Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1354: Return to the Devil World (4)

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In other words, the birth and death contract is nothing but a unilateral constraint.

For World of Warcraft, there is no benefit.

Therefore, some World of Warcraft can die, and will never complete a life and death contract with humans...

But this girl is so lucky, let Warcraft willingly die for her...

Bai Susu has some sighs, it seems that the daughter who has never forgotten is not simple...

"Shantou, are you looking for someone?"

She raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Mu Ruyue: "I can let the whole Mossen people find it for you. As long as she has not left the Mossen, I can find her."

"Thank you."

Mu Ruyue smiled and said.

"Go, hoe, now let me go to the flower of the devil..."

The flower of the devil is blooming in the deepest part of the Devil's Forest.

Far away, she saw the huge blood-red flower, swaying in the breeze...

"This is the flower of the devil."

Mu Ruyue’s heart is a joy. With this flower of the devil world, she can save it without forgetting...

Thinking of this, Mu Ruyue’s figure flashed and quickly rushed to the flower of the Devil...


Bai Susu was shocked and hurriedly wanted to stop the action of Mu Ruyue.

However, soon her look froze...

I saw a woman's palm wave, and lightly picked up the flower of the devil world, thrown into the space ring, and then turned back to her...

"This... how is this possible!"

She opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw in front of her eyes.

You must know that the Shenlong couple lived here for many years. Of course, knowing the flower of the Devil is the symbol of the devil and the most proud flower. She did not try to take off the flower of the devil world.

However, whenever she wants to walk in, the flower of the devil world sends a message of rejection...

Now, what is the embarrassment of Mu Ruyue?

what is happening?

The Shenlong couple looked at each other and saw the shock and eclipse from the other's eyes...

"what happened?"

Mu Ruyue looked at the strange faces of the two, and asked some puzzled questions.

"It's nothing."

Bai Susu shook his head: "Shantou, have you ever been to the Devil World."


Mu Ruyue said affirmatively: "This is my first time to come to this place."

"The first time, it’s weird..."

Bai Susu brows his head, but he doesn't think much. He quickly throws this doubt behind his head...

"Right, Shantou, I want to leave Xiaobai for a while. You are not just looking for someone? So it’s better to stay. Now Xiaobai’s strength is too bad, we can help it improve its strength.”

Bai Susu smiled.

Mu Ruyue is an unforgettable daughter. There must be great danger to her side. Therefore, the only thing their couple can do is to help their son improve his strength so that he can have the power of self-protection...

"it is good."

Mu Ruo nodded and said: "As long as the time is not too long, I can stay for a while."

More importantly, the deepest part of the Devil's Forest is too strong. If you can practice here, you will get twice the result with half the effort...

Half a year, such as between the fingers, swaying...

In the first half of this year, the Devil's Warcraft collectively went to find the Xiaojiao who jumped the cliff, but they couldn't see anyone, and they couldn't see the dead body. Therefore, Bai Susu has already concluded that Xiao gently left the Devil's Forest...

As for where I went, it is not clear...

But obviously, as long as she is still alive, she has the hope of finding her...

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