Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1364: The dragon appeared (5)

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"Come on, tied the seven emperors to the stake, for the demon dragon, and for our demon world, he also died!"

The devil snorted and his cold eyes swept to Yuxi, saying with a blank expression: "You Xi, I know that you hate the father, but you are a member of the devil, you should sacrifice for the devil, you Rest assured, after you die, you will stand in the ancestral hall, accept the worship of Wanchen, and let your reputation be given to the annals of history, so that future generations know that you have contributed to my devil world, so you can count on it. is you……"

"His Majesty!"

Dui's face also changed color, and some angry said: "The Seven Emperors are your son, the continuation is your blood! What's more, the history of the name is for him, not living is more important, the seven emperors are not famous people. It’s not rare that the so-called glory! In order to summon the magic dragon that you don’t need, you must sacrifice the life of an innocent person. Are you worthy of being the emperor of the devil?”

The face of the devil is gloomy and terrible, watching Dui coldly.

"You are questioning the decision of 朕? Anyone who pays for the devil world is taken for granted, not to mention that he is still the devil of the devil! He gave him glory and wealth, gave him a jewel, and gave him a distinguished identity. Now he is When I paid for my devil, he had no reason to refuse!"

Yuxi gently closed his eyes and his eyelashes trembled. For a long time, he opened his eyes and said one word at a time.

"If I can, I would rather... Born in an ordinary family, and not as a royal prince, because I am a prince, from childhood to large in your arrangement, I have no right to make friends, this free life. It’s never what I want.”

Whether the knowledge is anger or the uncontrollable fear makes Yuxi's body tremble slightly.

Over the centuries, the demon emperor was his most feared figure. He once whispered a word with him, and the dissatisfaction was suppressed for hundreds of years.

So, this is the first time he has said what he wants in his heart...

"Father, I hate you! And you have not given me family, hate you not like a father, tiger poison is not eating, but in your heart, only your rights and status, you are selfish, heart-wrenching For the purpose of achieving the goal, you can rob the daughter-in-law, kill the loyal minister, kill the parents, what else do you have to do? If there is an afterlife, I will never be your son again!"

In this remark, the devil's forehead is violently violent, his face is iron and angry, and the scorpion is covered with bloodshot eyes, and he is squatting with Yuxi.

Yuxi did not seem to find his anger, turned to look at the girl who was tied to the side, said: "Duffifi, this life, my most sorry person is you, if there is an afterlife, I hope I will not miss you again... ..."

His heart has his pride.

And he used to think that this woman like Du Feifei is not worthy of him...

However, love does not match and does not match.

Once you fall in love, then... no longer care about who the other person is...

"Seven princes..."

Du Feifei’s heart trembled, squinting at Yu Xi’s beautiful face, her lips hanging with a smile.

"Seven princes, it’s too late..."

Yes, it is really too late now.

"But I never regretted everything I have done, even if I give me another chance, I will do the same, because I don't want to see you worried..."

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