Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife

Chapter 1365: The dragon appeared (6)

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If she can come back, she will still choose to help her leave.

However, she will no longer drag her grandfather and grandfather into the water. She will only help her in her own way...

And everything she did was not only because of the admiration of Mu Ruyue, but also because of the man she loved...

For him, it is going to the fire, she will never back down...

"Du Feifei..."

"Seven princes, I know that I used to be too savage, often entangled with you, and do something that you hate, but if I don't do this, you probably won't notice me for a lifetime. I am not a Lizang, no. Excellent face, I don't have the talent you like, but I don't have anyone to compare with your heart! When you have a month around you, I flinch and want to leave, but in the end, after all I still can't let you go, but I can see your last side before I die, so I will be content..."

Listening to Du Feifei's words, Yuxi's heart could not help but tremble.

Over the years, the bits and pieces that have been with her have gathered in my mind and turned into eternal memories...

Unfortunately, there are some things that he found too late and too late...

"Du Feifei, if there is a future life, I will be an ordinary person, and then, let me live up to you..."

Du Feifei laughed.

With his promise, she is already satisfied...

"Come, execution!"

As this story fell, a group of guards were piled with firewood under the crowd, but at this moment an anxious voice came in from the crowd.


The crowd separated the two roads. For a time, a sly voice ran from outside the crowd...

Wu Yucang’s old face was hung with anxious sweat. After seeing the innocent Du Feifei and others, he was relieved and turned to the Emperor: "Your Majesty, please leave your hand!"

The Emperor's brow wrinkled, and looked coldly at Wu Yu, saying: "Master wants to stop?"

"Your Majesty, please don't listen to other people's words. If you want to use the fire to summon the demon dragon, it will not work. If the magic dragon has feelings for the devil, it will not appear. If he gives up the devil world, no matter what you do, you can't recover him... ..."

The face of the emperor slowly gloomy, and the cold eyebrows were filled with cold cold.

"Whether it is successful, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, will you try it?"

The heart of Wu Yu trembled with his words, and shouted: "For the hope of this line, you have to sacrifice your son?"

"Yes! As long as there is a glimmer of hope, it is worthwhile to sacrifice more people. Come and give me an execution!"


After the voice of the Emperor fell, the guards threw the torch at the firewood, and the flame burned in the blink of an eye, reflecting the entire sky.


Wu Yu was so angry that he wanted to stop, but was blocked by the sacrifice.

"Master Wu Yu, I know that your apprentice is inside, so you are saddened, I can understand, but they are dead! Also advise you not to stop, otherwise you have to..."


Wu Yu shouted and lifted his palm to the sacrifice. The anger appeared on the old face, making him as a sword-like fierce...

The face of the sacrifice sinks down, and he is unceremoniously shot, attacking Wu Yu...

In the battle between the two sides, everyone was exposed to piety, and the eyes stared at the people on the fire, and silently looked forward to the return of the dragon...

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