End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 153 Deep eyes, thoughtful

On the streets of Chicago, the conflict between humans and robots is in full swing. The citizens of the United States hold high the two iron fists of "freedom" and "human rights".

Russell rode Ultralisk on a rampage, and the anthropomorphic steel body of NS-5 was vulnerable in front of it. The fangs and claws seemed to tear apart pieces of paper, tearing each NS-5 to shreds.

Spooner followed behind on a motorcycle, staring at Ultralisk's ass and drooling, don't get me wrong, he was envious of Russell's mount, not for any other reason.

Calvin was stunned until now, and finally realized: "What's the matter with Officer Russell, his style of painting is different from ours, I always thought this was the Science Fiction Channel."

Spooner himself was puzzled, how could he answer this question, and continued driving as if he hadn't heard. Calvin felt annoyed at being ignored, and pushed his chest forward in a rage, causing Spooner to cry out in pain again and again.

At this moment, Russell stopped suddenly.

"What's the matter, buddy?" Spooner slammed on the brakes and almost lost his breath.

Russell turned his head to look at the side of the road. He heard the system prompt and met a plot character.

【Ding! 】

[The host contacts Fabo, the plot character, and triggers the lottery. Do you want to draw now? 】

Who is Fabo, who obviously didn't even trigger the lottery for the actor Spooner?

This is the finale. Is there any plot character that I missed?

As Russell thought about it, he saw a young man who was riding under NS-5. His face was very similar to that of the male protagonists in the first three "Transformers".

Russell felt so embarrassed. After all, the camera still had a large number of X-rated pictures of the Transformers heroine. Although they were not the same person, he always felt that he had crossed planes and given a hat to the young man.

"Hey, Fabo, why are you still on the street, go home and sleep quickly." Spooner shot NS-5 and shouted at the young man.

Fabo is a gangster in the slums and part-time Spooner's informant. The two have a good relationship. Whenever Spooner lacks clues, he will buy information from him for $10.

Fabo nodded repeatedly, looked at the Thunder Beast covered in fur, swallowed, and ran towards the alley.

Waiting for Spooner to turn around,

Russell was already riding away on the Thunder Beast, he cursed secretly, twisted the handlebar to catch up.


In front of the USR headquarters square, densely packed NS-5 robots surrounded the building, at least tens of thousands of robots gathered here, and the red light connected into one piece, illuminating the sky in this area.

The Ultralisk shrunk to the size of a cat and squatted on Russell's shoulders. Spooner and Calvin followed closely, and they all frowned when they saw the scene clearly.

"It's been so long, and the government still has countermeasures. Where are the marines and the air force? If the machines are controlled by computers, it's okay to send cavalry!" Spooner complained, but it was more like complaining about the government taking it for itself. perish.

Calvin's face was very embarrassed: "The order of the Ministry of Defense was taken over by the robot company. I guess they are trying to figure out a way. Maybe the pilot is adapting to the old-fashioned aircraft... right!"

Spooner was extremely speechless: "That's really great, even the Ministry of National Defense has fallen, it's better to just hand over the earth to robots!"

"Spooner, don't count on the Ministry of Defense..." Russell curled his lips: "Even if the Air Force flies the planes of the last century, it's useless. I suspect that without computer assistance, they can't even aim."

"I think so too!"

Calvin was extremely embarrassed by the two blows. At the beginning, she insisted that robots would not harm humans, but it didn't take long for robots to implement the Sanguang policy around the world.

Calvin thought to himself that he couldn't continue this topic. Russell and Spooner are straight men with advanced cancer. If they go on to execute a double bet, they changed the subject and said, "Two police officers, I know how to get into the company. Follow me."

Spooner's nerves were sharp, and he immediately noticed what Calvin was covering up. After thinking about it, he recalled: "Wait, I remember the bet back then, you want to eat double!"

Calvin's body trembled, wishing he could grab the gun and shoot Spooner, but she was a highly educated person after all, and said with a straight face, "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You want to play tricks, don't you?"


"Then why don't you dare look me in the eye?"

"Sorry, keep talking nonsense, I'll have a lawyer sue you for sexual harassment."

Spooner's eyes widened. He had never seen such a brazen man. Russell's eyes widened. He had never seen such a steely straight man like Spooner. No wonder his wife divorced him. It is already a miracle that the goods can get married!

Calvin took the two of them back to an open space behind the square. She knew a fire escape leading directly to the company's interior without surveillance cameras, which was very suitable for sneaking in secretly.

