Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 452: No feelings for you anymore

Gu Yao did not answer, nor said a word.

Song Jingye stretched out his hands and put them on Gu Yao's shoulders carefully, then slowly pulled her into his arms.

Warm and familiar embrace, Gu Yao's heart instantly warmed, and at this moment she couldn't help but cried again.

Song Jingye felt that the woman in his arms was crying, and his whole heart was broken.

"Sorry, I was too impulsive, sorry." Song Jingye apologized in a low voice.

Keep your breath down, you are only in front of this woman, and this woman is the only one in your life, who can let yourself down and let go of all dignity and pride.

Hearing Song Jingye's apology, Gu Yao felt even more uncomfortable, and wanted to disprove it. It was not his fault, he didn't need to apologize, but at this time, I felt that my voice was like a fire, and it was so dry that I couldn't say a word.

Song Jingye held Gu Yao tighter, as if she was going to disappear in the next second, restrained her firmly, and kept saying sorry.

"It's all my fault, sorry."

"Yaoyao, be good, don't cry, okay?"

"It's okay to hit me or scold me how you want, as long as you are happy, you can treat me well."

Listening to Song Jingye's words, Gu Yao cried more sadly, stretched out her hands and hugged Song Jingye's waist.

Song Jingye felt Gu Yao's actions, and he couldn't help being surprised. It was more joy. Is this Yaoyao's initiative? Is it her love for herself?

"Jing Ye" Gu Yao called out with a hoarse voice.

Hearing Gu Yao's voice, Song Jingye immediately frowned. In her voice, how long had she been crying?

"Hey, don't talk." Song Jingye said hurriedly, lowering his head and looking at the woman in his arms, and said in a gentle voice, "Shall we go home, okay?"

"Yeah" Gu Yao nodded lightly, she didn't want to pretend, maybe she was really tired, tired of heart, tired of people, she wanted to be with this man and enjoy his goodness and love.

Song Jingye got up, hugged Gu Yao directly, and walked to his car, worried that the woman in her arms might be suspicious, and explained, "I will let Guan Wei come over and drive back in your car later."

"Yeah." Gu Yao responded without saying much.

Song Jingye put Gu Yao in the car, then went to her car to get her bag and mobile phone before returning to her car.

On the way back to Yujingyuan, Song Jingye drove very quickly, wishing to get home in the next second and pour Yaoyao a cup of hot water to moisturize her throat.

"Jing Ye." Gu Yao endured the discomfort in her throat, turning her head to look at Song Jingye.

"Don't talk, be good." Song Jingye comforted Gu Yao, her hoarse voice pierced into her heart like a knife.

It's because I'm not good, because I didn't take good care of her, didn't protect her, that made her cry for so long, now her voice must be uncomfortable.

"It's my fault, it's my fault, I'm sorry." If it wasn't for physical reasons, I couldn't be in this situation with him. I really hate myself, hate my illness, and hate myself every time I pretend, I hate that every impulse will make him worry and make him sad.

Regardless of Song Jingye's persuasion, Gu Yao continued to speak, looking at Song Jingye's profile with sincerity.

Song Jingye slowed down the speed of the car, stretched out his right hand freely, stroked Gu Yao's cheek, and said with a pity, "Observe, sit quietly, and you will be home in a while."

I can feel the uncomfortable feeling in Gu Yao's voice every time he says a word.


Gu Yao nodded, she was really good now and didn't speak any more.

The car drove frantically, and soon arrived at Yujingyuan. Song Jingye got off the car, closed the door and quickly went around to the other side.

Gu Yao was opening the door to get out of the car, but Song Jingye hugged him out of the car before she moved.

"I can go by myself." Gu Yao said with difficulty.

Song Jingye didn't answer, but glanced at the woman in his arms, with a firm and domineering look in his eyes.

Gu Yao pursed her lips and did not speak any more.

Entering the villa, Song Jingye hugged Gu Yao to the living room, shouting, "Wang Ma, bring a cup of hot water."

Mother Wang was walking out of the restaurant and saw her husband holding Ms. Gu, and then she looked at Ms. Gu's face. It was very bad.

"Well, good" Wang Ma answered, and hurriedly turned and went into the kitchen.

Song Jingye put Gu Yao on the sofa, then took the pillow and thin blanket on the sofa, let her lie on the sofa, and covered her with the thin blanket.

"Is it cold?" Song Jingye asked, combing through the bits and pieces of hair in front of Gu Yao's forehead.

Gu Yao shook her head, did not dare to speak, worried that if he said another word, this man might yell at himself.

Song Jingye looked at Gu Yao with a pity on his face. When Wang Ma brought water, Song Jingye gently lifted Gu Yao up and fed her water.

After drinking a glass of water, Gu Yao's throat felt moisturized, and instantly healed a lot, and the whole person felt a lot easier.

Song Jingye stayed with her like this, and after a while, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was He Zikai's phone.

"Zi Kai is calling, I will answer the phone first." Song Jingye said to Gu Yao.

"Yeah" Gu Yao nodded gently.

Song Jingye went to the balcony to get on He Zikai's phone.

"Did Gu Yao found it?" He Zikai's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, we found it, we have gone home." Song Jingye said.

He Zikai on the other end of the phone was relieved, and then asked, "Then what are your plans afterwards?"

Song Jingye knew what this brother was asking. The problem he is facing now is not about career or life, but about feelings and feelings that are particularly sensitive to him. The dark years when he broke up with Yaoyao , I know it in my heart, and this brother is also very clear in his heart.

"I don't know." Song Jingye looked at the sky and said helplessly, "The second elder urged me, sometimes, I really can't turn my face, after all, they are my parents, but Yaoyao's side, I I never thought about letting go. If I want to get married in the future, my bride can only be her."

After saying this, Song Jingye sighed before saying the next words, "I have never been able to see through her heart. I don't believe her indifference to me and want to leave me. These reasons are because I don't love me. ,I do not believe."

"Then can you think of other reasons?" He Zikai asked. Actually, I thought about Jing Ye and Gu Yao's affairs in his spare time. I can see Jing Ye's feelings for Gu Yao very clearly. Feelings

"Unexpected." Song Jingye answered truthfully, "I don't know what else could make her want to leave me very strongly."

He Zikai was silent on the phone for a long time before saying uncertainly, "Perhaps, she really has no feelings for you."

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