while and then dispersed the court.

It can be said that everyone in the court meeting was satisfied.

Liu Chan was very satisfied. The defense line had advanced thousands of miles and Jiankang had become a safe rear area.

He could no longer There is no need to worry about the enemy suddenly attacking, and you can be more leisurely.

The ministers are very satisfied, they have recovered a large area of ​​land, and there is a sense of revival.

According to this progress, there is a high probability that those present will be written into the history books and be remembered for generations.

Along with Wang Anshi and other civil servants Seniors are competing against each other, is there anything more exciting than this?

Qin Hui is the only one who is injured.

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