End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1263 The problem is serious, it's useless to worry

"Alien symbiote!?"

Eddie's eyes widened, as if it was the first time he had heard of such a ridiculous thing, he said innocently: "Sir, did you find the wrong person, I have never heard of any alien symbiosis."


Russell didn't talk nonsense, he pulled out the Sand Eagle directly, and pointed his black muzzle at Eddie.

Eddie: \\(TдT)/

At the point of the gun, Eddie was very frank, and his serious face said that Russell wanted to know anything, just ask, and he promised to know everything without frowning.

"Hmph, you bastard!"

"It's not that you were pointed at the gun, of course you are not cowardly!"

Hearing the voice in his head, Eddie immediately turned back, and found that Russell's eyes were playful, and immediately explained: "Calm down, sir, don't shake your hands, I'm not talking to you."

"I know, you are talking to the symbiote in your body."

After finishing speaking, Russell saw Eddie's bewildered face, and slightly shook the muzzle of the gun. The other party immediately raised his chest and raised his head up, raising his slightly drooping hands again.

Hands up and surrender at the textbook level, the posture is very standard.

Eddie was really confused. Today was the first day he and Venom were combined, and the two sides hadn't really met each other.

Eddie didn't know that he was possessed. A series of strange symptoms, such as hunger, high fever, and confusion of thinking, were all defined by him as being infected with an alien virus.

Russell didn't explain much, he pursed his lips and whistled, and the abnormal sound waves hit Eddie directly, causing his whole body to tremble violently.

Amidst the humming, Eddie's face turned ferocious and painful, and a big black and white face flashed repeatedly.

Finally, unable to bear the shock of the ultrasonic wave, the venom sprang out, and rushed towards Russell with a bloody mouth.


A ball of flame lit up, and Duan Xinlan stood in front of Russell, with high-temperature flames blooming between her five fingers.

Venom screamed and retracted into Eddie's body.

Ultrasonic waves and high temperature are the biggest weaknesses of symbionts, not only can they be forcibly separated from their hosts, but they can also cause serious damage to them.

Of course, with the unlimited evolution potential of the symbiote, both of these weaknesses can be overcome.

It's not good yet, Venom has just arrived on Earth not long ago, and its weaknesses are very obvious.

"Then... what is that!?"

Eddie's face was pale, and he could clearly see the black sticky substance coming out of his body, and he also had a devil's face, and his whole body was not well.

"Alien symbionts, usually in the form of liquid, need to combine with the host to survive and endow the host with powerful superpowers."

Russell put away Sand Eagle and briefly described super powers: "Super speed, super strength, endurance, self-healing ability, etc., can even strengthen the host's genes and double its original ability..."

"Uh, is it life-threatening?"

Eddie pursed his dry lips, feeling like he was dying.

"Of course, not everyone is qualified to be a host. If you are unlucky, you can ascend to heaven in place. Only with a one-in-a-million chance can you..."

"To become a host,

right? "

Eddie took the words, with the tip of his heart in his throat.

"No, to survive for a while."

"how so……"

Eddie sat down on the ground. He is a very realistic person. If you say that superpowers are life-threatening, he will immediately stop being greedy.

"Eddie, in fact, you don't have to panic at all. It has nothing to do with you to live on your last breath for a few days."

"You can cure me, can't you?"

Eddie's eyes lit up instantly, and he saw the hope of life again.



A string of question marks floated across Eddie's forehead, and the conversation became more and more incomprehensible.

"I mean, other hosts can live a few more days, you are completely different, and you should burp tonight."

Russell persuaded Eddie not to worry. The problem is serious, and worrying is useless: "While there is still time, hurry up and swipe your credit card, anyway, you won't have to pay it back in the future."


Eddie was extremely sad and angry, and refused to accept: "Why can others live for a few days, but I can't survive tonight. Is there anything wrong with me?"

"Let's be honest. The symbiont in your body was stolen. The Life Foundation came to you. Can you survive tonight?"

Eddie: "..."

It makes sense!

"But I don't know anything, I just went to take a few photos."

Eddie said dryly, staring at Russell with wide eyes, hoping to be protected by the mysterious department.

"Boy, you look too cowardly!"

Deadpool pulled his head out of the closet, stepped forward two steps to Eddie, raised his hand and patted his face: "Come on, look at you with Bane's face, that's an interruption to Batman." How can a tough guy with a spine be so cowardly?"


Just now Eddie wanted to ask, who is this sand sculpture, and he is not an agent of the mysterious department in terms of painting style!

"I'm Deadpool, the superhero who stole the symbiote with you last night, and by the way, I'm the one who sent you home and covered you with the blanket."

"F beep K!!"

Eddie only felt a tightness in some areas, and blurted out an intimate interaction, and then he thought of something: "What do you mean by stealing the symbiote together, have I done such a thing?"


Deadpool's big green hideous face with a whip flashed across his face, making Eddie tremble again in fright.

