Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 453: Are you coming to pick me up?

Jing Ye couldn't think of another reason, so the only reason, even if he didn't believe it, he had to face reality and believe it.

Listening to He Zikai's voice, Song Jingye didn't say a word. In fact, he had thought of Zi Kai's words a long time ago, but he felt that he had always been deceiving himself and was unwilling to believe the facts.

The two were silent for a long time. He Zikai knew that Song Jingye was not in a good mood, and did not continue to talk, but changed the subject.

"Take a rest early. If possible, find time to chat with Gu Yao." He Zikai said.

"Yeah." Song Jingye replied, and then asked again, "have you and your sister-in-law rested yet?"

"Nuo'er is already asleep, I'll call you in the living room downstairs." He Zikai explained.

"Well, when my sister-in-law's lounge bar opens, Yaoyao and I will be there to give blessings." Song Jingye said that after Jiayi's affairs, some things that were originally planned have also changed. The one that was originally said to open entertainment clubs for them The venue was eventually changed into a sister-in-law for leisure.

"Okay, I will inform you of the time in advance when that time comes." He Zikai said.


Hanging up, Song Jingye went back to the living room and sat down beside Gu Yao.

"Hold you upstairs to rest, eh?" Song Jingye asked.

"Yeah." Gu Yao answered.

Ma Wang stood in the living room, watching her husband holding Miss Gu upstairs, feeling somewhat sad for her husband and Miss Gu.

The husband treats Miss Gu very well, loves and spoils her, and Miss Gu is also very nice, but sometimes he treats her husband very coldly, so this is the reason why they have not been married, right?

Now that the Song family master and the old lady are pressing on the husband, the husband must be uncomfortable? If this continues, will Mr. and Miss Gu stay together?

Song Jingye hugged Gu Yao into the bedroom and heard Gu Yao say.

"Let me down, I am much better now." Gu Yao said, whether it is physical or emotional, she will be better.

In fact, sometimes if you don't think about what happened before, you don't have so much trouble and so much heartache.

"Yeah." Song Jingye let her go, let her down, watched her go to get her pajamas, and turned to the bathroom to help her put the bath water.

After the shower, the two of them lay on the bed, Song Jingye held Gu Yao tightly, as if she was going to disappear in the next second.

"Good night." Gu Yao raised her head with a trace of fatigue and said to Song Jingye.

"Well, go to sleep." Song Jingye replied.

Looking at the woman in his arms, Song Jingye never looked away from her face until he heard her even breathing, Song Jingye's eyes gradually moistened.

After all, without holding back, a tear fell and dripped on his pajamas.

Yaoyao, what am I going to do? Can you keep your people, keep your heart?

A week later, on this day, Song Jingye had just dealt with some things in Crown Casino and was about to give Guan Wei a few more things to do later, when the mobile phone on the desk suddenly rang.

Song Jingye squinted his eyes, it was his mother's call.

"Go ahead and talk later." Song Jingye said to Guan Wei.

"Yeah." Guan Wei nodded slightly, turned and left the office.

Song Jingye took the phone, and when Guan Wei left the office and closed the door, Song Jingye answered the phone.

"Hey, mom." Song Jingye said into the phone.

auzw.com"Jing Ye, my mom told you, I made an appointment with Zhaoqian for lunch for you. You will call Zhaoqian soon, ask where she is, and pick her up. "Hu Xueqin's voice came over the phone.

"Mom" Song Jingye suddenly screamed, helplessly.

Hu Xueqin on the other end of the phone didn’t wait for his son to say anything, so he hurriedly said, “I’ve made an appointment for you at the restaurant. At the high-end restaurant in the city center, you and Zhaoqian will go. Just report your name after you’re done."

"I am very busy today, and I don't have time to go out for lunch." Song Jingye answered his mother indifferently.

"Work things are pushed back one day. At noon today, you must go to dinner with Zhaoqian, Jing Ye, you promised me before." Hu Xueqin said.

Song Jingye was even more helpless now, but thinking about it, he had indeed promised his mother before, there would be no way to refuse.

Hu Xueqin waited for a while, but didn't hear her son say anything else. Knowing that his son agreed, she happily said, "Jing Ye, I will send you Zhaoqian's mobile phone number in a while. You can contact her quickly, you know? Be gentleman, take care of Zhaoqian. The girl Zhaoqian is careful and very particular about etiquette. You must pay more attention."

Listening to his mother's instructions, Song Jingye felt very annoyed, but this time, it seemed that he couldn't push it anymore and could only have lunch with Tong Zhaoqian.

"Mom, I just hung up if nothing happened." Song Jingye said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I will send you Zhaoqian's number." Hu Xueqin said.

Less than 30 seconds after hanging up the phone, Song Jingye received a text message from his mother, which was Tong Zhaoqian's phone number.

Song Jingye exited the SMS box, operated shortcut key 1, and dialed Gu Yao's number.

The phone rang for a while before Gu Yao connected.

"Jing Ye." Gu Yao answered the phone.

Hearing Gu Yao's voice, Song Jingye felt a lot easier in an instant, and his tone became gentle, and asked, "At home?"

"No, I'm shopping with Shu Ting." Gu Yao said, thinking about it, and then explained, "Shu Ting, I seem to have told you that she is my university classmate, and our relationship has always been very good."

Gu Yao remembered Xia Shuting mentioned when chatting with Song Jingye.

"Yeah, I have an impression." Song Jingye replied, listening to this woman's voice, and chatting with her no matter what topic, he felt happy.

"Go home this afternoon?" Song Jingye asked again.

"Well, we plan to go to dinner later, and then go for a beauty treatment in the afternoon." Gu Yao said, her tone as calm as usual, paused after speaking, and asked, "Am I waiting for you to eat at home?"

"Good." Song Jingye agreed.

After chatting a few words, Song Jingye hung up the phone reluctantly.

After a while, Song Jingye reluctantly dialed Tong Zhaoqian's call.

"Jing Ye?" Tong Zhaoqian answered the phone and directly addressed Song Jingye by name.

Song Jingye didn't feel curious when he heard Tong Zhaoqian calling him. It is estimated that his mother had also told Tong Zhaoqian his phone number.

"Well, I'm Song Jingye." Song Jingye introduced herself again before saying, "My mother has ordered a table and will have dinner together at noon. Where are you now?"

"I'm at my house, will you come to pick me up?" Tong Zhaoqian's tone was vaguely happy.

"Well, you can send me the specific location, I will pass now." Song Jingye said, not wanting to chat with Tong Zhaoqian too much.

"Okay." Tong Zhaoqian replied.

Hanging up the phone, Song Jingye sat in the office for a while, and received a text message from Tong Zhaoqian that was the specific address of her home. Song Jingye got up, took the suit jacket and car key, and left the office.

Gu Yao and Xia Shuting strolled happily in the International Shopping Center in the city center, both of them had large or small bags in their hands.

"Yaoyao, are you hungry? How about we go to eat now?" Xia Shuting said and added happily at the end, "We finally made an appointment to go shopping today. We must have a good meal. I know there is a nice restaurant nearby. Fine dining restaurant."

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