Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1098: Registration, entrance exam (3)

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Elaine's eyebrows were scorned, and he put his hands on his arms and turned his eyes to the door.

Soon, a peacock-like woman came in from the door, her face was covered with thick powder, and the pungent aroma fell into the tip of the nose with the breeze, causing Lisa's eyes to flash a clear disgust.

A group of women with high-spirited commanders helped her carry the baggage in. Her eyes swept to Mu Ruyue and others who stayed in the house and snorted.

"You are a dormitory with me? I like to live alone in a room, and I don't like to be disturbed. I don't want anyone to bother me."

Lisa snorted: "Reassured, no one wants to bother you."

Hearing this, the peacock woman did not care, and continued a group of people behind the conductor to organize the room for her...

"Moon, three days is the entrance exam, let's go have a good time."

Lisa claped her hand and said with a smile: "I have heard that there is everything in this seminary. It is better to take a look at this opportunity."

"Okay," Yi Lian smiled and turned his head to look at Mu Ruyue next to him. "What about you?"

Mu Ruyue frowned: "I have no opinion."

"That's the decision. Let's go to see the situation of the seminary. It is said that it is very lively on Shen Street. Since it is an entrance exam three days later, let's go buy some equipment."


Shen Street is a street in the seminary, which is very similar to the market outside. Not only are there shops, but there are also many seminary students who are collecting medicines and medicines.

"Moon, Elaine, look at it, the jewelry here is beautiful."

Lisa took two people and quickly ran towards a jewelry shop.

In the end of time, the dazzling array of jewelry is reflected in the eyes of the two eyes...

"Three girls, you really have a vision, our shop is the best in the seminary, not only can play a decorative role, but also can be used as a tool for defense."

The boss saw the guests, his eyes didn't shine, and the smile greeted his eyes.

Lisa seems to have never seen anything in the world, like the appearance of a doll, showing the excitement, as if I saw these novelty things for the first time...

At this time, Mu Ruyue’s eyes fell on an inconspicuous black stone.

The stone is only the size of jade, the color is dim, unremarkable, and nobody cares in the corner.

"Shen Shi!"

Mu Ruyue’s heart suddenly tightened.

Yes, this is indeed the **** stone used to create the artifact, but the surface has been deliberately covered with a layer of Wusha, covering its original atmosphere.

If it is not the spirit of Mu Ruyue, I am afraid that I can not detect the black stone wrapped in the Usha...

Just then, a scream came from the side.

"What? So a necklace actually opened ten intermediate Lingshi? Why don't you steal money!"

Lisa snorted and screamed at the gang, angry at the boss, and the burning anger of Xiong Lie in her eyes.

"Girl, my necklace can withstand the attack of a powerful king of the gods. Is it not worth the price?" The boss looked cold and said coldly, no more initial enthusiasm.

What Lisa still wants to say, the voice of Mu Ruyue came from behind: "What happened?"

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