End of ten days

Chapter 471 Our Leader

Seeing that everyone had completed the game, Di Ma's expression gradually became complicated.

Out of seven participants, she only killed one.

This was a defeat not seen in decades.

"If even this game can be broken...does the "Land of the End" still need to exist?" Dima slowly looked at the ground, and weakly threw the bamboo tube in his hand to the ground.

"Huh?" Qiao Jiajin slowly stood up and said with sweating, "Isn't it normal for us "participants" to break your game?"

"Yes, it's very abnormal." Dima frowned and said, "But now I have nothing to say. I'll give you the Tao, let's go."

Like other zodiac signs, she came to a ruins, took out a dirty cloth bag, deducted the number of the deceased from it, and threw the rest to Qiao Jiajin.

Qiao Jiajin was about to pick it up, but suddenly he found that his hands were a little out of control. Although he raised his hands, he couldn't control his fingers. Before he could say anything, he felt the world was spinning again, and the floor beneath his feet was flying. In front of you.

Fortunately, Qi Xia was not far from him and quickly caught Qiao Jiajin when he was about to fall.

Qiao Jiajin's whole body was cooling down. Not only were his hands completely fractured, but he had obviously lost too much blood.

"Hey!" Qi Xia instantly felt a little headache, and hurriedly covered his forehead and shouted back, "Qian Wu can save people, right?! Help me bring him over!"


The remaining people didn't dare to neglect at all. Luo Shiyi and Wang Ba came to Qiao Jiajin and put up his arms, helping him quickly walk out of the house. The remaining people also picked up the "Tao" on the ground. Then he followed them out of the house.

At present, only Saturday and Bai Jiu were left with Qi Xia. After realizing that nothing happened, Saturday lowered his head and whispered briefly, as if to determine Qian Wu's location.

"Tsk, Qi


Xia, let’s go too. "Saturday said, "Fortunately, fifth brother is not far from us. He and fourth brother are only ten minutes away from us. "

"You guys go out first." Qi Xia said, "I still have a few words to ask Dima."

"Is everything going to be okay?" Bai Jiuye asked while rubbing his exposed belly, "This woman is quite ruthless."

"No, you go out and wait for me." Qi Xia said.

The two looked at each other, nodded and turned to leave.

"Talk to me?" Dima didn't look at Qi Xia, just lowered his head and picked up the various debris on the ground, "What do you and I have to talk about?"

After hearing this, Qi Xia stopped beating around the bush and asked straight to the point: "Di Ma, do you still have a way out?"

"A way out..." Di Ma paused as he collected the pieces. "There has been no way out since the first time I put on the horse head mask. This special identity forces me to only move forward, not back."

"But this time." Qi Xia walked over and helped Dima pick up a piece of iron ball fragments from the ice. "If you go further on this road, you will die."

This sentence seemed to have completely shattered Dima's psychological defenses, and also allowed her to pull out of the water all the problems she was avoiding and didn't want to think about.

"Your game venue was destroyed." Qi Xia said, "The "participants" did not touch the props, but it was destroyed. Is this your problem?"

Di Ma's hands that were cleaning her hands began to tremble slowly, and even she didn't understand what was going on.

The man said "Don't cheat" and all the props around him were destroyed. Is this really reasonable?

Even the "echo" in her memory couldn't reach this level.

"What are you going to do?" Di Ma looked up at Qi Xia. This time his eyes were different from before, with a hint of sincerity that was extremely difficult to find.

"Of course we want to go out," Qi Xia said, "so I'm looking for a new 'road'."

"We all want to get out." Dima said, "You should know, whether we are "participants" or "zodiac signs," all our efforts are to get out from here."

"But no one has succeeded." Qi Xia said, "Your memory is longer than mine, so you should have seen more tragedies than me. Who escaped from here in your memory? "

Dima's eyes were extremely disappointed after hearing this.

Yeah...who has ever escaped?

"Even Wen Qiaoyun can't get out...it's even less possible for others." Although Di Ma's voice was very small, the words still reached Qi Xia's ears clearly.

"Wen...Qiaoyun?" Qi Xia frowned, looked at Dima's sad eyes, and asked tentatively, "Who is that?"

Di Ma sighed: "It's us... no, it's you, your former leader." 🄲

"Our... leader?" Qi Xia felt that the amount of information in this sentence exceeded his imagination.

Although the information contained in just a few words is very little, it is not difficult to infer some clues. In Dima's memory more than 20 years ago, or even earlier, there was a man named Wen Qiaoyun who was actually his leader.

How absurd is this?

Even for a smart person like Chu Tianqiu who leads a party, Qi Xia has never admitted that he is his leader.

Then this person named Wen Qiaoyun...has completely obtained his strength


Did you get your own approval?

Will there be someone in the "end of the world" that I can trust in every aspect?

"You mean... someone as powerful as Wen Qiaoyun failed?" Qi Xia changed the subject and asked the crucial question again.

But even Di Ma had no answer to this question.

"I don't know." Di Ma replied, "Qiaoyun has failed many times... Even I don't know where she is now, whether she is still failing..."

After listening to Di Ma's answer, Qi Xia slowly got a clue.

If what Di Ma said was true, and a person who even called himself a leader kept failing, then where was his hope of getting out?

"So you are not going to trust anyone in this world except Wen Qiaoyun?" Qi Xia asked again.

"This question is really absurd..." Di Ma shook his head, "If I still believe that the "participants" can get out, why would it become like this?"

"But you should know your current situation." Qi Xia pointed to the already messy game field, "Your superiors will find out the situation here one day. How will you explain it then?"

"Explanation..." Di Ma looked at Qi Xia's eyes and smiled bitterly, "It seems that you care about me, but I know you want me to die more than anyone else."

"Yes." Qi Xia nodded, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I want you to die, you want me to die, but we also want to get out... Aren't you going to give it a try? We are hurting each other while looking for a way to escape... It's a very interesting thing to think about it!"

"You..." Di Ma frowned instantly when he heard this, "Are you crazy? How can someone cooperate with the other party knowing that the other party wants his life?"

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