The Kingdom of Jin has exploded at this moment.

Each of the main war factions stood in the court hall, shouting that the Song Dynasty must be destroyed immediately.

Liu Chan dares to regain the fallen territory now, but why not counterattack the Jin Kingdom in the future?

Can this be tolerated?

We must send troops immediately to severely attack the Song Dynasty's arrogance!

Even if we can't kill them, we still have to let them lose half of their lives!

The two men in power, Wanyan Zongpan and Wanyan Zongjun, were from the Zhuhe faction.

In the face of everyone talking about the threat of the Song Dynasty, he said that it was unnecessary.

Because the two emperors of the Song Dynasty are still in their hands now?

The older one has died of illness, and the younger one is worse off than dead.

"South of Bianjing, before we could garrison heavy troops, Yue Fei made a surprise attack.

It's a shameless sneak attack!

Therefore, the people of Song Dynasty were still weak.

Moreover, now this is not a bad thing."

In the planning of Wanyan Zongpan, Wanyan Zongjun and others, the land of Henan and Shaanxi was originally going to be returned to each other in the name of peace.

They were indeed unable to rule these two places.

As for Yue Fei's current Northern Expedition, he just went further north. A paragraph.

In terms of impact, it’s actually not that big.

"Yes, there's not much oil or water in these places.

Since the Song people are so eager to take it away, just give it to them."

In the eyes of the main war faction, these places will become a drag on the Song people.

Therefore, the Song court is not as angry as they imagined.

But this is not the case for the main war faction.

"Bianjing changes hands, just in case the people of Song Dynasty are thinking of resisting.

Then it will be difficult to go south, and we cannot help this trend."

"I just broke the Song people's spines, I can't let them grow back!"

It's just that in Wanyan Quan's ears, these words were just an excuse to start a war.

They were an excuse for the main war faction to regain power.

He was not opposed to conquering the Song Dynasty, but he just wanted to resolve the internal crisis first, and then resolve his own conflicts.

"Well, the envoy from the Song Dynasty is here, let’s meet him."

Wanyan Dan temporarily stopped the argument between the two parties and called Qin Hui up.

"See king."

Qin Hui, who bowed respectfully and with fear, made Wanyan Dan feel dissatisfied. He was not dissatisfied with Qin Hui, but with his own people.

Neither the peace faction nor the war faction had any respect for him.

So big The imperial court was a mess when it was still a tribe. To put it nicely, they are called simple prairie men.

To put it lightly, they have no concept of superiority and inferiority.

Which king and emperor would be happy?

"Ambassador Song, please get up."

Wanyan Quan suddenly felt that the etiquette of the Song Dynasty was quite good.

The Jin Kingdom should also have a similar set of etiquette, allowing everyone to kneel down and worship him as the king.

"Thank you, Lord."

Qin Huichang stood up tremblingly. When he looked up, he saw that there were people like wolves and tigers everywhere!

He was so frightened that he did not dare to continue talking.

"Despicable Song people, how dare they go to war without declaring it!"

"Shameless sneak attack!"

Facing these accusations, Qin Hui just replied weakly.

"Aren’t the two countries always at war?

War is not a good thing for both countries. If peace can be negotiated, the war will end."

The general idea is that we are here to negotiate for peace.

Negotiating peace is probably a beautiful thing.

But the main war faction started to curse.


The spittle and stars seemed to fly over, drowning him.

There was also a Jin man who was not satisfied with his personal attack and wanted to attack him personally.

He was so frightened that Qin Hui took several steps back.

It can be seen that since ancient times, he has been sent to the capital It is a dangerous thing.

Especially when the two sides are still at war.

Finally, after the main war faction got angry, the main war faction stood up and began to negotiate terms.

The letter of credence written by Liu Chan was sent up.

The Song Dynasty people The conditions for peace are simple.

Keep the currently occupied borders unchanged and cease the war.

Other than that, there is nothing.

