Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1363: The dragon appeared (4)

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Loose hair covered Du Feifei's face, her eyes were eager to find something in the crowd through the prison, but never found a familiar figure...

Is it impossible to see even his last side today?

Du Feifei smiled bitterly, and some of her grief closed her throat. When she blinked, it was a firm decision...

Since this road is her own choice, then she will never regret it!

"These are the people who have let go of humanity?"

"Hey, they are so courageous, they dare to betray the Emperor, and a few lives are not enough to kill."

"It is said that the demon dragon appears in the devil world, and the devil wants to summon the dragon with a fire ceremony, so they are executed in advance..."

"As long as we have the magic dragon, we can leave the ghost place of the devil world! It is said that the continent of God is vast and rich in resources. If we can go up, we can enjoy life in that place..."

In the world of demons, humans can come to this place. However, the people of the devil can't leave, but in this backward place, it is no wonder that they have such a big ambition...

In the crowd's arguments, the prisoner finally reached the square.

In the vast square, the Emperor strode on the black dragon chair and looked coldly at the people who were taken to the execution ground.

"Dui, Jiang Yan, what do you have to say now?"

Jiang Yan snorted and turned his head and said nothing, as if he did not put the emperor in his eyes...

"Well, since you gave me the chance to finally open up, you said nothing, then don't be blameless, come, bring the seven emperors to me!"

Seven princes?

Du Feifei's body froze, turning his head mechanically, and at a glance he saw the boy who was tied to the square by the big flowers...

At this moment, the juvenile expression is very calm and calm, making people feel moving. However, the arrogance between the eyebrows is also revealed. It is quite disdainful to scan the black man sitting in the forefront...

"Seven princes!"

Jiang Yan’s face changed, and his anger almost rushed out. He said, “Your Majesty, this matter has nothing to do with the Seven Emperors. You should also know why you are implicating in the Seven Emperors?”

"General, don't worry, Yuxi is not dragged by you, he died for our entire Mozu...":

The devil's lips were sneer, and he said slowly: "Sacrifice, you come up and announce your decision."


Under the eyes of everyone, the old man of the sacred bones slowly stepped on the stage. He arched the arch, and the old voice would be powerful and fell on the entire square...

"Everyone knows the news that the dragon is about to return. Unfortunately, now the dragon has not yet come to the magic city, and does not know to remove it. Therefore, we only intend to use the method of sacrifice to summon the dragon, but think To sacrifice, the body of the Seven Emperors is the most appropriate. Only by bringing him to the fire, can the dragon be returned. Now, the priest will personally preside over the ceremony and welcome the dragon with the crowd..."

There was a sensation in the crowd.

For them, nothing is more important than the return of the dragon, even if it is worth the sacrifice of more people...

"Do not!"

Du Feifei’s face turned pale and the voice twitched. “No, you can’t kill him, can’t...”

At this moment, her body trembled, and the two lines of tears slowly slid down, with the color of grief and despair.

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