End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1320 Let me ask a question for Terman

The high-temperature plasma melted the ground, scorched the ground, and billowed black smoke.

"Sorry, my throat is uncomfortable, don't worry about it, I have no other meaning."

Spitting out a mouthful of plasma at his feet, Russell saw Thanos' black face from a distance, and immediately the corners of his mouth curled up, smiling like a little...


Thanos: "..."

The past is unbearable, he refuses to recall, and also rejects the sand sculptures he did.

On the battlefield, except for Russell and Thanos who were looking at each other from a distance, the other battlefields were all in chaos. Thunder, flame, hurricane, and superpowers were full of means, and the range quickly spread thousands of miles away.

Apart from abilities such as teleportation, in a single competition of speed, sword fighting has the strongest mobility in the field, coupled with amazing physical defense capabilities, Thor soon fell into a hard fight.

Seeing that Thor is not his opponent, he is more confident in the sword fight, his strength has risen sharply, and he begins to press Thor and beat him violently.

On the whole, except for Thor, who is in decline, the others are stable and victorious.

The strength of the three members of the royal guard is not bad, and the fighting style is distinct. The iron suit, the body of the fire element, and the magic of the universe are all very personal.

The surprise trio has similar abilities, except for the head iron, only the photon energy can be used.

Without needing any fancy means, the three of them beat the royal guard terribly with their head irons, but after a while, they only had the strength to parry.

The performance of the five generals of Obsidian was even worse. Hela threw out the melee player Black Dwarf Star when he came on the stage, and he played against the couple of General Death Blade and Proxima Dark Night in a one-on-one match, venting his recent depression.

Black Dwarf was thrown out of the battle ring by Hela with all his strength, and was surrounded by Natasha and the three before he got up, and died tragically under the siege.

After a while, General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night were also thrown out one after another, and the three of them surrounded one by one, using Hydra to fight in groups, and easily harvested heads.

The superstar followed closely behind. Her mind control and telepathic abilities were unable to break through Hela's magical defense. She sadly took the lunch box, died of a backstab and had her head chopped off.

Four of Obsidian Five's generals died in battle, and the only remaining Ebony Throat saw that the situation was not good, so it only defended instead of attacking.

Hela tried several times but failed to break the turtle's shell, so she threw the ebony throat to the trio who picked up the leak, glared at Thanos aggressively, weighed it again and again, and rushed towards the members of the royal guard.

Russell said before that Thanos would be left to him to deal with. Although Hela was not convinced, but thinking about it, there was no need to care about it like Russell, so she let it go.

It's definitely not because she can't beat Russell, nor is Thanos holding three infinite gems, which reminds her of the shadow left by Ultron.

Four of the five younger brothers died, and the last one did not work hard and pretended to be dead. From the corner of his eyes, Thanos did not respond, as if he was a passerby who had nothing to do with him.

Thanos didn't respond, and Russell didn't respond even more. He was a little tired after standing for a while, and the dark seat was condensed, and he assumed a big guy sitting posture.

boom! boom! boom!

After a series of loud noises, the three members of the royal guard broke their halberds one by one, and Hela played heartily. The surprised trio dared not speak out.

The relationship between Hela and Russell is unclear. On the surface, the possibility of the two combining is almost zero, but in the eyes of Hydra members, Hela's bad temper is just a moment.

Sooner or later, he will surrender to Russell's iron fist, and then...

It was time for Russell to fall under Hella's long legs.

It was very likely, they had no doubts.

boom! boom!

There were two more loud bangs, and Hela and Thor climbed out of the pit in embarrassment. Above their heads was a sword fighting with full of confidence and infinitely inflated fighting power.

The power of faith was too buggy, which caused the sword fight to become a bug too, knocking down Hela and the two of them, leaving an afterimage of sprinting in the air, and flying towards Russell at high speed.

The appearance of the royal guard of the Shia Empire originated from the order of the emperor of the empire. It is not known through which channel Thanos got in touch with the emperor, and the latter sent the captain of the guard to fight swords.

The emperor didn't say much about the specific situation, and let the sword fight handle it by itself. The Hydra and the Dark Order will support whichever side has the advantage.

By the way, the current emperor of the Shia Empire is a queen.

Doujian regards this order as a strategic deployment, and believes that the empire wants to expand its territory, so it is safe to draw an ally.

According to the information collected by Doujian, Hydra is an emerging force, and its momentum has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, so it should not be underestimated.

But if compared with the Dark Order, Hydra's background is not enough.

But today, the two crown princes of Asgard support Hydra, and the hell devil Mephisto named another identity of the leader of Hydra.

He decided to try Russell's strength. It doesn't matter whether he wins or loses. He just wants to find a way to report the truth to the emperor.

Rumble! !

During the high-speed flight, Dou Jian was startled by a giant thunder beast jumping out from behind Russell. He moved forward instead of retreating, and smashed the giant beast into thunderous pulp with an accelerated punch.

It seems to be average!

Just as Dou Jian was thinking about it, he saw dozens of black arms waving towards him, their eyes blazed hot and swept across, cutting off every single one of them.

After easily resolving Russell's two attacks, Dou Jian suddenly became vigilant, because it was too easy, and there was a problem instead.

He put his fists under his stomach, gathered all the strength in his body, and violently smashed through the heavy resistance. His body accelerated, and he rushed to Russell as if teleporting, and his fists slammed down heavily.

