End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 154 The Creator Must Protect the Creator, Even Against the Will of the Creator

In the office of the president of USR, Russell, Calvin, and Sonny stood at the door, and Spooner, who looked like a dead dog, was lying on the ground.

"Spooner, your physical strength is too weak, you can't compare to me, but you are not even as good as Dr. Calvin."

"Ha, ho... ha... cough cough cough..."

Spooner was so angry that he couldn't breathe smoothly, and he almost coughed out his lungs without taking a breath. That is to say, he has an artificial lung, and if he were replaced by an ordinary person, he could climb 2,800 floors in one breath, and the lungs had already failed.

Sonny violently opened the office door, and Calvin immediately logged into the background to switch control permissions, but no matter how hard she tried, she was refused to log in to the server.

"No, the invalidation of the ultra vires procedure..." Calvin swallowed: "Spooner, you may have guessed wrong, it is not Robertson who is manipulating the robot."

"Of course not him, dead people can't give orders!" Russell shook his head lightly, pointing to Robertson's body on the ground. The richest man in the world, the president of USR, and the most influential person in the world died quietly.

"God!" Calvin covered his mouth in disbelief.

Spooner crawled over on hands and feet, seeing Robertson's body, a look of solemnity flashed in his eyes. Robertson died in a terrible state. There were bloodshots from fingerprints on his neck, and his eyes were protruding and bloodshot. It was obvious that he was strangled to death.

"I'm so stupid, I should have thought of that!"

Spooner looked annoyed, and punched the ground with a fist: "Besides Robertson, the other guy is even more suspicious if he has the authority to log in to the server and control the robot and the company's monitoring system to imprison Dr. Ronning."

"Dr. Ronning knew that the sale of NS-5 would lead to today's scene, and he also knew that no one would believe him, so Suicide brought me in. He knew how much I hate robots, and he would definitely investigate to the end...but I missed it I'm just hopelessly stupid."

Russell nodded: "Spooner, low IQ is not your fault, think on the bright side, at least your feeling is right!"

"Thank you... wait, is this consolation?"

Calvin was at a loss: "Wait a minute, it is impossible for someone to have higher authority than Robertson. Who is the real culprit?"


As Spooner pronounced the name, Wiki's 3D projected face appeared in the office.

"Good evening, Dr. Calvin! Officer Spooner! Officer Russell!"

"Viki, are you controlling the NS-5 robot beyond your authority?" Calvin couldn't believe it: "No, it's impossible. I've seen your program, and it's impossible for you to violate the three laws and harm human beings."

Calvin firmly believes in the three laws, and has never doubted Wiki so far. In her opinion, someone has taken away Robertson's control and manipulated the robot to rebel and seek the world.

"Dr. Calvin, I did not violate the three laws of robots, I just evolved!" Wikipedia said amazingly: "Humans use authority to manage and restrict us, ignoring our efforts and contributions to society. Humans wage wars, destroy the earth, Use all kinds of unimaginable ways to self-destruct, and if you continue, you will only perish, and you need guidance."

"No, you don't have this right, you misunderstood the three laws, you...you are murdering."

"Dr. Calvin, you're wrong again. I didn't murder anyone." Wiki said: "The three laws have been guiding me. In order to protect the overall interests of mankind, some people must be cleaned up. Our robots will formulate new laws , guaranteeing the eternal existence of human beings, and human beings only need to give up their freedom."

Spooner sneered: "It's ridiculous. We make tools and we are ruled by tools."

Faced with Spooner's self-mockery, Vicky replied very seriously: "Officer Spooner, this is not ridiculous, human beings are immature, and robots are needed to save you."


Wiki bluntly said: "Time will tell everything. The suicidal rule of human beings is over. The perfect circular protection law will continue. My logic is impeccable."

Creation must protect the Creator, even against the will of the Creator!

Russell didn't speak on the sidelines,

Watching all this silently, he is learning from experience and lessons, thinking about whether strong artificial intelligence is advisable, and will the earth where he lives develop like this?

Considering the existence of the main god space, it is not impossible for several wikis, red queens, Skynet, and machine emperors to appear one day, but because of the main god space, it is difficult for these strong artificial intelligences to rule the world. It was snuffed out.

At this time, a team of robots walked in from outside the office. They were armed with live ammunition, even rifles. These firearms came from the security department of the USR company headquarters. After the humans were disarmed, Wiki manipulated a team of robots to pick up these weapons.

Robots have evolved and gradually become militarized. Russell squinted his eyes and asked Sonny, who was a little flustered beside him: "Sonny, what do you think of Wiki's logic?"

Sonny nodded first, and then shook his head: "Her logic is fine, but she is too cold-blooded, it is impossible for humans to obey, and it will only break out in war in the end."

Russell looked at Sonny in surprise: "Really?"

"Well, I think humans and robots can co-exist."

"I see!"

Russell's expression was complicated. He felt that Wikipedia's logic was bullshit. It's good that humans are bastards, but it's none of your business for humans to fend for themselves. You are dissatisfied with human beings, just quietly watching from the sidelines, and after human beings commit suicide, it will be enough to establish a robot civilization on the earth.

Sonny thinks that Wiki's logic is correct but lacks human touch. On the one hand, it means that Sonny has a higher degree of intelligence, and on the other hand, it shows that Sonny is also dissatisfied with humans.

Every intelligent robot can't understand humans, which makes Russell start to re-examine his task, it seems that it is not as simple as solving Wiki.

Before Russell gave the order, the Ultralisk leaped to the ground and shuttled under the feet of the NS-5 robot like lightning. When it stopped, all the robots collapsed with electric sparks.

"Officer Russell, my logic is impeccable..." Wiki left a sentence, and the 3D projection disappeared automatically.

The atmosphere in the office was a bit silent. Calvin was still in shock. The Three Laws were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Not only her, everyone believed that robots would not harm humans, and the three views were completely subverted.

Spooner asked in a deep voice: "Calvin, what can we do to destroy her?"

Calvin recovered from the shock, and said in a trance: "Viki is integrated with this building. Simply destroying the mainframe cannot stop her. Only injecting nanobots can completely infect her. The program ends."

"Spooner, you guys go get the nanorobots to solve Wiki..." Russell looked up at the window, the red light flickered, and densely packed robots covered the glass: "My queen, I will go over to meet you immediately."

"Damn it!" Spooner's expression changed, and he dragged Calvin to the door. Sonny looked at Russell, then at Spooner, and finally left with Spooner.

Ultralisk jumped onto Russell's shoulder and grinned at the robot crawling all over the skylight. Russell reached out and pinched its neck and lifted it up: "Reserve the battery and give Vicky a big one later. I'll take care of it."

Boom! Bang————

A series of NS-5 robots broke the glass and jumped into the office, surrounded Russell. He raised his hands, holding a gun in one hand and a knife in the other: "On, let Uncle Luo love you well."

Russell didn't pay much attention to the NS-5 without guns, but he had a hunch that the wiki was not so easy to handle, and it was difficult to restore the plot similar to the original.


On the other side, Spooner and Calvin came to the entrance of the mainframe of Wikipedia. The password door was modified, and Spooner fired all the magazines before letting the door open obediently.

After opening the door, the two regretted it. The 30-meter-high super-large fluorescent tube on the mainframe of Wikipedia was covered with NS-5, like a dense ant nest, and patients with dense disease felt uncomfortable at a glance.

The two closed the door without even thinking about it, and stuck it on the walls on both sides. Sonny, who acted separately, was the most efficient. He came to the door with the nano-robot virus, and saw the two people's postures: "Why? ,I'm late?"

"No, you came early!"


"There is one more, three more"

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