Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1071: Night without dust and the final battle of Beijun (eight)

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"White Pond!"

Suddenly, Bei Jun opened his eyes and his cold eyes cast his eyes on Bai Ze: "Give that kind of thing to her!"

Bai Ze's brow is lightly wrinkled: "No, it's too dangerous! If she takes such a thing, she will definitely become a demon... I can't take this risk."

Beijun laughed, and the smile did not have the initial arrogance, but it was with a firmness.

"Don't you always believe her? I also believe that the only person who can be demonized by Magic Crystal is her only, it is my last remorse..."

Looking at Beijun full of painful scorpions, Bai Ze indulged in a half-sound, nodded faintly: "Well, I will believe you this time..."

He raised his hand, and at that moment, there was a spar in his hand.

The spar emits a strong radiance that seems to reflect the whole world...

"Month, then!"


The magic crystal throws a curve in the air and instantly flies to Mu Ruyue.

"Receiving the power within the magic crystal may help you improve your strength..."

Mu Ruyue snorted, raised his hand and grabbed the magic crystal, nodded slightly: "I, I understand..."

At this time, Beijun stared at Mu Ruyue, who was holding the magic crystal. The ice-filled scorpion gradually had a temperature...

"Beijun, you betray me!"

Dan Yu’s angry voice screamed and the whole voice was in the courtyard.

However, even so, he still did not show his true body...

"Dan Yu, you are deceiving me first! You should not want to hurt her. She is the one who is the most unwilling to hurt in my life..."

If not, he will not betray!

"Dan Yu, you have been enchanted, why is there such a deep affection for her? What you should do is to take advantage of it!"


Beijun laughed twice and smiled and smiled. The voice was full of sadness.

"I really want to get her, I can ignore everything, but it doesn't mean that I can watch her death! I can't do it! I will kill more people, I won't wrinkle my brow, only for her, I can't keep it forever, because many years ago, she has already stayed in my heart, even if the magic gas enters deeper, it can't replace her status..."

But after all, he did something too wrong for this love...

But he regretted it, but he was only blinded by Dan Yu and harmed his favorite woman...

"Beijun, you will pay for the things of today, and I will find you later later!" Dan Yu hated his teeth, and he did not expect that the magic crystal of Beijun’s hand would be taken away. When you are persuading others to carry out the absorption of magic crystals...

I knew this early, I shouldn’t use the magic crystal to improve his strength!


At this moment, Mu Ruyue’s palms burst into infinite light, shrouded his entire man under the black wind...

At this time, Mu Ruyue was in a dark world, no light, and there were countless forces rushing into her body, and that powerful force propelled her body to explode...

This feeling of being blasted makes her body tremble, as if it will be wiped out in the next moment...

I don't know how long the time has passed. When Mu Yue is soaked in sweat, a hegemonic force wants to occupy his own soul...

Once the soul is occupied, then from then on, she will become the demon of the six parents who do not know the killing!

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