Dabai Gaoguo, this is what the Xixia people call themselves.

But in fact, they are neither majestic nor fair.

It's better to say it's shameless than being upright and honorable!

After detaining the Song envoys, Xixia chose to fight undeclared.

Immediately sent troops across the mountain and launched a sneak attack.

The unexpected Song army was caught off guard.

The people of Xixia conquered five cities in three days, and for a time there was a loud noise in the country.

It turns out that the Song people are so weak now!

If we had known earlier, we Xixia should have sent troops earlier!

The left guard of the camp is located.

When Wu Jie heard that Xixia was sending troops, he was first confused and secondly angry.

The Song people also have a new understanding of Xixia's shamelessness

"Report, Anzhou, Huizhou, and Jiangzhou fell!"

"Dare to come out from Hengshan and eat them!"

Wu Jie immediately ordered and mobilized the army to march towards the border.

Every time the Song Dynasty could not destroy Xixia, it was because of the Hengshan Mountains blocking it here.

Defending according to the natural dangers, Xixia held on for many years.

The Song Dynasty occasionally won battles, but it could not destroy the country.

Half a month later,

Liu Chan from Jiankang learned about the instability at the border.

After thinking for a long time, he remembered that he had given Xixia an ultimatum.

"Officials and ministers thought this was a good opportunity to destroy Xia.

The Song and Jin Dynasties have negotiated peace, and there will be no war for the time being. It is just time to gather the troops to fight across Hengshan!"

Prime Minister Zhang Jun suggested with his hands raised.

Yue Fei's steady stream of good news made them, the upper echelons, no longer afraid of war.

Anyway, Xixia is also a hidden danger, and it should be eradicated!

"The left guard army in the camp can barely garrison in central Shu and northern Shaanxi. How many people can be mobilized to attack Xixia?"

"Twenty or thirty thousand, maybe."

"In the official house, the Huaixi Army is resting.

Why not send Li Qiong to fight Xixia?

Part of the Yuejia Army in the central part can also be mobilized."

Liu Chan, who heard this, thought this was a good idea. Of the 40,000 Huaixi troops before, only more than 10,000 died.

But because of their great achievements, it was not they who suppressed so many puppet Qi troops.

The subsequent encirclement It can't be so smooth.

As of today, the Huaixi Army has recovered to 40,000 people, and the troops are well-equipped with sufficient food.

Soon, Liu Chan's order was conveyed to the Huaixi Army.

Tens of thousands of people were mobilized, and countless supplies of food and grass were sent to Xixia sent to the direction.

Forty thousand Huaixi troops, thirty thousand Yue Jia troops, and thirty thousand camp left guard troops. One hundred thousand troops, plus auxiliary troops, a total of two hundred thousand.

They lined up on the border of Xixia in a mighty manner.

A big battle, About to start


Xixia, imperial palace.

The battle report from the front is coming

"Anzhou and Huizhou fell."

The king and ministers in the main hall were silent.

A few good reports from the front line had just arrived, and two of them were immediately lost in the sneak attack on the three states occupied.

"Our side is only small in number, with only 5,000 cavalry and 20,000 infantry.

The Song people completely took advantage of their numbers!"

The Xixia Prime Minister's pale excuse made everyone discover an embarrassing fact.

Compared with the Jin people, they are far behind in terms of military strength and combat power.

"Yes, those who attacked this time were just ordinary soldiers, and neither our Tieyaozi nor Bubazi went into battle!"

As soon as these words came out, the ministers in the hall immediately comforted themselves.

"Well said, as long as we send out the iron kites, everything will be fine!"

The so-called Iron Kites and Bubazi are actually heavy cavalry and elite mountain soldiers.

"Lord, why not negotiate peace with the Song people?"

The pro-Song faction in Zhongshusi began to dissuade them when they got the opportunity.

They also produced statistics on the large-scale conflict, battle losses and gains.

After more than 20 years, the Xixia people recalled that kind of war again. The feeling of blood loss.

There is no oil and water on the border, and people don’t like to settle here.

The more we fight, the more serious the losses will be.

"Lord, the benefits brought by the deployment of troops are not worth the huge expenditure!"

The words of the pro-Song faction made the Prime Minister of Xixia and others feel a little uncomfortable.

But they had to admit that sending troops this time seemed a bit impulsive?