Unfortunately, when the three of them pushed open the entrance of the fire exit, they found that the four sides of the gate were welded to death. People inside could not get out, and people outside could not enter.

"Is there any other channel?" Spooner was unwilling to give up. Giving up meant waiting for death.

"No, we have no other choice but to rush in." Calvin shook his head sadly, three people with three guns, breaking through the blockade of tens of thousands of robots is not easy, even three Rambos will not work.

It is normal for the fire escape to be blocked. Russell thinks this situation is very reasonable. If it is easy to enter the USR headquarters in the original book, it is called a BUG.

Unlike other robots, Wiki can move freely. The headquarters of USR is her last fortress.

In fact, the defense measures of Wikipedia seem like a joke to Russell. If he were Wikipedia, let alone tens of thousands of robots guarding him, it would not be safe to give him a million units.

The location of USR's headquarters is good, which is very suitable for humans to use beheading tactics. Humans can easily suppress robot rebellions by sending a bomber, or using space-based weapons and weather weapons.

Viki was too hasty in planning the robot rebellion, she should have dug a nuclear fort first and moved her mainframe underground. She doesn't need food, water, or sunlight, as long as she has sufficient energy to operate, there is nothing more suitable for her to hide than underground.

"Russell, can this cat on your shoulder break through the blockade of 10,000 robots?" Spooner pointed at the Ultralisk, planning to make a bold move and rush in head-on.

Russell shook his head: "Its energy is limited, I plan to use it to deal with Vicky, and it cannot be wasted on minions."

"True, but we can't even see Vicki now."

Russell grinned lightly: "It's just a door, wouldn't it be enough to blow it open?"

"I know, but we lack heavy weapons, you can give that knife a try..."

Spooner stopped mid-sentence as Russell pulled a bazooka out from behind his ass and filled the shell.

Calvin: "..."

Spooner: "..."

[Item card: RPG rocket launcher (There is no aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be solved by one RPG shot! If there is, then two shots!)]

"Both of you find a bunker and hide. I'll say hello to Vicky first..." Russell narrowed his eyes and knelt on one knee, carrying the bazooka on his shoulder.

Spooner and Calvin didn't speak, they looked back at Russell's butt three times a step at a time, their eyes were deep and thoughtful.

boom! ! !

The flames exploded, the welded gate was blown away by the impact of the explosion, and half of the entire wall collapsed. The gravel splashed, the dust rolled up, and the Thunder Beast zoomed in to block Russell. The sporadic gravel was stopped by its body, and the flying dust was also attracted to the surface of the body.

Thunder Beast's sense of existence is MAX, but it can be cute even if it is big or small. Russell has already forgotten who Jason is.

"Dr. Calvin, what should we do next?" Under the imaginative gaze of Spooner and Calvin, Russell patted his butt, and the bazooka disappeared.

"Dr. Calvin! Officer Spooner! Officer Russell!"

At this moment, the collapsed steel door was pushed open, and an NS-5 holding a cutter stood up from the ruins.

Calvin lowered the tip of Spooner's gun and hurriedly explained: "Wait, don't shoot, it's our own, and Sonny is in charge of meeting us."

This NS-5 is Sonny, he should have been destroyed by Calvin, but the latter thought he was the masterpiece of Dr. Ronning, a unique existence. down.

Spooner put down the gun and smiled unexpectedly: "So it was you, I thought you were dead."

"To be precise, I have never lived..." Sonny laughed at himself. Robots have never been recognized as living things, they have always been regarded as dead things and tools.

A few people walked through the gate, and when they looked up, they saw the spiral stairs. Visual inspection... visual inspection could not see the end.

"Three people, 2,880 steps!" Sonny gave the detailed data.

Spooner said with a straight face: "Listen, this kind of thing doesn't need to be said, it will only make people more negative."

"Spooner, less than 3,000 steps, don't you think you're cowardly?" Russell smiled contemptuously, and straddled the enlarged Thunder Beast, which strode straight up the stairs.

Spooner's face turned darker, and the shadow area in his heart urgently needed to be relieved. Fortunately, he had a way to decompress, so as not to be too depressed.

When he was hit, find someone worse to hit him, and his mood would improve immediately, so he turned to look at Calvin, and decided to use sharp words to mock him.

Sonny stooped slightly to lift Calvin up, and walked up the stairs with a few brisk strides, leaving a figure behind who didn't know what slowed down.

Spooner: "..."

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