End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1262 How about it, isn't it handsome?

The two who sneaked in were Dr. Dora of the Life Foundation and down-and-out reporter Eddie Brock.

Dr. Dora is a senior researcher hired by the Life Foundation, an important member of the special team, signed a secret agreement, and knows all the research projects of the alien symbiosis.

This includes human experiments.

A large number of vagrants who no one cared about died from the incompatibility of the symbiont, but the top management of the Life Foundation turned a deaf ear to it, not only did not take human life seriously, but also stepped up efforts to continue the cruel experiment.

Dr. Dora couldn't accept it, but because of the agreement, she couldn't take the initiative to expose it, so she specially found the unemployed reporter Eddie Brock.

Eddie Brock's character design is very interesting. He is the reporter in the old version of "Spider-Man 3", and he is destined to have an indissoluble bond with Venom.

In the comics, he and Peter Parker are deadly rivals, and they will fight every time they meet.

In the plot of [Venom: Deadly Guardian], Eddie originally lived in New York. Because of the wrong source of information, he misidentified the suspect and was kicked out of New York due to his infamy.

The specific reasons are not elaborated in the movie, but when one thinks of [Spider-Man 3], people can't help but think about it.

In short, Eddie Brock doesn't like Peter Parker, and Venom hates Spider-Man. When the two are combined, when fighting Spider-Man, the fighting power due to hatred will be doubled.

Regardless of the comics and old movies, let’s just talk about Eddie Brock in [Venom: Deadly Guardian]. He is a righteous and contradictory reporter.

Call him cowardly, in the face of the big conspiracy of the capitalists, he dared to expose the facts and tear off their hypocritical masks face to face.

Call him brave, the sound at the door opposite was too loud at night, causing him to lose sleep all night, so he didn't dare to knock on the door.

A person who is fearless on the surface, cowardly in the face of threats, and a little unreasonable in the world, is the portrayal of contemporary young people.

Eddie is willing to come to the laboratory mainly because of the difficulty of making a living recently and the urgent need for a big news to return to the media circle.

The reason for his unemployment is simple. His girlfriend, whom he loves so much that he is engaged to be engaged, is the legal counsel of the Life Foundation. Once he peeked at his girlfriend's computer and found out the dirtyness of the human experiment, so he pressed the high-level executives during the interview, which made the other party very embarrassing.

Under the pressure of capital, Eddie lost his job, and all the media in San Francisco were unwilling to accept him, and he was so devastated that he had to pay off his credit card by washing dishes.

His fiancée girlfriend also lost her job because of this, so she threw the ring and broke up with him.

To be honest, I really can't blame my girlfriend for being unfeeling in this matter. Eddie's behavior is too intimidating, which is no different from selling his girlfriend directly as a stepping stone to his career.

Eddie had nothing, so he was naturally fearless. Dr. Dora made a phone call and ran to the laboratory.

Aside from the purpose of retaliation, Eddie's illegal infiltration this time is generally just.

Reasonable, but illegal!

So he was unlucky. Just as he opened the two-story door, he was hugged by a sticky black gel in the face.

Immediately afterwards, the red scissors who hadn't bathed for a while came straight fork, Eddie suffered a headshot, and the only feeling before he fell into a coma...

His face was fleshy, as if he had hit something!



Poor little venom! Why is this so, who is this guy! ! ! "

Eddie lay sprawled on the ground, and Deadpool sat on his face, trying to ravage Eddie's bearded face with his crotch.

The cooked duck flew away, and the passers-by were cheap for no reason, and Deadpool's depression can be imagined.

Sitting and sitting, the style of painting starts to go wrong.

At first it was venting anger, then suddenly feeling came, and then...


Russell shot dead the grunting Deadpool, covering his face speechlessly, while the corner of Duan Xinlan's mouth twitched.

Deadpool is the most vulgar plot character she has ever seen. This kind of person can actually have an independent movie, and it will be a blockbuster, and there will be a trilogy.

Deadpool: Eyes! What eye?

"What are you going to do with these two guys?"

Duan Xinlan pointed to the ground, Eddie was sitting on the buttocks of Deadpool, and he was currently being ridden by Deadpool's 'corpse', beside him was Dr. Dora, who had successfully completed the white-eyed coma after being splashed with bean curd.

"Let me do it, I'm going to hit two!"

Deadpool finished his self-healing, got up and began to untie his belt, it seemed that he was going to teach them both a lesson.


Hearing the 'headshot warning' from behind, he tightened his belt resentfully, changed into a superhero style in seconds, and said seriously: "This guy is Eddie Brock, a guy who got lucky because of [Deadpool] ]’s hits were well received again, and anti-hero movies were once again sought after, and only then did they have their own independent film..."

"To put it bluntly, I still took the traffic of Uncle Deadpool. Without me, there would be no him!"

"To be honest, the movie [Venom: Deadly Guardian] sucks. If it wasn't for copying the model of Uncle Deadpool, it must be a scam."

"It's like the Canadian [Green Lantern], isn't it?"

