Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1347: Uncle, what are you doing?

He Lichen still didn't understand, what does it have to do with him eating with his cousin?

"Call, what's the matter?" He Lichen asked the question.

"I want to tell you one thing, it's Jianyi's thing." Wan Kun said without circumstance.

Hearing the words Jianyi, He Lichen immediately got serious, but didn't answer immediately. After a few seconds of preparation, he asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"She is also eating in this restaurant." Wan Kun replied, already guessing what Li Chen would ask next.

"With whom?" He Lichen was really nervous as he blurted out the question.

Wan Kun replied, "There is a man and a woman, but according to my observation, that man seems to like Jian Yi."

He Lichen didn't doubt Wan Kun's observations. He, Wan Kun, and Li Xuwen, the insights of the three of them were basically on the same level, so he believed in his observations.

"Which restaurant?" He Lichen asked calmly.

Wan Kun knew that He Lichen wanted to come over, thought for a moment, and persuaded, "Don't come over, maybe they have already left."

"When I first came into the restaurant, I saw that they had eaten half of it, and it was such a long time, maybe they left." Wan Kun said.

He Lichen did not speak any more, but the anger in his heart did not diminish at all, but rose rapidly.

Very good. I acted like a baby in front of myself last night. Because I was in the club, I didn’t sleep in the middle of the night and I let myself stay with her. Today, I ate with others behind my back. Up.

Wan Kun knew that Li Chen was angry, and said, "Li Chen, I'll just tell you what I know, don't be impulsive, just ask Jian Yi that girl, and talk to you two. ."

"I know the importance and dependence of Jian Yi to you, so I told you this. What to do later, you should weigh it yourself." Wan Kun said in a serious tone.

He Lichen's sanity also returned a bit, temporarily suppressing his inner anger, "Well, I know."

"Okay, then this matter, nothing else."


After hanging up the phone, He Lichen pondered for a while in the living room, and decided not to call the girl first, and accompany his parents to dinner first, and talk about her affairs later.

He Lichen returned to the dining room, and as soon as he sat down, he heard his mother's voice.

"Wan Kun is looking for you, what's the matter?" Cheng Nuo asked.

"It's okay," He Lichen replied to his mother, "just chatted a few words."

"Well, then eat quickly." Cheng Nuo said.

He Lichen nodded and ate with his parents again.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo didn't take the matter of their son answering the phone seriously. They ate and talked, and the atmosphere was the same as before.

After eating, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo went upstairs. He Lichen sat on the sofa in the living room, watching the news on the TV, but in his mind, the figure was all the girl.

What is she doing now? are you at home? Where are you with that man? Overnight life.

After thinking for a long time, He Lichen took back his thoughts and wanted to call the little girl, but he hesitated again. He Lichen took out his mobile phone until he went upstairs and returned to his room. Without much hesitation, he called the little girl. Child's number.

"Hey, uncle, you haven't rested yet?" Jian Yi answered the phone and asked naturally.

"Where are you?" He Lichen asked.


""Jane Yi was taken aback, what did uncle mean? "I'm at home, where else can I be?"

"Who is at home with?"

"Are you alone," Jian Yi asked, even more confused, "Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

Only then did He Lichen know that his series of questions is indeed too strange. I guess this girl doesn't know what she knows yet.

"Why did you go after get off work?" He Lichen asked with a change of tone, a little gentle.

The previous doubts in Jian Yi's heart also disappeared, because the problem of uncle is still normal.

"I went to dinner with my colleague, and came back after dinner." Jian Yi replied.

"Which colleague?" He Lichen asked.

Jane became smarter now, and did not answer immediately, but asked, "Uncle, can you check the post?"

"Should it not be investigated?" He Lichen asked back, "You are in this city, and I am your guardian."

Her only support in this city is herself. For her, she is her guardian and family.

"But I'm all grown up, and I don't need a guardian." Jian Yi retorted, as it was. I'm so old, so why would I need a guardian? Some of my colleagues, they are all in charge of their own affairs, and they want to do the same.

"When I grow up, my wings are harder?" He Lichen asked with a low tone.

Jian Yi knew that my uncle was a little angry, so she could only admit it, "No."

He Lichen did not cling to this topic anymore, because what he cared about was not at all, so he asked, "Which colleague did you eat with?"

"What about two colleagues, one man and one woman." Jian Yi replied.

"What's the man's name?" He Lichen asked directly. It was this man that he wanted to ask.

"" Jian Yi was stunned. Uncle didn't ask Hu Yangyang, but asked Wang Feng. This was "Uncle, what are you doing?"

He Lichen would not hold back because of his excitement. He said, "That man, like you?"

"No, it's just an ordinary colleague relationship." Jian Yi replied, still wondering what the uncle is guessing? How could Wang Feng like himself? And Wang Feng has never said that he likes himself.

"Ordinary colleagues, can I invite you to dinner?" He Lichen asked.

"Why not? He invited me and Yangyang to eat together. Everyone is a colleague. It's normal to eat a meal and it's good?" Jian Yi said, still not forgetting his childish tone.

But after speaking, Jian Yi suddenly understood something in his heart and suddenly realized that it seemed that Wang Feng's original intention was to invite himself to dinner.

"Are you sure he invited you two girls to dinner together?" He Lichen asked.

Jian Yi couldn't answer, but hesitated, "that me that"

Jian Yi didn't dare to lie in front of his uncle, because if he was discovered by the uncle, he was really going to die, and he didn't want to bear the punishment of the uncle.

"Say, what is his name?" He Lichen asked.

Although Jian Yi had a guilty conscience, but still had IQ, he didn't answer, and instead asked my uncle, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Don't do it." He Lichen said, thinking in his heart that this girl seems to have become smarter. She used to answer her own questions directly, but now she has to go around with herself before answering.

When Jian Yi heard the uncle say not to do, she only thought that the uncle cared about herself, so she answered without thinking too much. "His name is Wang Feng."

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