End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 208 If Davy Jones' heart is smashed by a meteorite from the sky, who should the new cap

Calypso set off a maelstrom and set up a world-renowned decisive arena for the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman. She used some cleverness to stir up the vortex with the sea breeze, making both sides think that the wind direction was in their favour.

Davy Jones has an immortal body, and the Flying Dutchman has its own diving function, and plunges into the maelstrom.

As a result, the Black Pearl seemed to be in a dilemma, because of the wind, it couldn't run even if it wanted to. Barbossa could only bite the bullet and control the rudder, boosting morale and ordering the crew to fill the artillery and prepare for battle.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three cannon shots came from the flying Dutchman's triple guns, and the stern of the Black Pearl was hit by a solid shell, causing sawdust to fly. The timing of cutting into the current was very unfortunate, and it fell firmly within the range of the Dutchman.

The Black Pearl didn't have bow and stern guns, so it couldn't fight back against the pursuers in the chase battle. Barbosa knew it well, and turned the rudder to go deep into the vortex, intending to cut into the faster water flow to regain the speed advantage.

Driving the boat into the vortex, even if you win the Flying Dutchman, you will die. The pirates on the ship were shocked, but before they could say anything, they heard a gunshot.

"Return to your posts, load the shells and wait for the order to fire."

The shooter was Jack!

Barbosa's crazy behavior is tantamount to suicide, but in the face of Davy Jones, only a surprise can win. The maelstrom is not a desperate situation. It is the best decisive battle to restrict the flying Dutchman in disguise and prevent it from diving rashly. field.

Barbossa was right, the guns on either side of the Black Pearl would only come in handy if they cut into the faster current.

The two captains spoke one after another, and the pirates had no more complaints. As the Black Pearl approached the center of the vortex, they immediately threw off the Dutchman under the impetus of the fast current.

The two ships were chasing each other in the vortex, approaching the depths of the vortex step by step, and fired at the same time when the sides of the ships aligned.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom—"

The roaring waves covered the sound of the artillery, and the rising white smoke was doused by the rain before it swelled and dispersed. Amid the deafening sound of the waves, the shells fired from both sides flew straight across the vortex mouth and landed on the opposite ship.

A shell hit the captain's cabin of the Black Pearl, opening a big hole in the wall. Jason reached out and pulled out the wooden spike on his shoulder, and looked at Russell without saying a word.

"Don't look at me like that,

Either sink into the sea, or that ghost ship, you choose. "

Russell leaned against Jason, relying on his broad shoulders to shield him from the wind and rain. A good show was about to be staged, and he was going to clean up Davy Jones before the show started.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom—"

The shells passed by in the torrential rain, passing through the howling sound of death, blowing up sawdust on both sides of the hull. After three rounds of salvos, the Black Pearl was severely damaged, and a row of holes were blasted out of the ship's wall close to the whirlpool sea eye. A few unlucky pirates fell into the whirlpool and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Flying Dutchman was not much better, the decayed hull was even more damaged, and the seafood crew on the deck were forced to seek shelter. Only Davy Jones yelled wildly, manipulating the rudder to continue cutting into the lower current.

At this time, the fight was not about the power of the artillery, but who had the greater courage. Davy Jones lost his heart, and no one could compare with him in terms of courage.

There are still some, such as madmen, such as Jack and Barbossa.

"Prepare for a boarding battle. Since you are going to die, die quickly!"

The deeper the vortex went, the closer the distance between the two ships was. As the hull tilted, the masts of the two ships secretly held hands at some point.

Up to now, the pirates have become red-eyed, and the fear of death no longer restrains them, but instead releases the crazy gene in the depths of blood.

The sloping hull was the best deck, and the pirates swung the ropes of the Black Pearl towards the Flying Dutchman without throwing out their iron claws, and the seafood crew on the opposite side also swung over with ropes.

"Barbosa, I'll leave the rudder to you. Don't let the Black Pearl sink." Russell came to the deck and fired continuously at the seafood crew who came half-empty, shooting down eight of them in one go before continuing: " Jack, Turner, and Davy Jones are handed over to me to pack up, and you two will go on board to find his heart, and don't delay too long, or the Black Pearl will not be able to get on board if it is too late."

"Understood!" Jack and Turner looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, Elizabeth came over suddenly, stared at Turner affectionately, stretched out her hand to caress his face, and then couldn't help sending a sweet kiss.


Time seemed to be suspended at this moment, cannonballs were flying and muskets were firing, and they avoided the beauties very wisely.

