Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1070: Night without dust and the final battle of Beijun (seven)

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Dan Yu actually...has been using him all the time?

"Why are you doing this?"

"It's very simple," Dan Yu snorted. "Although I have a strong strength, I have rules that can't be shot by ordinary people. Therefore, I can only open the door of the devil world with the help of the power of the devil. You still need your Help, you have to use it for this reason, rest assured, you helped us to the ancient Dan family, my master will certainly thank you, she is just a woman, how much you have to be, how much you are not afraid to find a wife ?"

Beijun's face became paler, regret and grief appeared in the pair of scorpions. Suddenly, his legs slammed on the ground, holding his head tightly and making a painful mourning.

In the end, he killed her...

"Dan family?"

The phoenix phoenix slammed a fierce sigh, and there was a raging anger in the body: "It is a person from the ancient Dan family. Yes, the instructor behind this incident is the ancient Dan family! They want to get the Dan book, Even if I do this kind of thing, I will never let the master's book fall to their hands!"

"Ancient Dan family?" Mu Ruyue turned his head and looked at the flame phoenix. "Who is that ancient Dan family?"

"This..." The flame phoenix snorted. "It’s a long story. I will tell you slowly later, but the injury on my body is hurt by the ancient Dan family!"

At the end of the day, the flames of the phoenix phoenix flashed fierce, and the bloodthirsty red dragonfly firmly stared at the sky...

"Just don't know, what is coming here is the ancient Dan family."

The strength of the ancient Dan family is too strong. If it is not the self-regulation of the gods, I am afraid that the person who is now the Dan family is...

At that time, the master must be able to escape!

"Mer, be careful!"

Suddenly, an arm pulled her arm and dragged her into her arms. At that moment, a cold dagger pierced the man’s left shoulder, and the blood spurted out like a water column. Slowly sprinkle...

“No dust!”

Mu Ruyue’s face changed dramatically, and he hurriedly took out a medicinal medicine from the space ring and stuffed it into the man’s mouth. He looked worriedly: “Are you okay?”

Dan medicine turned into a medicine flow into the body, warming the place where he was injured.

The night is dust-free and the lips are smeared. The evil charm smiles: "If you can feed me with your mouth, I might recover better..."

Mu Ruyue’s face was red, and the man next to his eyes was stunned: “There is still a mood to make a joke, it seems that you have not suffered multiple injuries...”

However, Mu Ruyue knows to continue, they will be wiped out here.

Her look sank a little, and all the methods were filtered in the brain, but still didn't know how to solve the people in front of them...

At this moment, the entire continent is in a deep water, the devil ran out of the magic pool, and set off a sea of ​​waves on the mainland.

If Murong did not send all the people he met in advance in the early Qing Dynasty, I am afraid that they will be difficult to avoid...

Looking at the woman who was protected by the night without a dust, Bei Jun slowly stood up. He gently closed his eyes and covered the pain and remorse in the shackles.

At this moment, his heart is a regret that has never been seen before.

Because of his difference in thought, he actually hurt his favorite person in his life!

And she is the most reluctant person in his life...

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