End of ten days

Chapter 482 Black Hair

Chen Junnan led the other five people to slowly turn their backs, and then naturally divided into two teams.

Ditu couldn't help but frowned after seeing this detachment.

The two teams were no different from what I imagined. The six people were divided into two three-person teams.

This seemingly smart team actually used the most mediocre tactics. Isn't there a better strategy?

Or...are they hiding something?

"What clever tricks are you playing?" Earth Rabbit frowned and looked at everyone, "You don't think you can win the game this way, do you?"

"Then just take it one step at a time." Chen Junnan turned around and said with a smile, "You may not understand me, just wait and see, I never do things without a plan."

"Then what are you proud of?" Ditu looked at Chen Junnan in confusion, feeling that the man in front of him was really strange, "Forget it, it's up to you."

After hearing this, everyone stopped talking and divided into two teams to stand in front of the door.

As the voice of "Game Start" sounded on the radio, Song Qi and Jiang Shi opened the door at the same time and walked to two different rooms, while the rest of the people followed them into the room and turned around and closed the door.

The advantage of dividing each team into three people is revealed at this time.

One of the three people is responsible for opening the door, one is responsible for closing the door, and one is responsible for locking the door, and everyone can move once. This is by far the best way to move.

Ji Tu looked at the two doors that were locked at the same time, and shook his head with a smile.

Even if they could lock the door all the time, would the game be won?

Seeing that the door was locked, Ditu slowly walked to the door in the direction of Chen Junnan's team and waited. At this time, a voice came from the radio:

"All "participants" have finished their actions, please "Zodiac" to start taking action."

After hearing this, Ditu reached out and unlocked the door in front of him, paused for a while, and then reached out and opened the door.

Chen Junnan, Jiang Shi, and Cui Shishi were standing face to face with Ditu.

Since "Zodiac" also has restrictions on his actions, he is in "


After "unlocking" and "opening the door", all mobility will be exhausted and it will be impossible to move, so everyone's situation is currently safe.

"Oh, what a coincidence?" Chen Junnan walked a few steps forward on the blue sticky ground, blinked and looked at Ditu, "Why are you here? Do you work here?"

Earth Rabbit took a deep breath: "Are you looking for death? Don't you know that I have chosen you?"

"Yes, yes." Chen Junnan nodded, "We can say that we are honored. Please take it easy later and don't worry yourself to death."

"Eager to death?" Ditu sneered, "Then I'll wait and see."

After a while, a voice came from the radio, and the turn of action was once again the turn of the "participants".

"Let's take action." Chen Junnan winked at the two of them, and Jiang Shi closed the door with understanding.

Within a few seconds, a clear sound of locking the door came. The door structure here is very special, and the door lock and handle can be seen on both sides.

"Oh...?" Ditu felt a little confused. If he chose to lock the door at this juncture, wouldn't it mean that someone could no longer "move"?

Is this team really different from other teams?

There are people among them who are willing to die.

"Are you not crazy?" Ditu asked through the door, "Do you know what you are doing now?"

"Do you want me to take care of you?" Chen Junnan's muffled voice also came from the other end, "What tactics do we need to tell you? Do you really think of yourself as a person? Come and fuck me!"

"You are really looking for death..." Ditu gritted his teeth and said, "But no matter what, you can just look for death to your heart's content."

Following the agreed-upon tactics, everyone divided into two groups starting from the room in front of them. On Song Qi's side, he also used his eyes to signal the other two teammates to continue moving forward, while he stayed where he was and closed the door and then locked it.

Now Ditu has lost sight of the remaining people. Not only is he unable to leave the room at all, but even if there is a one-in-a-ten thousand chance of getting out, he may not be able to catch everyone in the remaining time.

Chen Junnan calculated the direction. He was now in room "five". If he wanted to go to room "sixteen" as quickly as possible, it would take at least five rounds. The situation of Song Qi's team was similar to his own, and they would also be in room "sixteen". The round reaches the end.

At this point they can only look forward to meeting at the finish line.

Chen Junnan walked towards the east door of the room and reached out to open room "6". Before he could walk in, he frowned after just one glance.

This room seems different from other rooms. A small table appeared on the ground at some point. On the table was a bunch of black hair, which was tied together with a red rope. It looked a bit like a A strand of black hair with a hint of brown.

Chen Junnan and Cui Shishi next to him glanced at each other. If nothing unexpected happened, they had been here before when they were "lost", but they didn't remember that there was any small table here. Could it be that someone had placed it here just now? ? Or after the game started... did the room trigger any mechanism?

"Leader, is this...?" Cui Shishi stepped forward and took a look, feeling that the situation was a little strange.

"This..." Chen Junnan showed a fearless expression and took a step forward to take the hair in his hand and look at it.

This curly hair does look like hair, but it feels tougher than hair.

"What the hell?" Chen Junnan also frowned and looked at it, and even picked up the hair and smelled it. There was no obvious smell. What filled his nose was the rotten smell all around. 🄲

Too many people have died in these small rooms. The smell here is stronger than outside, and even the ground is a little sticky to the feet.

Cui Shisi squatted next to Chen Junnan and bravely picked up the curl of hair. Then he carefully looked at the red rope on it and found that there was a very small metal sign hanging on the end of the red rope with two small characters written on it.



"Supernatural power".

""Supernatural power"...? What the hell is "supernatural power"?" Chen Junnan also saw these two words and felt even more confused.

"Is this hair a "supernatural power"?" Cui Shishi also scratched his head and thought about it, and found that there was no clue at all.

After a few seconds, Chen Junnan suddenly raised his eyebrows. He felt that his mind was suddenly opened.

"Sister, please give me these hairs, I think I have an idea."

After hearing this, Cui Shishi handed the curly hair forward: "What do you think?"

"This is the monkey hair of Sun Dasheng, the magic power of "blowing hair into soldiers"!" Chen Junnan said, "You step back, I will throw it to the ground and call out all the monkeys and monkeys in Huaguo Mountain. Open the children’s eyes.”

"Ah?!" Cui Shishi was obviously startled by Chen Junnan's words, "Leader, are you serious?!"

"Otherwise?" Chen Junnan said while holding the black hair, "In your memory, why is a bunch of hair called a "supernatural power"?"

Cui Shishi lowered her head this time and thought about Chen Junnan's words carefully. Although there was nothing wrong with thinking from his perspective, she always felt strange.

A tuft of black hair... is called a "supernatural power"? But Sun Wukong’s hair is not black either.

"Leader, this is what I think." Cui Shishi said, "This thing was not shown when we were "lost", and it was not mentioned when Ditu said the "rules". It was obvious that he deliberately concealed it. Once we see this tuft of hair in advance, it may increase his chances of losing."

"Hiss..." Chen Junnan touched his chin and nodded, "Sister, what you said makes sense."

"So we might as well put it away first and see if there are similar things in other rooms." Cui Shishi looked at the direction of the exit and said, "Once we can find other props, we will definitely understand why this Mao is called the "supernatural power".

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