Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1353: Return to the Magic City (3)

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Mu Ruyue looked like a smile and looked at the jade who was still hard. She slowly raised her hand. Suddenly, a bottle of medicinal medicine fell into her hands...

"Moxi, Yan Yan, Xiaoyue, you all come out."

Suddenly, Mu Ruyue gave a light drink.

At the moment when her voice just fell, a few rays of light flashed out and fell in front of her...

"Taro, what are you looking for?"

Yan Brow’s eyebrows seemed to be a bit unpleasant for Mu Ruyue’s interruption of his cultivation...

Although Moxi did not say anything, he glared at a pair of watery eyes and stared at Mu Ruyue.

That look, suddenly let the night bellless heart bells, the eyes are also alert...

Only Xiaobai, since the appearance of Xiaoyue, can no longer look away, the line of sight is obsessed with love, the beauty of the face is full of hook smiles...

Long Xiaotian looked at Xiaobai, and then looked at Xiaoyue, and his brow gently picked it up.

"It seems that my son has grown up, and he has reached the age of love and love..."

Although the race is different, for the people who have become gods, this is not a distance that cannot be crossed...

"You will take this medicinal medicine."

Mu Ruyue waved his hand and threw the medicine in his hand to them.

The three beasts did not hesitate, and they took the medicinal herbs down...

In an instant, the light of the upgrade rises from the body of the three beasts, covering their bodies...

The strength of the three beasts suddenly leaps and bounds, directly from the king of the gods to the king of the king, and then from the king of the king to the peak of the gods...

However, this is not enough.

It didn't take long before I reached the lower level of the Emperor, and then broke through again, and the high-level party slowly stopped.

Let a **** king intermediate Warcraft be promoted to the Emperor senior?

What kind of remedy is needed to make them break through so quickly...

This medicinal medicine was made by Mu Ruyue on the road to the Devil's Forest. He had met the Dark Moon faction before he even used it. It was only at this time that they let them break through...

"Xiao gently is my sister."

Mu Ruyue turned to look at Yuya: "Do you think she has the need to steal the medicinal herbs?"

The jade face is like a gray, a white face, a trembling lips can not say a word.

Yes, she has such power. As her sister, how can she fall into her?

And her strength should be in the senior level.

Even the first pharmacist of the Darkmoon School is just an intermediate level, how to compare with this human woman...

"No dust, waste her."

After saying this, Mu Ruyue slowly turned around and never looked at Yuya again...

The night is dustless, the eyes are taken back from the woman's body, and then cast to the pale jade in front of him.

"Do not!"

The snoring of a heartbreaking lung shook the whole forest and shook a few times.

Then everyone heard a scream, Yuya spit blood, and slammed out. This time, her head stunned and she fainted...

"Well?" Bai Susu brows and flies to the side of Moxi, and some surprised said, "Life and death contract? Shantou, you actually let a Warcraft and you reached a life and death contract?"

You know, life and death contracts are extremely unfair to Warcraft.

When human beings die, they can be resurrected through Warcraft. Warcraft is dead, but it cannot be revived by the contractor. Moreover, if the contractor is scattered, he will disappear into the world...


Ps: The first three groups are already full, set to refuse to add, do not add, now add group 6: 361539467

The answer to this question is for me.

Now I am still more than 10,000 words away from the happy codeword. I have to fight for the 00 being happy by the codeword before the 12 o'clock tomorrow, so I will not appear before 12 o'clock tomorrow, don't look for me. --be good

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