End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 209: The Boss Was Pushed by the Soldier, But It Was My Soldier


There was a crisp sound of sword clashing.

The swords in the hands of Russell and Davy Jones collided. After a brief wrestling, Russell pushed the back of the Adamant alloy knife, bursting out with all his strength, suppressing Davy Jones all the way, and pushing him against the side of the ship.

Fighting figures can be seen everywhere on the two ships, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, seafood and miscellaneous fish catching and fighting each other. No one dared to set foot on the battlefield between Russell and Davy Jones.

"Captain Davy Jones forever, what's wrong with you, have you changed from an octopus to a soft-legged shrimp?" Russell held the knife and pressed down hard, holding Davy Jones firmly, making him immobile at the same time , the poisonous tongue was fully fired, constantly disturbing his concentration: "Actually, starfish are more suitable for you, they can regenerate themselves, and even if they are cut, new ones can grow."

Octopuses can also regenerate themselves!

Davy Jones' face was livid, and he roared wildly in his heart. Since the beginning of the battle, Russell's broken mouth has never been idle, and the topic has always revolved around his masculine highlights.

Chichi, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"If there is any nonsense, hurry up and say it now. After today, I will make you never open your mouth." Davy Jones' body merged into the ship's side, sank and disappeared, and then emerged from the deck, slashing at Russell's back. Down.

Russell dodged sideways, swiped the long knife with his backhand, and cut off a few octopus beards. Suffering from the pain, Davy Jones was robbed repeatedly, and finally received a flying kick in the chest, and sank into the sea with a plop.

The ship was very close to the tsunami vortex, and the spiral sinking black cavity was like a bottomless pit. Russell gave up the idea of ​​chasing it after only one glance. Davy Jones fell into the sea and could still climb up. He fell into it to fill the sea eye.

On the deck of the Dutchman, seafood crews and pirates were fighting in full swing. The deck was extremely crowded in pairs of threes and twos. Russell drew his gun and fired continuously, knocking seafood dishes into the water. Take some stress off.

After a while, Davy Jones floated up from below the deck, all wet, and met Russell with bloodshot eyes. The strength of the two is equal, and the weapons are also comparable. Each of them displayed exquisite swordsmanship, and they fought 50-50 in a short period of time.

Russell let the water go, otherwise Davy Jones would not be able to persist until now, and he used a skill card.

[Skill Card: Fencing Master (Your swordsmanship is world-class)]

The skill card drawn from Schmidt,

Russell has the permanent skill of 'Master of Swordsmanship'. It's a pity that this card is useless and discarded. It is used to gain some experience in swordsmanship and strive to upgrade the permanent skill to another level.

The effect is mediocre, each move is very well organized, the combination of strength and beauty complements each other, but it lacks fierce killing momentum, which belongs to noble swordsmanship. To put it bluntly, it is the swordsmanship used in singles and competitions. One-on-one can't see the problem, but it seems powerless when encountering chaotic battlefields.

But if you want to upgrade your swordsmanship, you must make up for the strengths of all schools. Any swordsmanship has its own unique advantages. A true master can abandon the disadvantages and use the advantages for his own use.

The two are back and forth, and it seems that they can't tell the winner in a short time. In fact, Davy Jones is not weak. In terms of swordsmanship, Looking at the Sea is also one of the best.

It's not a genius from the sky, nor is it a famous teacher's guidance. It's all because he can't die if he wants to. Anyone who can live longer than a bastard can make good achievements in certain fields if he works hard.

After you attack and defend, Russell digested the experience of the skill card, and the way of the sword changed suddenly.

Davy Jones couldn't get used to it for a while, he was frantically thrown away by the long knife, and then was cut into a human by the sweeping sword energy... an octopus stick.

One kick after another, Russell kicked the limbs on the deck into the sea to feed the fish. Behind him, Davy Jones healed himself and stood up with a sneer.

"It's useless, I'm immortal, you can never kill me." Davy Jones picked up a long knife casually: "But you can't, I only need to knock you down once to end this battle. "

"You have the fatal weakness of the heart, what kind of immortality!" Russell sneered, there is no absolute immortality in the world, as long as life has life and death, it is said that it is immortal, but there is no right way to kill it. .