In an instant, the boiling impact gushed out, and centered on the dark seat, an impact crater with a diameter of more than 100 meters was sunken and formed.

Flying sand and rocks, dust rose all over the sky, and the splashed gravel was accompanied by shock waves, and the bullets washed down.

On the edge of the pit, there are densely packed tortoises, crevices and cracks. Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a giant spider weaving a web in place, with its fangs hidden deep, waiting for its prey to come to its door.


The dust fell in an instant, Russell sat upright in the dark seat, raised his left hand wearing the infinity glove, and firmly caught the fist of the fighting sword.

Without using the infinite gems, only using his own strength, he took a full blow from the fighting sword.


Dou Jian's eyes shrank suddenly, his fist was held by the Infinity Gauntlet, and he couldn't pull it out after struggling. His eyes were red subconsciously, and he released his hot gaze with all his strength, bombarding Russell's face at close range.

boom! ! !

The scarlet beam hit steadily, and Russell's face exploded, billowing a large cloud of black smoke.

After a successful blow, Doujian was even more surprised, because the Infinity Gauntlet tightly held did not relax at all.

Sure enough, after the black smoke dissipated, Russell's face was unscathed, not even a black mark was left.

"Don't slap your face. I'm different from you. I rely on my face for food. If this face is ruined, I don't know how many young ladies will be so sad that they won't be able to sleep for the whole time."

Russell tightened the Infinity Gauntlet, making the fists of the fighting sword creak, and slowly raised his right hand to make a fist in front of him: "This punch will hit you in the face, but first, I will fight for Baiteman. Just ask..."


Dou Jian's face was distorted by the pain, and his spare hand was in a defensive posture, firmly protecting his head.

"Tell me, is Martha yours... cough cough, will you bleed?"


The moment Dou Jian answered the words, a loud thunderous sound exploded in his ears, the air was emptied, and the hollow was exaggerated.

Russell punched away the arm made of steel from the fighting sword, and the rest of the force hit him on the cheek.

As the time slowed down, it could be seen that Russell's fists were slowly deepening, the skin and flesh on the face of the fighting sword waved, and the facial features gradually deformed.

The bridge of the nose was dislocated and broken, with two streams of hot blood spilling out, his expression changed from astonishment to horror, and at the end there was a tendency to roll his eyes.

boom! ! !

The human-shaped crater was sunken at the foot, Russell retracted his fist, and the black flame burned the blood above.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand to refine the test tube, grabbed the cockscomb head of Doujian, lifted his head and dragged half of his body out of the pit.

With a round face, except for the clearly visible sunken fist marks, white eyes, and bleeding from the nose and mouth, it is generally acceptable.

After tidying up, he can barely identify his identity from his hairstyle.

"Oh, not only will it bleed, but it will also spurt blood!"

After receiving most of the blood, Luo Su let go of the fighting sword, and after his body fell to the ground, he kicked hard on the back of the head.

Rumble! !

The cracks spread wildly, extending to all directions in an instant, covering the ground destroyed before the sword fight in all directions.


Dou Jian raised his hand stubbornly, grabbed Russell's ankle that was stepping on the back of his head, and struggled to break it apart.


Russell opened the fighting sword's hand and covered his mouth with the infinite glove: "Sorry, I didn't mean it. I didn't know you were so weak, so I will help you break it back."


There was another crisp sound, and the bent arm of the fighting sword fell weakly, Russell shrugged and no longer insisted.

The problem is not big, but it looks serious. With the strong body of the fighting sword, the mere fracture is not painful at all.

No matter how bad it is, send it to Hydra Intensive Care Unit, find a reliable doctor, and it will be repaired in one click of PS.

Considering that Hydra's intensive care unit does not accept minor injuries, Russell put up the Infinity Gauntlet, looked at the expressionless Thanos in the distance with a smirk, lit up the purple power gem, and hammered it on the spine of the fighting sword.

Retracting his fists and standing up, Russell dispersed the dark seat, waved his hand to let the surprise team wash the ground, and dragged down the fighting sword with only one breath left.

Sword fighting began to repair itself, physically, but mentally it was hard to say.

On the other side, the three members of the royal guard who rushed to the street were full of panic. Russell didn't leave the chair, and he lost consciousness after being severely injured by the sword, and replaced them...

The three of them shuddered, gave up resistance, buried their heads in the soil, and lost consciousness along with the sword fight.

"Thanos, now only..."

As Russell said, he frowned and looked at the lively Ebony Throat. The blue light flickered on the Infinity Stone, and he used the power of space to send it to the deep space universe.

"Now you are left!"

"You who hold the Infinity Gem would actually say such a thing..."

Thanos shook his head slightly, and green light bloomed on the infinite gauntlet: "The power makes you arrogant, you start to become arrogant, and you lose the caution we had when we first met."

As the words fell, among the five generals of Obsidian, the four dead people were revived on the spot, and Ebony Maw retreated from the crack in space.

Not only that, Russell's dog legs are all aging to old age, youth is gone, hunched over and wrinkled.

Russell: (one `?? one)

"It's a cool move, but I personally don't recommend you do it."

Russell glanced at the old version of Thor, the black chair behind him reappeared, and sighed: "Some old people have very bad tempers, I hope you can bear it!"

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