"Is this the sincerity of you Song people in negotiating peace?"

Wanyan Zongpan frowned and his tone changed.

Qin Hui collapsed when faced with the golden man's questioning.

He wanted to spend millions of silver as protection money, but now he has no say in the court. ah



Taiwei Mansion.

A group of generals from the Yue Family Army were discussing matters together.

"Did you hear that the officials are planning to negotiate a peace?"

"What kind of peace negotiation?"

"It means a truce and maintaining the existing borders."

This condition is not as tough as the Song Dynasty.

Without the traditional art of Sui coins, the generals were a little unbelievable.

The officials were so tough in their words.

"Yue Shuai, what do you think of this peace negotiation?"

Yue Fei, who was sitting on the throne, pondered for a moment.

"It would actually be good to negotiate peace with the Jin people according to the current conditions."

The recent logistical problems have made him feel dizzy.

A few days ago, there were people eating pots of milk, and he didn't think there was any problem.

Later, after calculating the accounts, the food supply for a Yue family army is now four times that of the rear!

Because the grain is transported by land, the loss is really too great.

First of all, the horses transporting the cargo need grain and grass, and the people also need to eat.

When I was in Ezhou, I didn’t think it was just normal loss.

But when grain is transported by land from Jiangnan, the consumption ratio is 20 One percent.

In other words, out of 20 shi of grain, only one shi was left after being transported to Bianjing.

Who wouldn’t gasp after seeing this ratio?

Who wouldn’t feel heartbroken after seeing this ratio?

"Yes, take it slow for a while before hitting."

After the Northern Expedition, everyone present was promoted to three levels in a row because of this huge contribution.

Some were even promoted to three or four levels in a row.

But they themselves had to admit that the Yue Family Army was essentially unable to defeat them.

"There is not enough food, so we have to farm in the past two years. Hearing this, Yue

Fei looked at Zhang Xian,"I wrote to the court. Have you received any reply?""

"Yue Shuai, such a big matter must be discussed carefully by the court."

Zhang Xian just smiled bitterly.

Because Yue Fei proposed a way to solve the logistics of the army.

That is to implement a kind of wartime management on the recently recovered land.

The general idea is that the original civil servants and officials will not be set up for the time being, and all will be managed by the military general..

Let the people gather to work in the fields, reclaim wasteland, and resume sowing.

No taxes will be paid on the harvested grain. After it is enough for the people to eat, the rest will be used as military rations.

"Yeah, gotta wait."

Yue Fei is well aware of the pros and cons of this method.

The benefits are of course obvious. It can quickly restore order and food production.

After one or two years, people's livelihood will be greatly improved, and the food will be enough to maintain the logistics of the army.

As for The disadvantage is that as a Taiwei, he will be superior to all military officers and civil servants.

The governors in charge of several provinces in later generations did not have as much authority as Yue Fei.

It can almost be said that the death of a small half of the Song Dynasty's territory was completely subject to orders. He.

Thinking of this, Yue Fei suddenly regretted it.

He already had a lot of troops, and he still asked for such great authority.

Isn't it a bit inappropriate?

After all, Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty was wearing a yellow robe.

If this decree had been implemented for two years, Yue Fei would have been with him. Zhao Kuangyin was almost ready at that time.

He had soldiers, power, and everything.

At night,

Yue Fei thought about it and felt that he was still impulsive. He cared so much about the Northern Expedition that he ignored it.

That night he began to write a memorial and expressed his thoughts. I deeply reflected on my mistakes.

Unexpectedly, just after writing the memorial, when I was about to send it the next day, the imperial edict came down, almost exactly according to Yue Fei's vision, giving him great power!

Liu Chan also wrote him A letter to the effect that

"I believe in you, feel free to do it."

Yue Fei was stunned on the spot, and then burst into tears.

The officials believed in him too much!

The generals of the Yue Family Army were also in awe, and burst into tears.

If you are not absolutely loyal to the officials, you are absolutely not loyal!

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