Dabai Gaoguo, or Bangni Dingguo.

Located in the northwest of the Song Dynasty, it occupied the land of Shaanxi and Gansu.

There are twenty-two prefectures, and twelve supervisory and military departments on the left and right sides are in charge of the local areas.

Dangxiang people also have a more familiar name, Xixia.

Xixia is undoubtedly a small country, and diplomacy occupies a large proportion of national affairs.

The status is similar to that of Korea in Liaodong.

It is nominally attached to a powerful country.

In fact, he is a dog for different people.

People from Liao, Jin, or even Song.

However, they are not ashamed of it, but are complacent about it.

In the Xixia people's own words, the Jin people were responsible for protecting them, and the Song people were responsible for providing them with a large number of commodities.

It is probably a beautiful thing for two powerful countries to serve our country!

Our Xixia is really too strong! royal palace.

Li Qianshun, the leader of the Xixia Kingdom in his sixties, sat on the dragon chair and looked at the courtiers below.

"Did Song and Jin negotiate peace?"

There was a bit of disbelief in his tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty.

After the peace talks between the Song and Jin Dynasties, the two sides ceased war and started mutual trade on the border."

WestThe prime minister also said that this matter was indeed a bit unbelievable.

Not only peace talks, but also the conditions for peace talks.

The people of Song Dynasty didn’t send any coins as gifts!

"I heard that there was a very powerful person in the Song Dynasty named Yue Fei.

It is said that a large amount of territory was recovered and even fought all the way to Bianjing."

Li Qianshun is a bit old and cannot keep up with his energy. It is time to retire.

Unfortunately, emperors are generally lifelong.

Either he dies physically or he is physically killed."

"Your Majesty, yes.

Yue Fei is now the Taiwei of the Song Dynasty and controls an army of more than 200,000 people.

It's just that it's powerful, but it's just a sneak attack while the puppet Qi was defeated, which is not worth mentioning."

Xi Xia Zai is not too concerned about Yue Fei.

After all, the Song Dynasty and Xi Xia have been fighting for many years.

No matter how powerful the general is, he has never defeated Xi Xia, right?

"Well, let's stop the war, it has nothing to do with us.

I just want to discuss with the Song people that the scale of the mutual market will be expanded in recent years."

The Xixia Kingdom is a bit similar to the Jin Kingdom, or rather all the grassland tribes.

They all learned from the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains and began to reform themselves.

Like the Jin people, the Xixia people's living habits are getting closer and closer to those of the Song people.

And the Song people's life , requires a large amount of materials to support.

For many goods, only the Song people had the technology and raw materials to manufacture them.


Xixia has its own survival strategy.

It makes friends with the powerful Jin Kingdom and maintains certain relations with the Song people.

Such a life is quite comfortable and nourishing.

However, everything changed after Liu Chan sent the envoy.In the imperial palace, the leader of the Xixia Kingdom and a group of ministers summoned the envoy from the Song Dynasty. The person who came was a minister from the Ministry of Rites, and presented the credentials of the good friends.

To sum up, it can be summed up in one sentence,

"The Lord of the Kingdom, our official family intends to have good relations with Xixia. Do we want to join forces to fight against the Jin Dynasty?"

After Li Qianshun read it, he could not deny it.

After the Xixia Prime Minister read it, he was just disdainful.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, they still had the intention of making friends with the Song Dynasty.

But now, the people of the Song Dynasty have been beaten to a corner.

Half of the country is gone, but It is a weak country.

Therefore, the attitude of the Xixia people is very arrogant

"It is natural to have good relations with Song Dynasty, but we need to expand mutual markets.

As for resistance to gold? Haha, you should recover the fallen territory first."

The words of the Xixia Prime Minister were very direct.

"Oh, what Xixia means is that they just want to expand the mutual market to make profits.

Don’t want to give anything?"

The envoy from the Song Dynasty frowned.

