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After everyone saw that the knife was swallowed by a small man, a horror of color came into the heart, and he hurriedly dropped his weapon and ran to the rear. It was like a ghost chasing after him...

Under the gust of wind, the white clothes are shallow.

Mu Ruyue gently stroked Xiao Teng's head, and his lips smacked a slight arc.

At this moment, a weak voice rang in front of her.

"This..." Lisa carried the doll-like face, and the light in her eyes radiated. "You have been so handsome, I like you very much, don't know if we can be friends?"

Mu Ruyue's brows were lightly wrinkled, and the low-pitched eyes swept the lovely face of Loli, only to find that there are still three people here.

"you are……"

Lisa’s eyes lit up: “I’m called Jin Lisha, I don’t know your name...”

"Mu Ruyue."

"Then can I call you the month?" Lisa showed a bright smile. The two tiger teeth were particularly cute in the sun. "Moon, is this snake your little pet? Just like it was swallowed too." Cool, can I touch it?"

During the conversation, Lisa raised her hand and tried to touch Xiao Teng’s head.

Suddenly, Xiao Teng’s eyes shot fierce light and spit on her, seeming to warn her not to be near...

Lisa was shocked and hurriedly retracted her hand, but the light in her eyes did not diminish.

"Sorry, it doesn't like people," Mu Ruyue appeased Xiaoteng and looked up at Lisa standing in front of him. "Do you have anything else?"

Lisa said: "I like you very much, so I want to follow you, you... you will accept me, I will do anything."

Looking at Lisa’s rogue look, Elaine stepped back a few steps: “Can I choose not to know her? And this guy has no eyesight to see it. I didn’t see the man’s face next to the girl’s face. Actually still entangled up..."

Mu Ruyue glanced at Lisa and said faintly: "Sorry, I don't like to get too far with strangers, so I say goodbye."

Lisa did not mind the words of Mu Ruyue, the smile on her face was still brilliant.

"Well, you can go with you, anyway, I have already set you up."


Elaine almost fell to the ground with a head, black with a lady's face, said: "Can she still be shameless? Anyway, I don't know this guy!"

Gu Chen did not say much, staring at Lisa's eyes without consistent indifference, with a touch of soft light that no one can detect...

"Muer!" The night brows and wrinkles, will pull Mu Ruyue into his arms, he said, "It is normal for you to provoke men. When are women even provoked by you? Is it still for men, women and children? provoke?"

"What vinegar are you eating?" Mu Ruyue looked at the night without dust. "She is a woman, you are really a vinegar tank."

The night is dusty and black with a beautiful face: "She wants to entangle you, and I plan to follow you all my life!"

The voice of the man made Lisa not aware of it.

When she first saw the face of the evil spirit, she had a fascinating look in her eyes, but she quickly returned.

As far as she is concerned, the beauty of a person is nothing more than a skin sac. What she admires is the woman’s handsome character. Only such a woman can become her idol...

"Let's go, no dust, the seminary's admissions meeting will begin, we must arrive at that time..."

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