End of ten days

Chapter 483 The magical power of props

Chen Junnan and Cui Shishi walked out of the house with the props. The route they chose was "five", "six", "seven", and "eight". When they walked straight to the easternmost side of the building, they went south and experienced "ten". Two" to reach "sixteen", a total of five rounds are needed.

Now the two of them are standing in room "6" and are about to go to room "7".

When the two of them opened the door of "Qi" with some anxiety, they felt a little confused again.

This room is empty. There is neither a small table nor any props in the center. It looks like an ordinary room. The walls are stained with a lot of dried and black blood, and the blue-green reflective paint can barely be seen on the ground. .

"Is there nothing here?" Chen Junnan looked around and found that it was indeed an ordinary room. "Is it possible that the black hair is here to mislead us?"

"Leader, you can't think like this." Cui Shishi shook his head, "Including the "starting point", we have only entered four rooms in total, and we have never been to more than half of the rooms."

"That's right." Chen Junnan also nodded. The two of them waited for the round to end and then walked forward.

At this time, a few rooms away, Ditu, who was standing at the starting point, couldn't stand any longer.

He opened the door twice in a row, only to see Jiang Shi's very sleepy eyes.

"No...are you sick?" Earth Rabbit asked angrily, "Who taught you to play games like this?" 🄲

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shi put his two hands together, squatted on the ground and looked at Ditu lazily and said, "Can't I... ah... lock the door?"

"No... you kept locking the door, how did you leave in the end?!" Di Tu's voice gradually became louder, "Aren't you looking for death?"

"I'm not leaving." Jiang Shi replied honestly, "I am the "closed disciple" and am responsible for closing the door."

"You...?" Ditu was speechless for a moment, "Isn't it? This is


What tactics have you discussed? "

"Yes." Jiang Shi nodded, "Isn't it good?"

"Silly boy, you have been deceived!" Ditu looked into Jiang Shi's eyes and said, "They want you to die. You will die if you stay here!"

"Just die." Jiang Shi wiped his tears, "Please die."

"You...!" Ditu sighed, "Okay, okay, you're not afraid of death, right? I don't care about you, I'm going to the other side."

Another round passed, and Earth Rabbit opened the door to the east of the starting point. On the other end was room "two". What made him feel extremely speechless was that there was also a person staring at him here.

"What are you doing?" Ditu was so angry that his accent was uncontrollable, "What are you doing? Are you not allowed to leave?"

Song Qi nodded: "Sorry, my team leader told me that I am a "closed disciple" and responsible for closing the door."

"No, do you have any serious illness?!" Ditu pointed at Song Qi and said, "You keep closing the door like this, what are you two going to do?! You two will die here in the end."

"In order for my teammates to live, I am willing to die." Song Qi smiled and said, "I have wronged you."

This time, Earth Rabbit seemed to be completely helpless. He took a few steps back and returned to the center of the room.

"Alas..." Ditu shook his head and raised his voice and said, "You two are really stupid."

"What's the matter?" Song Qi looked at Ditu through the open door, "Because we chose to die ourselves, are we too stupid?"

"That's not the case." Earth Rabbit shook his head and his expression became deeper, "I just want to say... if the situation is as good as

You think completely differently... What should you do? "

"The situation is different?" Song Qi frowned when he heard these four words, "Forgive me for being a little stupid, what does "the situation is different" mean?"

"Then I can't tell you." Earth Rabbit sneered, "We are on opposite sides, why should I reveal it to you?"

"Then can I understand that you are bluffing?" Song Qi has met many people, so naturally he will not easily believe Di Tu's words, "Could it be that you lied in the rules? You can't escape from the corner of the room. ?"

"Then you are thinking too much." Ditu put his hands on his knees and squatted down, "We came in from that room together, how could that room not lead to the outside?"

After speaking, he pointed to the wall again, where there was a map carved by Chen Junnan.

"The room "Sixteen" painted here is indeed the exit." Earth Rabbit said, "It's just that the situation will be a little different." .🅆.

"Ha." Song Qi nodded, "Since room "16" is the exit, that's enough. As long as my teammates can reach the exit, I don't care about anything else."

"Really?" Ditu gradually showed a stern expression, as if all the panic just now was pretended by himself, "Then guess...will there be such a moment...you will take the initiative to open the doorknob? Should I let him out?"

"Will you?" Song Qi asked ambiguously, "If necessary."

Earth Rabbit slowly closed his red eyes, and then there was no movement.

Chen Junnan and Cui Shishi opened room "8", and as expected, there was another table here.

This time there was a lotus flower on the table.

"What the hell?!" Chen Junnan stepped forward and touched it, and found that it was actually


Not a fake flower, but a real lotus with water droplets on it, as if it had just been picked from the pond.

Not to mention a pond, this ghost place doesn’t even have any living plants. How did this lotus come to be?

Cui Shishi stepped forward and flipped the petals of the lotus. Sure enough, he found that someone had carved two small words in advance next to the innermost stamen.

"Supernatural power".

"Leader..." Cui Shishi scratched his head in embarrassment, "If you want to say that the black hair is the hair of the Monkey King, then this lotus flower..."

"The third prince of the lotus flower." Chen Junnan said without hesitation, "Doesn't this confirm my idea? This lotus flower is Nezha, and the black hair is Sun Wukong... Maybe we can find the three-pointed two in other rooms after a while. Blade or the hammer of the giant spirit god..."

"Is this really the case?" Cui Shishi was a little dumbfounded, "Is this... causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace?"

"Hiss..." Chen Junnan also felt that his thoughts were a little too out of the ordinary, but what magic did a lotus flower have?

"Shall we bring the lotus with us?" Cui Shishi asked tentatively.

"I've brought my hair with me, so I'll bring my lotus too..." Chen Junnan replied uncertainly, "It's not too heavy if you have too many skills, and it's not too heavy if you have too many props."

One of them was holding black hair, and the other was holding a lotus. While waiting for the round to begin, they opened the door on the south side of the room and opened room "Twelve", but both of them showed speechless expressions as soon as they saw it.

"It's broken..." Chen Junnan looked at room "Twelve" and there was another table here.

In the center of the table lies something that has never been seen before. It is as flat as a piece of wood and has a whole body like jade. It is also engraved with incomprehensible characters. The only thing that can be read is the two small characters in the lower right corner of the jade piece.

"Supernatural power".

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