Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1348: Do one thing

"In your department?"

"Well, yes," Jian Yi replied, "Everyone usually works together. The relationship is okay, so I went to dinner today."

"Not allowed to go next time," He Lichen ordered directly, "no three of them are allowed to go."

"When can I go then?" Jian Yi asked. If there were no parties, he would be very boring. Uncle couldn't accompany him every day. He was so busy, so he would definitely have to gather with colleagues from time to time.

"You can go to the party organized by the company." He Lichen replied, this girl, she must be careful in the future, or she will be stared at by others, her mind is simple, and she can be deceived by others.

"Oh," Jian Yi asked again, "then I go to dinner with Yangyang? Can't it?"

"Female colleagues are fine, I have no opinion." He Lichen said that it is normal for her to have a few good friends and best girlfriends, and she will not stop her from making friends.

"Good." Jian Yi was happy now, and replied excitedly.

"Well, if it's okay, rest early," He Lichen said.

"No, uncle, I have something." Jian Yi said hurriedly, very afraid that uncle would immediately hang up the phone.

He Lichen heard the little girl's voice and had already guessed that she was anxious over there, thinking about it, a smile passed through his heart.

"Huh?" He Lichen answered.

"Uncle, when will you come to see me?" Jian Yi asked.

"Didn't you just see it yesterday?" He Lichen asked.

"Yesterday was yesterday, I was asking you, when will you come to see me next time?" Jian Yi explained to the uncle very seriously.

He Lichen actually understood what she meant. I asked her on purpose. This will raise a smile on the corner of his mouth and replied, "I don’t know yet. If you’re busy these days, if you’re not busy, what day will you get off work? Go and eat dinner."

"Okay, okay," Jian Yi replied happily, but he still has things to do, "but uncle, can you accompany me for two days this weekend?"

"Weekend?" He Lichen repeated.

"Well, the weekend." Jane said with certainty.

He Lichen thought about it and said, "If there is nothing to do on the weekend, I will come to accompany you."

"Are you not sure what's going on this weekend?" Jian Yi asked, wanting an accurate answer so that he would feel more at ease.

"I can't be sure for the time being." He Lichen said that his position and identity are doomed to these uncertainties, temporary changes, temporary cancellations, accidents, such words and descriptions, too much happened to him.

"Uncle" Jane yelled coquettishly.

This sound made He Lichen's whole heart soft. This girl does have this ability. As long as she acts like a baby, her original decision and persistence will change.

He Lichen changed his mind and said, "Okay, okay, I'll be with you on weekends and two days."

Jian Yi was satisfied and said happily, "Uncle, if there is anything, you try to deal with it in advance, or postpone it to next week, okay?"

Jian Yi felt that she should also be considerate, so that it would be useful to act like a baby next time in front of her uncle.

"Well, I know," He Lichen replied, saying again, "Don't worry about this."


"Is there anything else?" He Lichen asked.

"Nothing." Jian Yi replied.

"Then rest early, and don't stay up late tonight." He Lichen said.


"Okay, uncle, then I'm going to bed."


When he hung up the phone, He Lichen was happy in his heart, smiling slightly at the corner of his mouth, and his mind was full of chicks.

But after ten seconds passed, He Lichen's expression changed and became cold.

Picking up the phone again, He Lichen called the assistant.

"Help me do something"

If you dare to beat the person you care about, that person's courage is really big.

The next day, in the morning, He Lichen went to work normally, as if nothing happened.

On the other hand, Jian Yi also went to work happily, still thinking, what should I do with my uncle on weekends? Are you going for a ride in the suburbs? Or stay at home with my uncle and be an otaku? Or go shopping?

Anyway, no matter what I think, the weekend is spent with my uncle, and Jian Yi is still very happy.

When Jian Yi came into the company, she felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Jian Yi has a big question mark in her heart, what's wrong? Why are colleagues all around in twos and threes, what are they talking about?

"Jianyi Jianyi, come here, come here quickly." After seeing Jianyi, Hu Yangyang immediately called Jianyi.

Jian Yi nodded and walked over.

"Jian Yi, have you heard?" a colleague asked Jian Yi.

"What did you hear?" Jian Yi was still at a loss.

"Wang Feng was transferred and transferred to another branch." The colleague answered Jian Yi.

Jian Yi was taken aback, unable to accept this fact in his mind for a while.

Wang Feng was transferred? Why was she suddenly transferred? In the past, when there was a transfer of personnel, everyone would know in advance. Although it was not so accurate, it was more or less trusted, but this time

I only had dinner with Wang Feng last night, but this morning, I was transferred away. Is this too unexpected?

"Wang Feng is now in the personnel director's office."

"A person from the Personnel Department just came over and packed up Wang Feng's things."

"Then Wang Feng won't come back and bid us farewell?"

"I'm sure, I took everything away. Once the HR director's badge is collected, what qualifications does Wang Feng have to come to our department? Maybe he doesn't even have the access card, so he can't get in here."

Colleagues' gossip came into Jian Yi's ear bit by bit.

The office area of ​​each department of the company has an access control card. The company stipulates that except for work contacts, the rest cannot go to other departments casually. Once a moving person is found, it will be handled in accordance with the company system. If the circumstances are serious, it will be handed over to the Legal Department. .

Jian Yi came over in his mind and asked Hu Yangyang, "Did you say that Wang Feng was transferred for any reason?"

"I didn't say, but everyone guessed that if it wasn't for Wang Feng's personal reasons, it was directly determined by the company's personnel," Hu Yangyang replied, "Jianyi, you also know that the company's personnel decisions, but we don't need to give us reasons. Yes, just say hello to our director."

Jian Yi nodded, agreeing in his heart.

Indeed, the style in the company has always been this way.

Jian Yi talked a few words with his colleagues, but couldn't tell why, and it was working time immediately, so everyone went to work.

Jian Yi didn't see Wang Feng in the morning, nor did he see Wang Feng in the afternoon. Jian Yi originally wanted to call Wang Feng. After all, he invited herself and Hu Yangyang to dinner last night. Now he has been transferred. He should call to greet and care. But think about it, Jian Yi still I couldn't muster the courage and didn't make a phone call.

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