Seeing the two exchange saliva, Russell's forehead was full of black lines. It's not that he blamed the two for not distinguishing between occasions, but that Turner is really a pure man. Elizabeth's mouth is poisonous, whoever kisses will die, and he should hang up after kissing.

But having said that, Turner's horoscope is really hard, and he died after eating so much eloquence. The other three, Jack, Norrington, and Sao Feng, died on the spot.

In fact, Russell has a question that has never been understood. The person who killed Davy Jones will take over his position, but if Davy Jones' heart is smashed by a meteorite from the sky, who will be the new captain?

After all, man-made disasters can be prevented and natural disasters can be avoided. This possibility cannot be ruled out. Just like Thunder Beast, the elemental creature has the ability to kill Davy Jones, but it has no heart, how to break it?

Still gnawing over there, Russell couldn't bear to look any further, shot down the seafood in front of him, took the rope in his hand, swung through the maelstrom, and landed on the deck of the Flying Dutchman.

Jack pretended to pray for a while, imitating Russell, and jumped over the maelstrom.

"I'll wait for you to come back, absolutely don't die."

"Of course, I haven't seen you wearing a wedding dress yet!" After confessing affectionately, Turner pulled up the rope without hesitation and swung to the opposite side.

On the deck of the Dutchman, the seafood sailors were fighting with the boarding pirates, and suddenly they heard continuous gunshots, and they fell into the deep sea vortex one by one with headshots.

Russell came to the deck to look around for Davy Jones, with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other, he chopped melons and vegetables to make a passage, and went straight to the rudder.

Davy Jones did not see that a figure in the appearance of a Royal Navy officer entered his line of sight. Around the man's neck was a worn-out rusty key.

Russell's eyes flickered, he dodged the bullet fired by the officer, pierced his heart with a knife, and took the key into his hand.


The silver light hit from behind, and Russell turned sideways to avoid it as if he had predicted it in advance.

"Davy Jones!"

Russell forced Davy Jones back with a single shot, followed up flexibly, raised his knife and feinted three times in a row to expose his flaws, and then kicked Davy Jones vigorously, hitting the opponent between his legs.

As if old friends meet, Davy Jones greets with a backstab, and Russell returns with a teasing foot.

"Bastard, you always use such despicable moves, can't you fight me in a fair manner?" Davy Jones stood leaning on his sword, with his hands crooked, his facial features distorted, and his octopus beard curled into curls. There was a ball.

"It doesn't matter, you are immortal, and you can recover even if you are broken."

Davy Jones was furious: "It has nothing to do with immortality, this is the minimum respect and etiquette on the battlefield!"

"That's right, being immortal doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, but..." Russell paused deliberately for three seconds, dragging his voice to stimulate Davy Jones's rationality: "But your thing is swollen, how about kicking me twice?" Well, you won’t need it anyway.”

Russell was full of malice and sarcasm. Since Davy Jones no longer extradited the souls of the sea, he was cursed into a raw seafood and could never go ashore. Just like the monkey said, "What's the use of this iron rod", Davy Jones' situation is similar, basically it can only be used as a leather tube for draining water.

"Shut up!"

Davy Jones was so angry that he jumped up and down, growled in a low voice, and stared at Russell, as if he was watching the murder of his father and enemy. Without paying attention, Turner and Jack sneaked into the cabin.

Russell was still in the mood, he hadn't sprayed so well for a long time, he caught Davy Jones' wound and sprinkled salt on it: "What shape is your thing, swordfish, sea urchin or moray eel, it can't be an octopus, that's okay It's too perverted, no one can tell where your face is when you take off your pants."

"I tell you to shut up!" Davy Jones trembled with anger, raised his sword and slashed at Russell's forehead.

Russell hits Davy Jones where it hurts, not the octopus, but his love-hate relationship with Calypso.

For the first ten-year appointment, Calypso came to the appointment. In a fit of anger, he told the first-generation Pirate King the secret of the goddess, and even dug out his own heart filled with love.

When he was young and energetic, he didn't think so much. When his lover betrayed him, he would betray him back. He would dig out his heart like a child in anger, and would not give it to Calypso after cutting it.

It didn't take long for him to regret it, his heart was gone, his thoughts were still there, and he couldn't forget Calypso. Because of his betrayal, he didn't have the courage to face Calypso, and he didn't even dare to take back the heart full of memories. It became a veritable ghost ship.

Until just now, Calypso's unfeeling curse made him wake up, and he didn't know the fear until he lost it. He began to face up to his heart, and decided to find the goddess to get back together after the battle.

As soon as he made up his mind on his side, Russell kept talking endlessly, trying to pick him up, how could this be tolerated!

Besides, isn't octopus bad? Very practical!

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