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Just as he wanted to say something, a cold voice broke through the sky and fell into everyone's ears.

"Who just put a cold arrow at me?"

Everyone was a glimpse, looking at the sound, and for a moment, the cold and beautiful face appeared in their eyes.

The woman's white clothes were swaying, her body was covered with a chill, and her eyes were thick and cold.

In this chaotic land, there are countless expensive medicinal materials. Just now, Mu Ruyue just discovered the medicinal material of the refining limit of Dan, but before he had time to take it off, he was cut down by a sudden Jianguang.

But the medicinal material needs to be uprooted, and it will instantly wither away from the roots and leaves, and it is no wonder that she will be so angry...

"who are you?"

The knife man returned to the gods, and the coveted eyes looked at the beautiful woman in front of her eyes, and she felt a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to be like my little girl like them? If so, how can I not satisfy you?"

In this way, Knife Man did not notice the beauty of the man who sank next to Mu Ruyue.

At the moment, she was covered with a layer of cold cold, and the purple scorpion seemed to make people fall into **** instantly. The cold can't help but shudder...

"If..." Mu Ruyue’s voice was awkward, and he laughed. The smile was full of coldness, and it was not as good as the bottom of his eyes. "If you have life to enjoy..."

Lisa fiercely widened her eyes, and a pair of blind gaze gazing at the beautiful face of the moon. After a long time, she returned to God and muttered to herself: "Good, Elaine, I decided, this woman has since It’s my idol...”

Elaine licked his mouth, but did not say anything. His eyes stared straight at Mu Ruyue, and his eyes flashed a strange light...

"Haha! Extremely mad, woman, now I will let you understand my strength!"

The knife man laughed twice and rushed toward Mu Ruyue. Just when he arrived in front of Mu Ruyue, he heard a cold and biting voice.

"Xiao Teng!"

At this moment, the original entangled in Mu Ruyue's wrist raised his small head, and the big eyes that dripped straight and straightened with a cold smile and stared at the knife.

The knife man was suddenly shocked, and he couldn’t help but step back: "This... is this a snake?"

God, the jade bracelet on the woman's hand is actually a snake?

Xiaoteng went up from the upper body of Mu Ruyue, and he opened his mouth without waiting for the knife to return to the gods. The tongue stretched around the other's neck.

A feeling of suffocation came from the heart, causing the knife to stun the eyes of the man, and then under his fearful eyes, Xiao Teng’s mouth was getting bigger and bigger, and he swallowed his entire body with a bang. Go on...

"Do not!"

A heartbreaking voice was isolated from Xiao Teng's **** mouth, and he sat satisfied with a full, slow swim to the arms of Mu Ruyue.

Mu Ruyue’s brows were lightly picked. She originally wanted Xiao Teng to teach him, but she did not expect that the bones that were swallowed directly would not be left...

"The snake is so handsome!" Lisa seemed to see her baby's eyes bright, and couldn't help but scream.

Elaine's face was dark, I don't know where she saw the snake handsome.

"Boss, the boss is dead?"

"Quick, let's run, the snake will eat people!"

"If we don't run again, we will become the belly meal of the snake.

! ”

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