And these, Jian Yi did not think of his uncle at all, because the uncle has never participated in his work, and has never inspected his company.

In the next few days, He Lichen and Jian Yi had a very peaceful life.

On Friday, when He Lichen had breakfast in the morning, he said to his parents, "Dad, Mom, I have something to do on the weekend, so I won’t come back home."

"Are you going to another city?" Cheng Nuo asked caringly, thinking that his son was going on a business trip.

"No, I'm still in Xigang, but I won't come back to live at night." He Lichen said.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo didn't ask too much, thinking that if their son doesn't come back and stay at home, then he must be staying at the hotel.

With so many hotels under He Yi, it is not a problem for his son to live in one of them, so he doesn't have to think about asking more, his son knows himself, and he is very rational in what he does.

"Well, then you remember to eat on time, don't be too tired, pay attention to your body." Cheng Nuo was worried and told his son.

"Well, I know." He Lichen nodded.

He Zikai asked casually, "Yiyina boy, how's your job going?"

He Lichen was not surprised to hear my dad mention the little girl, and answered truthfully, "It's fine, there should be nothing wrong."

"Have you seen her at Yiyi Company?" He Zikai asked.


Cheng Nuo said to her son again, "Li Chen, I also care more about Xia Yiyi when she is free. She lives by herself and her workplace is not that simple. I'm really worried that she will be wronged.

Cheng Nuo still cared about the child Yiyi very much.

"Well, I know, Mom." He Lichen replied to his mother that, apart from his family, what he cares most about is the girl, and he has never cared less about her.

"Ask Yiyi again if she is nervous in life. If she is nervous, give her more money, girl, you can't suffer yourself." He Zikai said.

"Yeah." He Lichen also responded to Dad's words.

Cheng Nuo also said to He Zikai at this meeting, "Akai, waiting someday, you and Lichen are not busy, I will call Yiyi, let Yiyi come home, let's have a meal together."

"Well, yes, let's talk about it later, this week Lichen has something, and I have something on Saturday." He Zikai said.


After breakfast, He Lichen went to work and was busy in the company all day. At three o'clock in the afternoon, He Lichen received a call from the little girl.

"Well, what's the matter?" He Lichen answered the phone and asked gently.

"Uncle, when will you finish your work?" Jian Yi asked.

"Not sure, there are still a few documents to approve." He Lichen said.

"Will you work overtime that afternoon?" Jian Yi asked.

He Lichen didn't know what the little girl was going to do, so he asked directly, "What are your plans?"

Jian Yi knew that her careful thoughts could not be hidden from her uncle, and said, "I was thinking, if you have to work overtime, I will take a taxi to the headquarters to find you, and then go back to the apartment with you."

After speaking, Jian Yi added, "Uncle, I didn't drive to work in the morning. I took a taxi to the company." He Lichen understood completely now, and followed the little girl’s words, "So you started planning in the morning, let me take you back in the afternoon?"

"Hehe, it's not morning," Jian Yi confessed truthfully. "It was planned last night and implemented in the morning."

"Furthermore, anyway, you promised me to stay with me on weekends. Then, when I get off work today, I will be with me. This is what you promised." Jian Yi said, in his own heart, when I get off work on Friday, it has already started. The weekend is over, so my uncle will start to accompany himself.

He Lichen had understood the little girl's thoughts a long time ago, and he didn't feel surprised in his heart. He spoiled her and said, "Well, let's do this, I will let the assistant pick you up now, you come over to me after work, and I will take you to dinner later. "

"No, I'll take a taxi myself."

"I don't worry about you taking a taxi," He Lichen said directly, "That's it. I will let the assistant pick you up. You will contact him later."

"Oh, okay." Jian Yi replied. The younger uncle's assistant knew him and was familiar with him, so there was no difficulty in contact or communication.

He Lichen then changed the subject and asked the little girl, "Are you finished with work?"

"One more thing," Jian Yi replied, "I will call you in the pantry, and then I will go back to work."

"Well, go, meet and talk later, I'll wait for you at the company."


After getting off work in the afternoon, Jian Yi received a call from his assistant Zhou Wei before leaving the office.

"Sister Jian, are you in the parking lot?" Zhou Wei asked Jian Yi politely.

Jian Yi is a friend of Mr. He, a special friend. Because she is relatively young, she can't call her Miss Jian or Ms. Jian, so she finally decided on the name Jian Xiaomei, which is easy and pleasant.

"Not yet, Brother Zhou Wei," Jian Yi hurriedly replied, "I'm still in the office, and I will come down soon."

"Okay, don't worry, I'm in the parking lot b2, the location of zone a, the license plate number is"

"Well, I remember." Jian Yi replied.

After hanging up the phone, Jian Yi hurriedly packed his things, greeted Hu Yangyang, and left the company.

Came to the parking lot and found Zhou Wei, Jian Yi followed Zhou Wei to He Yi headquarters.

At the He Yi headquarters, all employees have also left work, but there are not a few people working overtime, so there is still an atmosphere of going to work in the reorganization of the building.

Carrying a backpack, Jian Yi followed Zhou Wei and walked to her uncle's office. Along the way, Jian Yi met the employees of He Yi’s headquarters. Similarly, He Yi’s employees also saw Jian Yi, but everyone didn’t care much. They only thought that it might be a friend of Mr. He, who walked side by side with Assistant Zhou. These employees did not doubt Jian Yi’s identity, nor did they think much.

In their hearts, work is much more important than gossip. Gossip is just a chat in their leisure time or in the afternoon tea room.

He Lichen was busy in the office when he suddenly heard a sound at the door, not a knock on the door.

He Lichen looked up and saw a small head sticking in through the crack in the door.

Jian Yi looked at his uncle with a smile, and shouted, "Uncle."

He Lichen didn't feel surprised by this chick's peculiar appearance, but said calmly, "Come in."

"Yeah." Jane replied and walked into my uncle's office.

As she walked towards the uncle, Jian Yi asked, "Uncle, how much work do you have to do?"

"After reading this document, it's fine." He Lichen replied.

"Oh." He Lichen stretched out his long arm after the little girl came to him, motioning for the little girl to come into his arms.

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