Luo Su quietly added a sentence, which instantly made Deadpool stiffen, and squatted beside him, depressed.

"Don't make mistakes, the venom is gone and there is a whip. You also said that this guy has good abilities."

"No, only a father is worthy of Uncle Deadpool, and the whip is a son, so I don't care about it!"

"But this is a movie, not a comic."


After Russell's persuasion, and finally threatened with a gun, Deadpool reluctantly opened the glass door of the isolation room, and put the blue-green symbiote on himself.

In an instant, the image of Deadpool changed drastically.

Except for the symbiote's iconic mouth with fangs and big pale eyes, the main changes are reflected in his body.

The red and green uniform is extremely gaudy, coupled with Deadpool's outstanding sand sculpture temperament, it is too ugly to look directly at.

"How about it, isn't it handsome?"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Luo Su waved his hand to dispel the air of the sand sculpture coming towards him, and drove him to Duan Xinlan's position.

One of the three alien symbionts died, and the remaining two were taken away by the invaders. You don't need to think about it, but tomorrow the Life Foundation will explode.

Russell thought for a while, telepathically deleted and added memories, and electromagnetically modified various monitoring and electronic equipment records, creating a perfect alibi for himself and Duan Xinlan.

First of all, Dr. Dora has been at home tonight and has not appeared in the laboratory, and no one has any evidence that she has appeared.

Secondly, the monitoring screen is clear that the two symbiotes were stolen by Deadpool and Eddie respectively.

Deadpool sneaked in from the ventilation pipe, and met Eddie who sneaked in to take a sneak shot, and added two to five, dividing the two symbiotes equally.

After that, there was nothing to talk about. Deadpool dragged Eddie, walked out of the laboratory with Russell and Duan Xinlan, and was treated as a transparent person without even interrogating him once.

"Man, how did you do it?"

"I have shares!"


"Of course, if you have any expenses in this world in the future, just report my name, the Russell shareholder of the Life Foundation, and you will be free of charge."

"You lied to me again, didn't you?"

"Wade, you have to be reasonable. If you don't try, how do you know I'm lying to you?"

"Makes sense."


The next day, Eddie woke up in a daze and found himself lying on the big bed at home.

He woke up hungry, with a splitting headache, high fever and irregular heartbeat.

After a frenzied sweep of the refrigerator, he soaked in the icy water of the bathtub, trying to recall the memory of last night.


I vaguely remember entering the laboratory and being attacked by two shadows, one black and one red...

"What's the matter, what happened, I came back by myself?"

Eddie racked his brains and couldn't figure it out. A warning bass voice suddenly popped up in his mind, making him think he was suffering from schizophrenia: "It's over, it looks like I'm infected."

A phone call was made to Dr. Dora, and he got a reply of "You are sick". Eddie hung up the phone depressed, not knowing what to do next.

Secretly sneaked into the laboratory, but no evidence was photographed;

When he woke up, he found that he was at home and was infected with an alien virus. His mind was buzzing, and there was always a voice telling him to run away;

I called my companion, but Dr. Dora said she didn't know anything, she was at home all night (|3[____]...

Eddie is almost depressed!

At a critical moment, he thought of his lost ex-girlfriend, and made a phone call, wanting to rely on her warm bosom.

The result was bad, the ex-girlfriend already had a current boyfriend, and the warm heart was being leaned on, and there was no place for him.

There is bad news, but there is also good news. The current boyfriend is a doctor with a very good personality. Regardless of the status of Eddie's ex, he asked him to go to the hospital for a free checkup.


In the evening, Eddie returned home with a gloomy face, and found that his boyfriend was perfect, handsome, rich, gentle and considerate, making his ex feel ashamed and speechless.

After the breakup, the ex-girlfriend's life became more nourishing, but his life went from bad to worse, washing the toilet or washing the dishes.

The more I think about it, the more depressed I get!

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Eddie prayed that it would not be the landlord, he was too shy to pay the rent.

"No, can't open the door, we'll die."


The voice in his mind sounded again, Eddie was already a little used to it, only thinking that he was schizophrenic, and opened the door regardless.

As a result, when he walked to the door, his body was out of control, and he couldn't open the door handle after persisting for a long time.


The locked door opened by itself. Deadpool was dressed in a voluptuous uniform, supporting the door frame with one hand, and pointing his chin with the other. The S-shaped curve was disgusting.

"Hi Eddie, you want room service."


With a muffled sound, Deadpool was kicked behind the buttocks, and he flew straight out, with his head stuck in the closet across the room.

"Hello, Eddie...and Weilong, how are you getting along?"

Russell in a black suit walked in, followed by Duan Xinlan in the same professional attire, with a single ponytail and black-rimmed glasses, she was indeed a beautiful woman without being a nympho.

"who are you?"

The voice in his head stopped abruptly, Eddie swallowed hard, he felt pressure, unprecedented pressure.

"We belong to that department, yes, it is that department, don't say it out, just understand it in your heart."

Russell shook his driver's license, and said straight to the point: "I came to you today to talk about the alien symbiosis."

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