End of ten days

Chapter 472 Wen Qiaoyun

"Although I don't know the "Wen Qiaoyun" you are talking about..." Qi Xia slowly picked up the pieces on the ground, and then said in a casual tone, "But I feel that I am stronger than her."

"You..." Dima was speechless for a moment, "You have never even met Wen Qiaoyun...how do you know how powerful Wen Qiaoyun is?"

"It's because I haven't seen her before that I say I'm stronger than her." Qi Xia continued to show that incomprehensible smile, constantly breaking the ground horse's psychological defense, "If I'm not wrong, I I have encountered the danger of disappearing many times, but I am still standing here... I am still active in the "Land of Ending", but Wen Qiaoyun has disappeared. "

Di Ma looked at Qi Xia's eyes seriously, as if he was judging the truth from his words.

"This proves that the "road" I have paved is stronger than anyone else... As long as you are willing to resist "that person", then we are on the same road." Qi Xia said, "No matter how strong I am, I still need the support of "Zodiac" help."

Di Ma picked up the pieces on the ground without saying a word, looking at his expression as if his whole mind had been empty.

Qi Xia waited quietly for a while and found that Di Ma really didn't have anything to say, so he stood up, put all the pieces he had collected on the "Wooden Cow and Flowing Horse" aside, and then turned around and left the cold basketball court. 🄲

What he wanted to do was done, and what he wanted to say was said.

When he walked to the entrance of the venue, Qi Xia once again looked back at Di Ma's lonely figure and muttered in a low voice: "The "needle" I planted... everything depends on you."

With a chill all over his body, he walked towards the stinky street to join the members of the "Cat" team, and together they headed towards Qian Wu's location.


It took Zhang Chenze about a whole morning to arrive at the entrance of "Tiantiankou".

This time her purpose was very clear. Not only did she want to ask Chu Tianqiu about Wen Qiaoyun, but she also wanted to ask Chu Tianqiu about Wen Qiaoyun.


To find Xu Liunian.

If the plan goes well, it is very likely that these two people will be able to find a way to turn the aborigines back into "participants". In this way, they can awaken Qiaoyun as a great help, and they will be closer to everyone escaping here. step.

The people standing guard at the gate of "Tiantiankou" today were Lao Lu and Aunt Tong. When they saw Zhang Chenze returning, they only frowned slightly.

After all, in their memories, Zhang Chenze went out with several people yesterday, and now that she came back alone, the situation must be a little bad.

"Little girl..." Lao Lu walked up and asked, "Why are you the only one left? Where are they?"

"This eldest brother." Zhang Chenze smiled and said, "I had some conflicts with them, so we parted ways."

"Are you having a conflict...?" Lao Lu nodded with some relief after hearing this, "Hey, it doesn't matter if you have a conflict, as long as everything is fine."

"Well, thank you for your trouble." Zhang Chenze smiled, walked around Lao Lu and Aunt Tong and walked into the playground. Within a few steps, he saw Chu Tianqiu and Dr. Zhao discussing something at the door of the teaching building.

Behind Chu Tianqiu stood the young man named Jin Yuanxun. When the three of them saw Zhang Chenze returning, they just turned their heads slightly and saluted, and soon started chatting among themselves.

Zhang Chenze also walked forward nonchalantly and entered the conversation range of the three of them.

Chu Tianqiu stared at Zhang Chenze for a long time, then showed an elegant smile and said, "What's wrong?"

"Chu Tianqiu, I have something to ask you. Can you find a convenient place to talk?"

After hearing this, Chu Tianqiu nodded: "Okay, Doctor Zhao, you go ahead and do your work. I just said

You take the trouble for me. "

"Okay." Dr. Zhao nodded sternly, then turned and walked into the teaching building.

Then Chu Tianqiu turned around and motioned to Zhang Chenze: "Go to my classroom."


Chu Tianqiu opened the classroom door, asked Jin Yuanxun to wait at the door, and then walked in with Zhang Chenze.

He dragged a chair and sat down. Before Zhang Chenze could speak, he took the lead and asked, "Did Yunyao send you here?"

Zhang Chenze naturally knew who Chu Tianqiu was. He was like the most powerful opponent in the lawsuit. If he kept concealing the truth, he would most likely fall into a passive position, so he immediately nodded and admitted. 🄲

"Absolutely." Zhang Chenze said, "But I'm not here to convey Yun Yao's words. Instead, I have other things to talk to you about."

"You tell me, I'll listen." Chu Tianqiu took off the glasses from his face, then took out a soft cotton cloth from his shirt pocket and wiped it, "But I don't promise to tell you the truth."

"Okay." Zhang Chenze nodded, and then asked, "Wen Qiaoyun, who is he?"

This short sentence was like a thunder, which directly caused ripples in Chu Tianqiu's heart.

"You, you...who are you talking about?"

Seeing Chu Tianqiu's expression, Zhang Chenze couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that even a man as deep as Chu Tianqiu would be unable to control his micro-expressions. What was his relationship with Wen Qiaoyun?

"I said 'Wen Qiaoyun'." Zhang Chenze repeated, "You must know her, right? I want to know what happened between you and her."

"You..." Chu Tianqiu finished wiping his eyes and slowly wiped them on the bridge of his nose. Then he regained his expression and said, "It's very strange... this land


Is there anyone on earth who will remember this name? Where did you...know that from? "

"It's a coincidence." Zhang Chenze said straight to the point, "I was told by an old man who has preserved his memory for a long time."

"Really?" Chu Tianqiu smiled bitterly, "Is there such a person?"

"So are you going to say it?" Zhang Chenze asked.

"Can I know your motives before I tell you?" Chu Tianqiu asked again, "Wen Qiaoyun is already a character engraved in the history books after all. Will knowing about her be of any help to you?"

"Yes." Zhang Chenze nodded, "We have found Wen Qiaoyun and want to wake her up. If you know her, you naturally know that she was once the leader of all "participants", and she will definitely help us start from Escaped here."

When Chu Tianqiu heard this, he slowly stood up and looked out the window at the playground.

Although he couldn't see any expression on his face, Zhang Chenze always felt that Chu Tianqiu's back looked strange.

He looked very lonely.

Seeing that Chu Tianqiu remained silent, Zhang Chenze continued his verbal attack: "Chu Tianqiu, my identity in the real world is a lawyer. If you are willing to tell me everything, I will definitely try my best to help you." you."

"Help...me?" Chu Tianqiu looked out the window and smiled bitterly, "But you don't even know what I want, how can you help me?"

"Then help Wen Qiaoyun." Zhang Chenze changed his mind and said, "You are living well now, but you should know that Wen Qiaoyun is not doing well, right? Are you prepared to let her continue like this?"

Chu Tianqiu froze on the spot for a long time, then slowly turned around, letting Zhang Chenze see his completely desperate eyes.

"Lawyer Zhang, are you sure you know what I'm thinking about? Is there any way you can help me?"

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