The Prime Minister of Xixia smiled slightly.

"How can we say that? When both parties trade with each other, they benefit from each other.

Didn’t you also get a lot of cattle and sheep?

This is a great thing that is mutually beneficial. How can we say we are taking advantage?"

He said this, but in recent years, the cattle, sheep and horses exchanged with the Song people can be described as old, weak, sick and disabled.

Hearing this, the Song envoy remembered Liu Chan's explanation.

Naturally, he had nothing to say, not at all. No nonsense, speak straightforwardly

"Then there is no need for mutual trade between Song and Xixia.

From today on, we will completely close all markets.

Until Xixia is sincere!"

When these words came out, the whole hall fell silent.

All Xixia people did not expect that the weak Song people would become so tough. They said they would stop trading, and they stopped immediately.

Although Li Qianshun, the leader of the Xixia Kingdom, is old, he is not very smart. Flexible.

But he knew that the impact of this matter was too great.

The people from the Zhongshu Division immediately stood up to smooth things over.

"Your Majesty, please don't get excited. We can sit down and talk slowly about anything.

As for the mutual market, let’s keep the status quo."

There is a little more euphemism in the words.

Compared with the Xixia prime ministers who favor Jin people, Zhongshu Si is responsible for administration and finance.

It can be said that they are pro-Song people. They are Xixia people with a high degree of Song culture.

"We hope that Xixia will give a reply as soon as possible. Does it support the Jin people or the Song people?

If it's the former, then we have no point in negotiating.

You still have one day left!"

After saying this, the envoy from the Song Dynasty handed over his hands and left the court.

His words and deeds were not decisive.

It reminded the Xixia people present of the envoy from the Jin Dynasty. The envoy seemed to be so"arrogant"?

After a while, the officials of the Zhongshu Division knelt down. shouting

"Your Majesty, the mutual trade between Song and Xixia cannot stop!

Otherwise, there will be big trouble!"

Needless to say, the king and ministers present all knew the seriousness of this matter.

However, in terms of military affairs, Xixia did completely favor the Jin people.

The Song people may not be able to destroy them, but the Jin people will definitely be able to destroy them.

"What a good thing!"

The somewhat elderly leader of the country looked at the ministers and seemed to be asking for advice.

The prime ministers, including the prime minister of Xixia, were just silent.

They were thinking about ways to break the situation.

None of them expected that the ultimatum from the Song Dynasty came. So fast.

In the past, they didn’t have to worry about choosing sides.

Is it the Jin Kingdom or the Song Kingdom?

Everyone was caught in all kinds of entanglements.

For a time, the dignity of the small country was gone.

What was left was only the majesty of the big country! The small countries that survive seem to have everything they need.

However, when a crisis comes, a drop of water thrown by a big country is like a huge wave to them!

"The king, ministers and others suggested that the Song people should be temporarily stabilized."

Some people want to deceive the Song people and keep trading with each other.

Others are more tough,"Is it disadvantageous for the Song people to deceive us?

The worst possible outcome is to imitate the Jin Kingdom and send an army southward!

When the time comes, the people of the Song Dynasty will not only expand the scale of mutual trade, but also pay annual coins to Xixia!"

The remarks of the Privy Council and others immediately aroused everyone's approval.

"It makes sense, the Song people are so aggressive, how can Xixia cower?"

The Prime Minister of Xixia has wanted to send troops to Song for a long time, and now he has an excuse.

"Yes, just use the name of deliberately destroying the mutual market to send troops to Song Dynasty!"

The pro-Song faction above the imperial court were all civil servants.

Almost all military generals supported the war against Song!

"In that case, let's declare war."

The leader of the Xixia Kingdom thought for a moment. Half of the Song people had fallen, and they were probably much weaker than before.

Just fight.

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Soon, Xixia decided to send troops.

But no one realized a problem. It was the Jin people in their peak period who defeated the Song people.

Not them Xixia people.

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