End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1319 So This Is The Devil, It's Terrible

The blue light flickered, and the Temple II disappeared into the deep space. After reappearing, it was suspended on the surface of a nearby wild planet.

It wasn't the cemetery that Russell specially chose for Thanos, it just happened to be nearby, and the rows of sunflowers were not artificially planted, it was purely accidental and coincidental.

In short, everything was an accident, and there was no long-planned factor.

Temple II released a beam of light, and Thanos showed up with General Obsidian. In addition to the Dark Order, there were three men, one woman, and a lump of metal. Let's count it as five people.

Judging from the positions of the five people, it is clear that there is a gap between them and they belong to two forces.

The blue light flashed again, and Russell showed up with a group of thugs, the three legion commanders of Hydra, the trio of the surprise team, and the siblings Hela and Thor.

"Thanos, long time no see, are you going to have a meal with your friends?"

Russell glanced at Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet. The gold, green, and orange gems were eye-catching, and he had already obtained the soul gem.

Yondu has confirmed that Gamora is alive and well, and Thanos's acquisition of the soul gem has nothing to do with his adopted daughter.

Obviously, he got the soul gem in another way.

Thanos didn't answer, glanced at the two gems in Russell's hand, glanced at a group of thugs, and frowned slightly when he saw Hela and Thor.

Asgard's royal family, Odin's children, he has recognized the identities of the two crown princes.

"It's a guest from afar, but it's a bit sudden, such as these few..."

Thanos said nothing, Russell immediately changed his target, and looked at the strange group of five: "You guys came here uninvited, and I didn't prepare at all. Fortunately, it's not too late to report your names, and the graves and tombstones are enough."

"Please don't get me wrong, the four of us are not here for war."

A strong man with cool hair said in a deep voice: "As a newly rising force, Hydra has a very bad reputation in the universe. We are just here to confirm."

"Just to confirm!?"

Russell curled his lips: "Very good self-introduction, I guess a few of them must be hypocritical stars from a hypocritical civilization."

Yes, Hydra has a bad reputation, but how good can the Dark Order be?

It's not Russell's sophistry, but the bad words, Hydra is obviously not the opponent of the Dark Order, if you have time to confirm Hydra, it's better to talk about life and dreams with Thanos.

"My name is Karlak, the head of the Royal Guard of the Shi'ar Empire, these three are..."

The strong man named Karlak introduced himself. Even though Russell's tone was bad, he still abided by etiquette. It really didn't look like he was here to find fault.

Shia Empire!

Hearing this name, Russell frowned, but couldn't catch a word of the words that followed.

The universe is huge, so big that it is boundless. Except for those ancient gods, no one knows how many civilizations and forces there are in the universe.

The currently recognized three cosmic empires are the Skrull Empire, the Kree Empire, and the Shi'ar Empire.

The former two are full of contradictions, and the war has lasted for countless years, so it is going downhill.

As an emerging empire, the Shia Empire is the youngest and strongest, unlike the other two empires,

The civilization of the Shia Empire is composed of many cosmic races, and each race has its own leader, which is more like a union.

Under normal circumstances, the affairs of the empire are managed by the Supreme Council, but considering that the head of the council is the imperial family and has a veto power, the real controller of the empire is the royal family of Shia.

The emperor of the empire has a personal guard, which is the "royal guard" in the mouth of the strong man, all elites, led by the captain of the guard.

Russell remembered that this alien was named 'Doujian' and had a bright mohawk hair, which was as eye-catching as a cockscomb.

Glancing at the hairstyle on the opposite side, he confirmed that Karlak is the sword fighter, the top powerhouse of the Shi'ar Empire.

"Karlak, this name... might as well be called Karl-El, or Clark Kent."

Russell whispered BB, what he knows about sword fighting is because of the opponent's abilities, super strength, speed, endurance, recovery, steel body, heat vision, freezing breath, etc., and moved all DC Superman's skill bar over.

The only difference is that the strength of the fighting sword will change according to his confidence level. When he is full of confidence, few people can defeat him in a head-to-head confrontation.

But once he finds out that he can't beat him and falls into self-doubt, his strength will be greatly reduced, and he will fall into an endless loop, where he will be hung up by his opponent and flattened wildly.

It's either a big victory or a big defeat, sword fighting is so willful, there is no 50-50 split in the dictionary.

The emergence of the Xi'ar Empire surprised Russell a bit. According to intelligence, the Xi'ar people's foreign policy has always been based on peace.

The Skrull and Kerry empires have been fighting for years. In most cases, the Shia Empire will come forward to mediate and declare the principle of peace first.

When the two empires refused to listen, the Xi'ar Empire tore up the peace agreement, and at the same time went to war against the two countries to help them end the perennial war.

Something seemed wrong, but the Shi'ar Empire really did it.

Therefore, what surprised Russell was not the Shia Empire's intervention in the war between Hydra and the Dark Order.