After an awkward moment, Prince Li Renxiao stood up and said

"Father, please send out envoys from the Song Dynasty now.

Stop this conflict as soon as possible and reopen trade with each other."

Hearing this, the leader of the country, Li Qianshun, nodded and felt that the war should not be expanded.

"The prince's words make sense. Go and invite the envoys from the Song Dynasty."

It's just that the Xixia side went to war on its own and wanted to unilaterally cease the war.

How can such a good thing happen?

Two months later,

200,000 Song troops marched on the Xixia border, and Li Qiong was appointed as the commander of the battle.

This promotion Speed ​​is also very rare in the Song army.

Li Qiong himself naturally thanked the officials in every possible way.

The atmosphere in Xixia immediately changed.

Jing Song, no, the pro-Song faction began to shout loudly in the court Call

"We shouldn't provoke the Song people!"

"This war should not be started by us!"

"You are the sinners of Xixia!"

"Want peace, not war!"

The Prime Minister of Xixia heard this and stared at them with his eyes, very dissatisfied.

In his eyes, these pro-Song factions are traitors!

To this day, he can only continue on the road of making good friends with the Jin people, and it is impossible to change his ways..The

Prime Minister of Western Xia raised his hands to Li Qianshun and said

"Lord, this is shocking!

This is not the first time that people from the Song Dynasty have come here, and there are natural dangers in Hengshan Mountain.

They will only lose troops and generals!"

After a pause, he continued

"What's more, this time we contacted Jinren.

They also promised to send a large army as support if the Song people dared to march in a big way.

Then Xixia and the Jin army joined forces and together they destroyed 200,000 Song troops in Hengshan!"

His words were full of murderous intent, which made the Zhuhe faction, that is, the pro-Song faction, slightly afraid and quiet down.

"Just do as you say."

The elderly leader Li Qianshun could only make this decision.

It is an unswerving national policy to be close to the Jin people militarily.

However, the Xixia people still took it for granted.

The Jin people signed the peace treaty, not because they were doing great good.

But they really can't fight anymore.

At first, Wanyan Zongpan mobilized 80,000 elite cavalry to support Xixia.

If the Song army entered the hinterland of Xixia, it would cut off their food and grass, and they would be outflanked and annihilated by taking the rear route.

If you can eliminate 200,000 Song troops, you can greatly weaken the Song Dynasty.

But Yue Fei, who was in Bianjing, also fully agreed with Wanyan Zongpan's decision.

The Jin army stationed along the Yellow River had just left a few dozen miles away when the Yue Family Army began to fully mobilize.

If you dare to mobilize troops, I will dare to cross the river!

After careful consideration, Wanyan Zongpan decided to calm down and call his troops back.

Let Yue Fei have a weak point today to prevent him from starting the Northern Expedition again.

Wanyan Zongpan, who did not dare to take risks, had no choice but to choose Xixia.

However, this caused hardship to the Xixia people who had been waiting for reinforcements for a long time.

Because Li Qiong's Huaixi Army was completely reborn, its combat effectiveness was greatly increased.

What's more, there are also 30,000 Yue family troops led by Niu Gao in the team.

Beating the Xixia Army cannot be said to be easy, it can only be said to be the same as beating a son.

Lingzhou, Hongzhou, Youzhou, Yinzhou, Xiazhou.

Shizhou, Yanzhou, and Nanweizhou were all captured by Li Qiong within three months.

Xingzhou, Dingzhou, Huaizhou, Yongzhou, Liangzhou.

Half of Ganzhou, Suzhou, Guazhou and Shazhou were captured.

The remaining half is also at stake.

Now, Xixia has become the embarrassing existence that has lost half of the country.

Under Li Qiong's frantic attack, the Song army had already reached the city.

Li Qianshun, who was besieged in Xingqing Mansion, the capital, was almost sent away without being frightened.

He has been working hard to contact the people of Song Dynasty and sent Shichen to express Xixia's willingness to surrender!

Li Qianshun was willing to immediately change his name to Zhao Qianshun and become a vassal state of the Song Dynasty.

After all, it's not like he's never done this before.

Decades ago, when Song Shenzong defeated Xixia, the leader of Xixia had already changed his name once.

This matter is familiar to him!

No psychological pressure at all!

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