End of ten days

Chapter 470 Fighting for Life

This round of changes made everyone a little confused. She actually threw a ball that could kill everyone at this moment on the ground.

Is the land horse tired too?

"What a pity..." Dima said, "I should have asked all agencies to throw this ball together with me, so your chance of survival would be greatly reduced... But now..."

Qiao Jiajin picked up his bat and looked at the black liquid at the top, feeling something was not good.

Just now when he smashed one of the balls, a large amount of black liquid fell on his bat and clothes.

This seems to be some kind of oil.

Looking at the ground in the distance, everyone's body is more or less stained with some black oil.

A large amount of strange liquid was released from those two small black balls.

At this time, Di Ma took out his bamboo tube again, and there was only the last ball left in it.

"Now I'm the only one left to throw the ball..." Dima gritted his teeth and said, "I have to say that your weird moves have greatly reduced your chances of death, and also forced me to change my tactics. These two balls should have I’ll just beat you to death, but I’ve thought of a more interesting way to play.”

Qiao Jiajin reached out and wiped the bat, and found that the black oil was extremely sticky. If he wiped it with his left hand, it would stain his left hand, and if he wiped it with his right hand, it would stain his right hand, making it impossible to deal with it.

He quickly raised his head to deal with Di Ma first. After all, Di Ma had one last attack left to complete.

Under everyone's gaze, Di Ma slowly took out a rough iron ball.

This will be her last attack, and it will also be her most powerful one.

When he saw this iron ball, even the slow-thinking Qiao Jiajin felt something was wrong.

His long-term experience in fighting on the street told him that if he dared to catch the iron ball with an iron rod, not to mention the devastating consequences it would have on his body. The field was now covered with plastic, and just two metal balls The sparks generated by the friction between them are enough to be fatal.

So, should you catch this ball or not?



Qi Xia knew Qiao Jiajin's concerns immediately, so he spoke not far away: "Fist, you already know the way to win, don't hesitate."

Qiao Jiajin looked at Qi Xia, thought for two seconds, then turned to the people pushing the cart and said, "Young men, the moment the Malaysian girl took action, you suddenly pushed the cart to the finish line."

"Is that okay, Brother Qiao?"

"I'm not sure." Qiao Jiajin said, "After this pitch, we will either die together or we will live together."

Although Qiao Jiajin's short sentence did not reveal any good news, everyone still felt a sense of security.

Qi Xia also nodded slowly at this time. From his point of view, Qiao Jiajin had already received a "response". This time, the land horse game was not a loss. Thinking about the worst, even if Qiao Jiajin died, It's not a bad thing to be here.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, "Breaking Ten Thousand Methods" accidentally destroyed all the game props in Dima's venue. From this point of view...does Dima still have a way out?

In this game, whether you can catch the iron ball or not, victory is already determined.

When the local horse calms down and thinks about this matter, will he still think that the "mythical beast" will not care?

Once a person who breaks the rules is forgiven, the dominance of the "divine beast" will become worse, and the balance of the various "zodiac signs" and "participants" in "The End" is so delicate that once a crack occurs, it will inevitably lead to insecurity. The consequences of the treatment were severe, so Di Ma had to die.

More than twenty years of "zodiac" experience has resulted in a dead end. No one is willing to accept this consequence.

Everyone on the straight track grabbed the car and turned around to stare at Di Ma's movements with Qiao Jiajin.

As long as I can slightly interfere with the iron this time

By knowing the ball's path, everyone can win this game full of deceit.

Qiao Jiajin also slowly raised the metal bat to her ear. Thinking from Di Ma's perspective, her several attacks did not end the game. If she wants to win this round, she will definitely target her. Car people.

"It's just a baseball game." Qiao Jiajin said, "If you hit it, you win, if you don't hit it, you die."

He held the now dented bat with both hands, took a few deep breaths to calm his mind again, and then stared at Dima's shoulders and arms.

"Everyone..." Qi Xia turned around and said to everyone around him, "Get ready to put out the fire."

After hearing this, several people decisively took off their leather jackets and held them in their hands, staring at the changes in the field. Qi Xia slowly walked to the wall and picked up a ball from the ground. .🅆.

Under the gaze of everyone, Di Ma took a step back, calculated the direction and then suddenly threw the iron ball in his hand.

Qiao Jiajin also waved the bat directly at this time.

Both men tried their best to throw their arms in the direction of the other.

The sound of breaking wind reached his ears, and a black line was drawn in the air. Qiao Jiajin swung at it fiercely.

"Ding"! !

A crisp sound rang in the air, followed by the sound of bones cracking from Qiao Jiajin's arms, and the next moment there was the sound of a metal bat breaking.

Countless sparks scattered in the sky like a cosmic explosion.

At the same time, the people pushing the cart used all their strength to push the "wooden cow, flowing horse" out.

The iron ball was slightly changed in direction by Qiao Jiajin's iron rod, and flew towards Yun Qiu Ershi on the car. Fortunately, its landing point was slightly biased from Qiu Ershi, and finally landed ten centimeters away from him. The place passed by and flew directly into the distance with a strong wind.

Then there were fires burning everywhere.



The first thing that caught fire was Qiao Jiajin's bat, followed by his arms and whole body, then the ice on the track and the leather jackets on everyone's bodies.

Before they could even leave the runway, they were instantly engulfed in fire.

The other members of the "Cat" team who were standing ready at the side had their palms covered with sweat. After seeing Qiu Ershi flying off the runway with the car, they immediately rushed forward with their leather jackets and covered the bodies and legs of several people. The fire was mostly controlled in an instant.

Qiao Jiajin threw away the bat and quickly rolled it on his body. However, the flames ignited by the black sticky oil were difficult to extinguish by rolling. Just when he was in despair, Qi Xia dropped the previous bat on the ground and lost it. The poisonous mud ball ran over and applied it to Qiao Jiajin on the burned area.

Although everyone screamed for a while, everything only happened within ten seconds.

Due to the excellent mobility and cooperation of the "Cat" team, this "fire attack" directed and performed by Dima came to an end before it expanded.

The only sound left in the smoke-filled venue was the sound of people breathing heavily.

Even Qi Xia was a little surprised by the difficulty of this game.

If the difficulty of the previous games was increased because of his involvement, then who else intervened in this game?

Just based on the level of the land horse in front of you...can you do this?

If you want to survive 100% in this game, you not only need physical strength, force, and brainpower, but you also need to know the allusion of "Wooden Ox and Flooded Horse", be familiar with the "Big Dipper", and even more, you need to be in the last round with a "earth-level" Head-on confrontation.

"The mastermind behind this game is not simple..." Qi Xia knew that Di Ma in front of him could never be the designer of this game, but he also knew that all his memories of "Zodiac" had disappeared.

Now we can only hope that the mastermind behind the scenes is no longer a "zodiac sign", otherwise in the face of such a wise general, even he himself will not be completely sure of victory.

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