End of ten days

Chapter 1234: Snitch

"Hello, is the leader here?"

Xiao Ran didn't expect that the man who appeared in front of him looked so young. He couldn't identify him for a while and could only try to talk to him.

But the other party didn't seem to want to talk to him.

Qinglong sighed impatiently. He closed his eyes slightly, stretched out his slender fingers and pressed his temples hard, thinking that there were more and more "zodiac signs" on the "train" who were desperate for life and death.

Even though they knew they were here, some people dared to open the door and shout.

Regardless of whether he is "human level" or "earth level", if he dares to make such a ridiculous mistake, all "zodiac signs" related to her are destined to die today.

But when he raised his head and looked at the figure in front of him, his thoughts were a little blocked.

Because the person who opened the door and came in shouting loudly was not a "zodiac sign" at all, but a "participant" without even a mask.

Because the level difference was so big, Qinglong didn't know how to speak for a while, so he just stared at Xiao Ran with a pair of red eyes.

"Why don't you speak?" Xiao Ran asked, "Are you Tianlong...?"

As soon as Xiao Ran finished speaking, his eyes were attracted by a dark object on the table. The object looked like a football, but it was completely black and you couldn't tell what it was from behind.

"Or...Qinglong?" Xiao Ran asked again, staring at the black shadow on the table.

Qinglong stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples. He said nothing, just looked at the door behind Xiao Ran and felt that there was a mess outside.

Normally, only the "human level" would be so chaotic, because they have the strongest "human flavor".

Once they become "prefecture-level", the "zodiac signs" will be much more reserved. After going through many tests carefully set by themselves, emotions of excitement and sadness will rarely be seen in them.

But now that I am so far away from the "human level", why am I still making so much noise?

"Why is this room so dark?" Xiao Ran frowned and took a step forward, "Are you in charge here?"

She remembered that the black sheep once said that Qinglong was gentle and approachable, but the man in front of her didn't say a word for a long time after entering the door. It was obvious that these two words had nothing to do with it. If it wasn't Tianlong, he should be a secretary or assistant. role.

Qinglong stared at Xiao Ran, slowly tilted his body, and held his cheek with one hand.

He felt that he had been too lax in managing this place...?

Haven't we killed enough people yet?

Now there is actually a "participant" arrogantly walking here to point fingers at him. Qinglong's brain is getting more and more confused, and he can't suppress his desire to kill.

There were so many "Zodiacs" in the corridor outside the door, and there were a group of "Heavenly" on the left and right sides... But no one stopped her. How ridiculous is this situation?

But this woman...why does it feel like I've met her somewhere before?

"Hey, hey, hey..." Xiao Ran reached out and knocked on the table, "I see you are quite energetic, why are you so dumb? Is there anyone in charge?"

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he glanced and saw another wooden door on the opposite side of the room.

The wooden door looks much more upscale than the door in this room. If there is any leader, it should be in the room behind the door.

"Forget it..." Xiao Ran put away the small smile on his face, stopped talking to Qinglong, and walked straight to the door of the "front of the car" room, "Forget it if you don't want to talk, I will definitely reflect it when I see the leader. That’s your attitude.”

Seeing Xiao Ran approaching the final room step by step, Qinglong's expression gradually darkened: "Who asked you to come to me?"

This was the first time Qinglong spoke. The strange voice made Xiao Ran, who was about to knock on the door, stay in place.

She seemed to hear two voices, a man and a woman, coming from the man's throat. The two voices had exactly the same tone and tone, which made Xiao Ran think that she had heard wrongly.

She slowly turned around with a slight hesitation, and before meeting Qinglong's gaze, she caught sight of something in the center of the table.

This pitch-black football is nowhere to be found...it's clearly a fresh human head that died not long ago.

Dark red blood was spilled on the table and hung on the head and face. In the dim light, it looked like some drink had been spilled.

I just couldn't get the full picture from the back, but now I was so frightened that I lost my voice.

Next to this tragically dead head, the man holding his chin in his hand was staring at himself expressionlessly.

"You...you..." No matter how slow Xiao Ran reacted, he now understood that the identity of the man in front of him was unusual, and his tone immediately softened, "Are you Qinglong...?"

"Who told you that you can find me here?" Qinglong asked again.

Xiao Ran stared at the head on the table, feeling that the hairs on his back were pushing up his clothes, and the blood all over his body went cold.

"Qing... no..." Xiao Ran stammered, "I didn't want to disturb you... but I really have something important to report... so I went through all the trouble to come here." Car head"...I don't mean any harm..."

Qinglong slowly moved his gaze away, looked at the table in front of him, and said softly: "Wipe it clean."

"Wipe... clean?" Xiao Ran stared at the head for a moment, not knowing what Qinglong was referring to.

"The place you knocked just now." Qinglong said again.

"Ah...? Oh..." Although Xiao Ran didn't quite understand, she still came to the tabletop she had just knocked on and wiped it with her palm. She couldn't see where she had made it dirty, so she just kept wiping it on the tabletop with her hands.

After a while, Xiao Ran raised her head, tried to force a smile, and asked Qinglong: "Is this okay?"

Qinglong's face was even gloomier than before: "Why do you think...I think it's not clean?"

"I..." Xiao Ran blinked, and her mind was blank.

"How dare you, a "bug"... knock on my tabletop?" Qinglong's tone was always indifferent, as if he was chatting with a dead person.

Xiao Ran was shocked when she heard this, and hurried to Qinglong and said: "But I really have something important to report to you...I'm thinking about you, and I, I used to be a "zodiac", and I lost my mask because of some communication errors...In fact, we are our own people! "

Qinglong didn't say anything, but sighed deeply. The woman in front of him blurted out all the words in his mind, making Qinglong feel even more upset.

He stretched out his hand and was about to pierce Xiao Ran's chest when Xiao Ran shouted again: "Qi Xia led the "participants" to rebel...! ! I came to report to you specifically about this matter, you must believe me. "

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