End of ten days

Chapter 1104 Where is the Dream

Xuanwu stared at the strange pattern on the huge screen, moved his lips slightly, and asked softly: "This is..."

"Dream..." Chen Junnan replied. Although he said so, he felt a little upset in his heart.

Can this "word" really win over the "village"?

It wasn't that Chen Junnan felt there was something wrong with Qi Xia's thinking, but that the word "dream" seemed a bit illegal.

Now I just hope Qinglong won't notice such details.

"Dream..." Xuanwu was startled for a moment, and after a moment he said, "Dream is good... there is everything in "dream", only in "dream" can you get out of the "village"..."

Qi Xia walked out from behind the screen with a cautious look on his face. The third round had come to an end.

The expressions of Qinglong and Qi Xia were a little unnatural, as if they had some concerns in their hearts.

It was rare for either of them to speak. They just stood next to Xuanwu, waiting for her judgment.

Qiao Jiajin was about to speak at this time, but Chen Junnan reached out to hold him. He felt that he could not take the lead in "attacking the heart" now.

Chen Junnan knew that what Qi Xia wanted to do had been done.

When the referee was Xuanwu, Qinglong gave an absolutely unsolvable answer, that is, starting from the opponent's life obsession, he gave an answer that transcended the physical sense.

Under any normal circumstances, this game should have been lost, but Qi Xia's thinking was tricky and he came up with a "dream" solution.

Everything he could do has been done. Looking at all the possibilities, only the word "dream" can make Xuanwu hesitate.

But Chen Junnan knew that this round was very different from the previous round because Qi Xia violated the rules.

Once he takes the lead in attacking the heart, it is very likely that Qinglong will find a logical loophole and counterattack, so the best way is to wait for Qinglong to take the lead in attacking, while he and Qiao Jiajin carry out logical countermeasures.

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Maybe there is a very small probability... both sides will directly win with the word "dream" and end the game without anyone having any objections.

Xuanwu dragged his hair that fell to the ground and took a step forward slowly.

"Village" and "dream", the answer seemed a bit obvious to her.

How can a "village" that can trap itself compete with a "dream" that has infinite possibilities?

But what she wasn't used to was that no one came to explain to her which of the two words was bigger.

"'Meng' is good..." Xuanwu murmured to himself, seeming to have pushed the balance of the competition to Qi Xia.

"Wait..." Qinglong seemed unable to hold back and was about to speak first.

Qi Xia and Chen Junnan looked at him at the same time, with different expressions.

"Xuanwu." Qinglong said, "Where is the dream?"

"What...?" Xuanwu asked.

"You know where the "village" is, but do you know where the "dream" is?" Qinglong asked again.

At this time, Chen Junnan frowned, knowing that Qinglong had finally discovered Qi Xia's loophole, and the situation would be a bit dangerous next.

He calmly turned his head to look at Qi Xia, only to find that Qi Xia's expression was as usual and he just looked at Qinglong coldly.

"Where is the "dream"..." Xuanwu muttered, "The "dream" seems to be..."

Qinglong took the note from Xuanwu's hand, unfolded it in front of everyone and said: "The final rule of this game is "the one with the largest area wins", but the "dream" does not exist in reality at all, how can it "occupy an area" ?”

After hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look in the direction

Qi Xia originally thought that Qi Xia would give some insights, but Qi Xia just said nothing, then shook his head and said: "I really haven't thought about this level."

"...?" After hearing this, Chen Junnan and Qiao Jiajin looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong with Qi Xia's state.

Is this "giving up"?

"So is the "village" really big...?" Xuanwu blinked in confusion, ""Dream" does not exist in the real world, only "village" exists... "Village" has land, but "dream" does not ”

Qi Xia nodded: "It's not much different from what I imagined. I also feel that "dream" is not appropriate."

"Oh?" Qinglong raised his eyebrows, "So you know you can't win the third round?"

"Absolutely." Qi Xia nodded, "After all, the "word" you gave perfectly hits Xuanwu's thinking, which is beyond my expectation. After all, I know nothing about Xuanwu, so I don't know how she will judge it."

"Then you can struggle for a while." Qinglong said, "If I were you, I could also have something to say after taking out the word "dream"."

"Really?" Qi Xia nodded ambiguously, "Maybe I was crushed when I saw the word "village" in you, and then I was struggling to my death. No matter how much I say, it's just quibbling."

"Ha..." Qinglong slowly grinned, "Qi Xia, Qi Xia... I am really happy beyond words when I see you looking like this."

"What do you mean?"

"It refers to your expression when you admit defeat." Qinglong replied.

"But I feel like I have no expression now." Qi Xia replied coldly, "Besides, I didn't lose. Even if you really win this round, we are still one to one."

"So what?" Qinglong asked, "I know what the "rules" are in this box. Take it.

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I can hit Xuanwu's life every time, but it's hard for you to say. "

"Really...?" Qi Xia nodded, "You think there is still a lot of time to slowly defeat me, and you also think that this game is really one to one so far... This is really a bit surprising. Exceeded my expectations.”

"Isn't it?" Qinglong said.

"In the final analysis, I failed the review this time, but you committed a foul." Qi Xia said, "I don't know in Xuanwu's eyes... how to judge those who "fouled" during the game?"

"You...?" Qinglong paused.

"The so-called "Blue Dragon" and the so-called "god" are just ordinary people who think they are smart, but if you think about it, if you really had extraordinary wisdom, you would not let "The End" get to where it is today. "Qi Xia said, "I would like to know... what was the order when you created the "village"?

"With only two components of the "village", do we need to prioritize them?" Qinglong asked again.

"What a 'two components'." Qi Xia nodded, "'wood' and 'inch', right? A simple 'village' just appeared in your hands."

Qinglong was about to agree, but suddenly realized something and was speechless for a moment.

"You think you are a 'god', so no one can question every goal you achieve. You will also subconsciously think that every path leading to 'wood' is reasonable." Qi Xia looked up at the screen "Village", "But you don't know how long it took us so-called "mortals" to form this "wood"."


"We are so careful every step we take, after all, if we don't pay attention, we will be in catastrophe, so we always follow the rules."

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