End of ten days

Chapter 1233 Abnormal Team

"Hey... ground dog!"

Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it anymore and finally shouted.

"Well..." Digou covered his face with a book and his voice came out lazily.

"Do you want to go or not?" Xiaoxiao asked angrily, "Didn't you just say angrily that you would wait for others to clear the way for us? It has only been a few minutes and you are almost fucking asleep."

"Hmm..." Digou agreed again, as if he was talking in a dream.

"I'm convinced... I'm really convinced." When Xiaoxiao saw the dog that refused to listen, she could only say to Zheng Yingxiong, "Just keep an eye on him. It's best to keep an eye on him."

Zheng Yingxiong always stared at Digou seriously, wondering what he was thinking about.

Xiaoxiao stopped paying attention to the big and small, and just moved her steps and came to Lin Yu's side.

This girl has been muttering in the corner since just now, as if she is chanting sutras.

Xiaoxiao didn't know that at such a critical juncture, what important sutras must be recited now?

When she came behind Lin Yu in three steps, Xiaoxiao put her ear up and listened to Lin Yu's soliloquy, but within a few seconds she felt furious.

As she said, no one on this team is normal.

Only the manic-depressive self seems to be really working hard for the "Ultimate Way" and the ultimate mission.

Although Ringo looks like a normal person, she is always mumbling a few words that seem crazy——

"It's time to drink water later."

"Is it time to eat something?"

"I want to go to the toilet."

"Crazy...all crazy..." Xiaoxiao shook her head helplessly, and soon she thought of Han Yimo who had been lying behind the sofa for a long time.

If anyone else can play a role now, it might just be Han Yimo.

"Hey!" Xiaoxiao came to Han Yimo and knelt down, giving him two slaps in the face. "Are you still alive?"

Han Yimo was completely unresponsive. Although he was still breathing, he looked like he had been dead for a long time.

"You are like a little chicken, you fall down after being injured..." After Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he slapped the other person twice more, "If you exercise more, you won't be like this..."

Han Yimo still didn't respond, and Xiaoxiao felt that a few more slaps would really kill him.

"Well done." Xiaoxiao stood up, looked at the strange people in the room, and then said, "You guys really opened my eyes. I'm ready to set off on my own. Is anyone coming with me?"

Several members of the "Ji Dao" looked at her with a dazed expression.

"We should have missed the agreed time..." Xiaoxiao said, "Now all the "Ji Dao" are fighting to liberate the "ants"... We are the only ones hiding here... I really feel too uncomfortable. Already..."

Several members of the "Ji Dao" looked at each other in shock, but no one made any move.

Xiaoxiao stared at a few people and said: "Didn't you notice? This earth dog doesn't want to go out at all... He wants to be alone in this storm. Are you also prepared to wait here? Wait until all our teammates are dead... …? Wait until the mission completely fails and then be expelled?”

When Digou heard this, he moved the book covering his face slightly, revealing one eye.

"If you don't go, I will go by myself." Xiaoxiao said, "Even if it's just me... I will go."

"Why are you so anxious...?" Digou's muffled voice came from under the book, "Isn't it already too late?"

"Who is the reason why we are too late?!" Xiaoxiao became angry when she heard this, "Isn't your plan to escort us to find the black sheep? But we have been waiting in the room for so long in vain... What are we waiting for?"

"Didn't I say..." Digou sighed, "Wait for the brave and capable "Zodiac" to open the way for us. "

After hearing this, Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it any longer and stepped forward and grabbed Digou by the collar.

Ji Gou did not expect that the girl in front of him was very strong. He actually staggered and the book on his face fell to the ground.

"I am brave enough and good at fighting!" Xiaoxiao said, "You just keep waiting...could such a huge plan achieve victory just because of "waiting"? Now I just pray that there won't be too many people like you in the "Zodiac", otherwise the entire "Ultra" will be wrong. "

"Don't worry, there are not many people like me." Digou stretched out his hand and pinched Xiaoxiao's wrist, and broke her hand away with a slight force, "Since you have missed the opportunity to see the black sheep, why not come here? Wait for another encounter with me.”

"Another encounter...?"

"Shh." Digou put a finger in front of his mouth, "Don't disturb her."

Xiaoxiao looked at Digou's eyes, and he was actually looking at Ringo.

"Did you disturb...her?" Xiaoxiao turned around and looked at Ringo, "She was scared crazy by the "train"... Do you know what she was talking about? "

"I can see it." Digou said, "Although this plan only came to me suddenly after meeting her...but I always feel that it can be unexpected."


"It's a 'strategy'. "Zheng Yingxiong said, "From just now... there are "strategies" floating around you..."

"Of course..." Digou stretched, "I just look lazy, but for me... today is really "overtime". "

Xiaoxiao stared at Ringo for no apparent reason, only to find that Ringo was still mumbling:

"It's time to drink water later."

"Is it time to eat something?"

"I want to go to the bathroom."


When Xiao Ran went to the end of the corridor, she found that the "participants" on both sides had obviously decreased. When she really came to the door at the end, she found that she was the only one in front of her.

Not only were there no "participants" here, but there were no "zodiac signs".

I thought there would be a magnificent door at the end of the corridor, but I didn't expect it to be an old and broken door. This made Xiao Ran's opinion of Qinglong and Tianlong lower a little, and she thought that the leaders here didn't seem to be rich people.

"It's so damn far." Xiao Ran cursed inwardly, then took a deep breath and called out in a sweet voice, "Is anyone in there?"

After that, the door was quiet.

She turned her head to look at both sides of the door and found that there was a short corridor on each side.

The two short corridors and the longest corridor of the "train" formed a "T" shape, and the door in front of her was at the intersection of the "T".

"I have something to report. If there is anyone here, can you open the door?" Xiao Ran asked again in a hoarse voice.

But there was still no movement inside the door, as if there was no one at all.

"Well... if you don't bother me, then I will come in by myself."

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no movement, so Xiao Ran reached out and gently pushed the door open.

There was a round table inside the door, and directly opposite him, a man in a dark green robe was rubbing his forehead with his hand. He never looked at Xiao Ran from beginning to end.

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