It's just the Royal Guard, and Thanos can hire it for money, just like Hydra's cosmic mercenaries.

What he doesn't understand is whether the Shia Empire is full and has nothing to do. Whether it is Hydra or the Dark Order, they are countless light years away from the territory of the Shia Empire...

This hand is stretched too far. Do you really think that holding the banner of peace is the cosmic vigilante?

Russell glanced at the four sword fighters in distaste, and fixed his eyes on the last mysterious person. With the familiar darkness and sulfurous smell, he could recognize who he was without introducing himself.

"Brother Mephitos, forget about others, why are you standing there?"

Russell clutched his chest, and said in grief: "Back then we were sworn brothers in hell, and we agreed to share blessings and share hardships. Have you forgotten those vows?"


The mysterious man wiped his face with his hand, revealing the original appearance of the red-skinned devil, and said with a sneer, "Brother Darkseid, of course I remember those vows, and I have always regarded you as a brother, but what happened?"

"In the end, you broke your promise and joined forces with outsiders to mess with me!"

Russell's eyes widened, it turned out that this was the devil, it was too scary.

"It turned out that the name Dakseid was a fake at all. From the moment we met, there was not a single truth in your mouth..."

Mephisto pointed at Russell, filled with righteous indignation: "This is not betrayal, but revenge. Your lies and ugly face hurt me deeply. You don't deserve to be trusted, you devil!"

"It's a joke, you can tell which of us is the devil just by looking at it."

"Judging a devil by its appearance, you really are a devil!"

"..." xN

Don't argue, you brothers are both devils! xN

At this moment, everyone's thoughts were surprisingly unanimous.

Including the dog legs behind Russell, they agreed in their hearts that they didn't have a good thing without saying anything.

The moment Mephitos revealed his figure, General Obsidian froze for a moment, Dou Jian and the three members of the royal guard cautiously backed away for a distance.

It can be seen that, except for Thanos himself, no one else knows the arrival of Mephitos.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced you yet."

Mephitos and Russell exchanged a few words, tightened the black cloak on their bodies, pointed to Russell and said: "You only know that he is the leader of Hydra, but you don't know that he is also the master of the dark dimension. In hell, he is One of the serious contenders for 'Satan'."

"..." xN

When everyone heard the words, their expressions were different.

General Obsidian looked bewildered, Thanos' eyelids twitched slightly, Dou Jian and other members of the royal guard once again retreated a safe distance away, feeling that today is really not the right time, as for the dog leg behind Russell...

They were not surprised to hear that Russell was going to run against Satan and become the devil leader of hell.

That's bad!

Their own boss wants to be Satan, but their hearts are calm, and they even take it for granted. How should this disease be cured?

"Don't be stupid, Brother Mephisto, I have already trained these lackeys. Whether it is the Lord of the Dark Dimension or Satan, they will accept it with peace of mind."

As he spoke, Russell casually pointed to one of the lackeys: "Steve, what do you think when you hear that I am a candidate for Satan?"

"It's pretty cool!"

Steve had no expression on his face, and answered quickly without giving Russell a chance.


Russell pouted bitterly, put away his disappointed expression, raised his eyebrows and looked at Mephisto: "How is it, brother, do you have anything else to say?"

"Hehe, they just don't understand the meaning of 'Satan', if they know..."

"Brother, needless to say, I'm different from you. I never put on a mask of hypocrisy, so they know exactly what kind of person I am."

Russell chuckled: "I'm ashamed to say that, when I usually slander myself, my words are much more explosive than yours. If you want to alienate my lackey, save yourself some trouble!"

"I'm not, I'm not your lackey."

Thor made a sound to remind, and instantly became the focus of the audience. Facing the opposite gaze, he scratched his head in embarrassment, showing an honest and simple embarrassing smile.

This is a fool! xN

In an instant, members of the royal guard immediately made a clear judgment.

"My brother is still doing things as always, and if that's the case, I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, Mephitos rolled up his cloak with his hands, and his figure gradually dimmed: "Hell, I will wait for you in hell!"

Watching Mephitos leave, Russell's face gradually became grim, and he waved his hand: "Leave Thanos to me, and kill all the others. Don't kill those who flee the empire, it's all money."

Rumble! !

The voice fell, and the thunder exploded.

Thor took the lead with his axe, and the target was the captain of the royal guard fighting swords.

The hot vision cut off the thunder, and the sword fight reluctantly fought with Thor. The three members behind them transformed, either using metal suits, or using flames and cosmic energy, and faced the surprise team.

Hela rushed to the five generals of Obsidian one by one, and the leaders of the three Hydra legions stared at each other, not knowing what to do. Just when a black dwarf fell out of the battle ring, the three shrugged and surrounded them.

Thanos looked at Russell, and didn't intend to do anything immediately, the boss should have the boss...


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