End of ten days

Chapter 1103 Where the Heart Goes

Qinglong kept playing with the word "Qiu" in his hands, and began to think carefully about the rules this time from Xuanwu's perspective.

It's funny to say that there has never been a need to consider the situation of the participants when formulating the rules for so many years, but now Xuanwu's life must be considered.

Is there something... that once made Xuanwu feel particularly huge...

At least it's not "Qiu". Xuanwu doesn't even know what "Qiu" is.

This thing is bigger than the "mound", not in the physical sense, but in the psychological sense.

As long as it exists, Xuanwu will never be able to escape from it. Even if others can get out, Xuanwu will never be able to.

Xuanwu is born in it, grows in it, and dies in it.

In her heart, this word is more terrifying than "rice".

Qinglong thought for a long time and finally had the answer.

It is an answer that only Xuanwu will consider "correct" when he sees it. It is definitely bigger than "Qiu" in Xuanwu's heart.

Thinking of this, Qinglong picked up a word "wood" and gently placed it on the "Phoenix Book Table".

After seeing "wood", everyone outside began to think quickly, judging the result of Qinglong's creation.

And Chen Junnan also discovered that what Qinglong wanted to create didn't seem to be a "qiu".

After a while, the word "inch" from "general" slowly appeared again. The final answer to Qinglong's last question was——


Xuanwu was stunned after seeing it and asked: "What is this word?"

"Village." Chen Junnan replied, "The village in the "township county"."

"Village..." Xuanwu's eyes flickered after hearing this and he said, "Village is really big..."

"Hiss..." Chen Junnan was slightly startled after hearing this, "Is the village big?"

"This..." Qiao Jiajin also scratched his head, "Handsome boy, how big is the largest village in the world?"

"You know nothing about me." Chen Junnan frowned, feeling that Qinglong gave a very outrageous answer.

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How big can a “village” be, no matter how big it is? Will it be bigger than "mound"?

From a certain perspective, if the size of something like a "hill" is compared with something like a "village"... it is not possible to tell at a glance which one is larger.

After all, "hills" have different sizes, and "villages" also have their ups and downs.

If the winner between these two things is to be determined, one must rely on Chen Junnan's words, and the other must rely on Qiao Jiajin's thinking.

Chen Junnan felt that brainwashing should be done as early as possible, so he asked at this time: "Sister, the village is not very big. Did you see it wrong?"

"The "village" is too big..." Xuanwu said, "I have never left the "village"... There is "rice" in the "village", and "meter" is very important, but I have no "father"..."

"Wait a minute!" Chen Junnan felt that his brain was a little overloaded, "Are you here playing Lianliankan with me? We are talking about the area of ​​the "village"...

"Isn't it big?"

After hearing this, Tiantian calmly stretched out her hand and gently brushed the hair beside her ear.

Her eyes flickered and she said softly: "The village is indeed very big. Some people are trapped all their lives, but the village is not that big. If you want to leave, you can definitely leave."

"Really...?" Xuanwu was stunned for a moment, "As long as I want...?"

For the first time, Zheng Yingxiong clearly smelled the smell wafting from Xuanwu's body, which was "sadness".

At this time, Chen Junnan realized that something was not right about the situation at the scene. Tiantian and Xuanwu seemed to have fallen into some emotional low, but he didn't know where this low came from.

Thinking of this, Chen Junnan quickly reached out and grabbed Lawyer Zhang: "Sister Zhang! What's going on now? Do you want to help persuade me? I'm a little confused. What happened to the "village"?"

Zhang Chenze's eyes turned cold: "I don't want to talk about this issue."


Chen Junnan was stunned for a long time. He really didn't know what happened, so he could only keep silent in this strange atmosphere.

Qinglong walked out from behind the screen, then raised his eyes to see Xuanwu's condition, then relaxed a little and stood beside everyone.

Seeing this state, Qi Xia couldn't help blurting out a question that he had been holding in his mind for a long time, so he asked Qinglong: "Qinglong, what is the suffering of others to you?"

"Oh?" Qinglong raised his eyebrows, "Suffering is suffering, what else can it be?"

"Is this thing like 'other people's suffering' the magic weapon you use to win at critical moments?" Qi Xia asked.

"This question is interesting." Qinglong said, "Don't say it is "suffering", as long as it can make me feel comfortable, everything is my magic weapon to win."

"Okay, reasonable." Qi Xia nodded, then stopped talking to Qinglong and came behind the screen.

He picked up a pile of "words" on the ground and threw the "pawn" on his body into it.

The current situation is indeed not good.

Qinglong creates "characters" according to "rules" every time, but Qi Xia thinks according to the "characters" created by Qinglong every time.

So there isn't much time left for him in each round.

Based on the current situation, Xuanwu thinks that the "village" is very big because she has never left the village in her life, and she has no parents and has been starving since she was a child.

"No wonder you always want to die..."

For Xuanwu, the desire to die may have reached its peak before entering the "end of the world".

It's a pity that she came here after her death, and will live forever here because of her "immortality".

She always wanted to die, but never died.

This is Qixiadi

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It is such a sad thing to feel "immortal" for once.

In this case... for people like Xuanwu, which "word" can be bigger than "village"?

It's a pity that the word "village" is like a completely closed cage. It presses on Xuanwu's body and blocks all her sight.

Even if Qi Xia could form mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, sky, and the universe, an existence that could completely crush the "village" in a physical sense, it would not necessarily be bigger than the "village" in Xuanwu's heart.

Thinking of this, Qi Xia could only interrupt her thoughts quickly and start thinking about another possibility. Is there any way to make Xuanwu temporarily leave the "village"...?

As long as a certain "word" can break through the boundaries of the "village", the game can be completely won.

Everyone waited in front of the screen for a long time. Based on the last experience, no one spoke.

After a while, a word "wood" appeared on the screen.

Everyone frowned at this time. Qinglong and Qi Xia both started with the word "wood". It seemed that the answers would not be too different.

After a moment, another "wood" appeared on the screen.


This time everyone was silent again, but it was very different from the silence last time.

They were not shocked by Qi Xia's answer, they just felt that Qi Xia was about to lose.

Comparing "Lin" and "Village"... Although it is difficult for normal people to tell which one is bigger, "Lin" does not seem to be that important to Xuanwu.

"Ha..." Qinglong grinned slowly at this moment, "Qi Xia, Qi Xia... even the largest forest in the world is not bigger than the "village" in Xuanwu's heart."

But Qi Xia did not stop after creating "Lin".

He took off a "Xi" from "General" and carefully placed it under "Lin".

Perhaps only in this way... can we take a chance on that weak possibility.


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