He cast a sympathetic look, puzzled: "Dude, since you have also been parasitized, why are you still so...so active?"

Eddie wanted to say 'sand sculpture', but seeing that Deadpool had knives and guns, he decisively decided to be more polite.

"We are different, I am a perfect host, there is no fear of life."

Deadpool said very bluntly, it's just a symbiote, he doesn't know how many times he has passed through it.

He can wear whatever he wants, and take it off whenever he wants. The symbiote has always avoided him. When has he ever been afraid.

Sand sculptures are so confident!

"But, what about the Life Foundation? They will send people to recover the alien parasites, but they will still die in the end?"

"Boy, show the courage you had when you broke Batman's spine, you are already a superman, no amount of ordinary people can hurt you."

Deadpool patted Eddie on the shoulder, passing on his experience as a superhero.

Russell watched from the side and frowned. This posture of accepting the younger brother is preparing to win Eddie into the X Special...Sand Sculpture Special Attack Team?

If this is the case, will Eddie's generation of venom become a sand sculpture?

What, Eddie was originally a sand sculpture?

Oh, no problem then!

Deadpool talked a lot, spitting into the mask, Eddie nodded again and again, feeling like the door to a new world was opened.

Then, the door rang.

bang bang bang———

"People from the Life Foundation are here, go and open the door. Today, Uncle Deadpool will tell you what a superhero is."

After finishing speaking, Deadpool saw that Eddie was cowardly like a quail, and immediately sneered, and walked to the door with unrecognizable steps.



A bullet passed through the wooden door and exploded Douhua on Deadpool's forehead. Eddie next to him screamed and jumped up from the ground in fright.

The gate was violently kicked open, and eight guys all in black entered the arena. The infrared rays on the stun gun sight aimed at Eddie, Russell, and Duan Xinlan.

Eddie: \\(TдT)/

He felt that Russell was right, tonight was his death day, and he didn't have to worry about whether tomorrow would be the end of the world.

Great, no more credit card bills for this month!

"Eddie, what are you doing?"

"Hands up."

"Your behavior makes us look cowardly!"

"I don't……"

"you have!"

In his mind, the voice of Venom sounded again, and he controlled his hands to put down.


Eddie struggled desperately, with a strong desire to survive, and the venom interfered repeatedly, trying to save face.

"Enough, when you were pointed at with a gun just now, didn't you say nothing?"

Seeing that the man in black on the opposite side had a bad expression and replaced it with live ammunition, Eddie was furious immediately, thinking that Venom's double-standard behavior was shameful, and the man in black on the opposite side also wanted to save face!

"Shut up, that person is different..."

Venom lazily explained that Russell could make him raise his hands high without a fart, but what qualifications do these ordinary people in front of him have? Are they worthy?

Seeing that Eddie's mud couldn't support the wall, the venom directly took over his body, and a ball of black mucus stretched out with sharp claws, grabbing the man in black in front of him as a shield, and swung it to hit seven.

When facing monsters like venom at close range, firearms and weapons are basically useless, not to mention the effect of bullets hitting or not hitting, the speed of venom alone cannot keep up with the nerve response of ordinary people.

After a fancy operation, Venom overturned all the men in black, and suddenly found himself standing by the door.

He secretly glanced at Russell, feeling that there was a great hope of escape, and ran away without a trace.

There was a lot of gunfire in the building, and eight men in black got up, contacted the headquarters of the Life Foundation, sent back the recorded video, and pointed their guns at Russell and Duan Xinlan.

The higher-ups gave orders to capture the parasite Eddie alive, bring back the parasite Deadpool's body, and deal with Russell and Duan Xinlan on the spot.

No way, passers-by know too much.

Russell sat calmly on the sofa, raised his finger and pointed behind several people: "Friendly reminder, a certain sand sculpture failed to pretend to be forceful. You are currently in grief and indignation. Your lives are in danger."

Joke, I will turn back if you tell me to, do I look so stupid?

Several people were contemptuous, and were about to pull the trigger, when suddenly there was a rustling sound in their ears, and a green tentacle wrapped around their necks.


In the next second, the sky and the earth were spinning, and the men in black felt pain in all their bones, and soon lost consciousness.

Deadpool stood in the field dressed in red and green, with eight tentacles sticking out from behind, each with a man in black hanging on it.

After finishing the gang of black-clothed men, Deadpool groaned and was still angry. Hearing the roar of the locomotive fading away, he jumped out of the window, found a small pink motorcycle from nowhere, and just chased after him.

"Russell, this plot...can you pass the level smoothly?"

Duan Xinlan frowned slightly, suddenly there was an extra troublesome Deadpool, the plot would definitely go off track.

She has always had a question, it doesn't matter that Deadpool in the world of the Lord God has the ability to travel, why does he still have the memory of the past, remembering Russell who did the mission?

The Supergirl team also had plot characters who repeated missions in the world, and no one remembered who they were at all!

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