Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1072: Night without dust and the final battle of Beijun (9)

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So, she must stick to it anyway...

But very quickly, it was a feeling of exhaustion that made her sleepy. Just when Mu Ruyue couldn’t support it, a warm big palm fell into her palm...

"Muer, if one can't insist, let us have a husband and wife to face together. In any case, I will not let you face this hardship alone."

The voice of the man whispered in the mouth of Mu Ruyue, and she fell into a embrace, and opened her eyes slightly. At that moment, the face of the man’s beautiful and evil spirit was reflected in her eyes...

"No dust..."

"Mur, I have been."

Yes, he is always by her side...

"Mother, there is me."

A tender voice sounded behind him, and Mu Ruyue turned his head slightly, his eyes falling on the face of the night sage.

"Huanger, how come you?"

Night Si Huang's splendid smile: "There are bad things that want to occupy the soul of the mother, so I will help the mother, oh, mother, you will take my blood, help you break through the magic crystal..."

When the words fell, the night Si Huang took out the dagger and broke his wrist.

I haven't waited for the two to come back, and the blood spilled out of his wrist, turning into two drops of blood that fell into the mouth of the two...


The powerful force spread from the two people, and Mu Ruyue directly broke through to the demigod. The momentum has not stopped yet, and climbed out again at the fastest speed...

"This... what is going on?"

In addition to the black light, everyone only felt a shake of the mountain, and they saw two golden lights flashing out, instantly illuminating the entire East Island...

Under that ray, people even gave birth to a feeling of worship, and they could no longer remove their gaze...


"Oh my God, it turned out to be God, they actually broke through to God!"

Everyone took a sigh of relief, and the bottom of my heart seemed to roll over a thunderous thunder, shocked and stunned, and stared at the front...

The black light gradually dissipated. For a time, the pair of men and women who appeared in each other appeared in their nephews, and next to the men and women were a little boy like a fairy boy.

Silver red hair, like a fairy like a devil, with that cute and tender face, it is simply a love for people...

"Little Huang children?"

Purple Qianjing stunned, how did Xiaohuanger become this look?

"I didn't want to appear originally."

The night Si Huang smiled brilliantly, but there was a breath of coldness: "But some people have to force me! If so, then I can only show up..."


The night Si Huang took the hand and stood up, and the whole body picked up a gust of wind. At that moment, the whole sky was eclipsed, as if covered with a cloud of dark clouds...


A dragon scorpion came from the dark sky, and then under the eyes of everyone, a huge black shadow swept from the distant sky, and soon appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This is a huge black dragon. The scorpion is fierce, inhuman, and even more savage. It seems that in that black scorpion, everyone is a cockroach...

What is even more shocking is the little boy standing next to Mu Ruyue...

This boy, who is he? Why can you summon such a powerful black dragon...

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