"That's right, my heart is indeed my Achilles' heel." Davy Jones readily admitted, and said calmly, "But you have no chance, and I won't let you find it."

Russell stretched out his hand, took out the key from the interspatial ring, and shook it on his index finger: "That's not necessarily the case, Jack has already gone to find the undead box, you'd better hope he can't find it, otherwise the Dutchman will have to change it today Captain."

Davy Jones had a frosty face, and snorted coldly: "So what, I'll grab the key back now..."

Just as he was talking, his face changed drastically, he staggered back to the side of the ship, clutching his chest, looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, his eyes were affectionate with infinite nostalgia, and muttered to himself: "Ka...Lu...Puso! "

After saying the name of his beloved goddess, Davy Jones slowly closed his eyes, kicked his legs and fell into the deep sea from the ship's side, completely merging with the ocean.

Russell: "..."

died! ?

So... what's the point of the key?

Russell shook his head violently, now is not the time to be speechless, who killed Davy Jones, Jack or Turner?

"It's probably Turner. He kissed Elizabeth just now, and he is destined to die like this."

Thinking of this, Russell saw all the seafood crew stop fighting and rushed into the cabin. Someone killed Davy Jones. The group followed the will of the ship and went to dig out the heart of the new captain.

"Everyone returns to the Black Pearl. Davy Jones is dead. We need to leave the deep-sea vortex quickly." After finishing speaking, Russell was the first to grab the rope and swing through the vortex, regardless of the others.

The battle ended as soon as it said it was over. Before the pirates figured out what happened, they saw Russell's back fading away, and hurriedly followed back to the Black Pearl.

On the other side, seeing that the battle was over, Barbossa ordered someone to fire a cannon to break the masts of the two ships that were tightly hooked, and turned the rudder sharply to sail into the upper-level current of the vortex, and climbed out little by little.

Russell stood on the side of the ship, looked at the shrinking hull of the Dutchman, and sighed: "Turner, it's a hard time to go ashore once in ten years!"

In fact, what Russell wants to say is that Turner should be careful that he has an extra five-year-old son once he goes ashore in ten years. But these words are too hurtful and not suitable for the current atmosphere. Elizabeth heard it and held a grudge, and it was over after a sneak attack in the middle of the night.


The familiar sound of saliva exchanged from behind, Russell turned his head with a stiff neck, and Turner who was hugging Elizabeth was in his eyes.

not him!

Russell's eyes widened suddenly. It wasn't Turner who stabbed the heart, could it be Jack?

If you think about it carefully, there is really such a possibility. In the movie, Jack is very obsessed with sailing on the sea forever, and wants to replace Davy Jones as the new captain. Now that the Black Pearl is occupied by Russell, he has lost even the ship, so he is even more eager for the Dutchman.

"Jack, this guy is really quick..."

Jack: "Captain, are you calling me?"

Russell: "..."

"Dear Captain, are you planning to go back to your hometown to get married after this battle, and want to entrust the Black Pearl to me?" Jack leaned out from the side and squeezed to the stunned Russell, patted his chest and promised: "Please Rest assured, compared to Barbossa, I am the best captain of the Black Pearl."

It wasn't Turner, and it wasn't Jack. Could it be that some pirate got away with it by luck?

Russell hurriedly looked at the Dutchman below, his magic power concentrated in his eyes, he looked over from a distance, and asked at the same time: "Jack, who killed Davy Jones?"

Hearing the words, Jack leaned against the side of the ship with a heartbroken look, and said falteringly: "Turner and I found Davy Jones' heart. In the captain's cabin, there are two British navy soldiers who are guarding it. They Aim the heart with a cannon..."

On the Flying Dutchman, the seafood sailors stepped onto the deck, controlled the rudder and plunged into the deep sea. Russell's eyes were sharp, and he saw a figure wearing a captain's hat beside the rudder. The hat belonged to Davy Jones.

who is it! ?

Russell looked intently and saw a weeping fat British sailor in a dark blue navy uniform.

Russell: (?_?)

Who the fuck are you! ! !

"I wanted to steal the heart and stab myself to death, but Turner fell down and made a noise, and the two cowards fired, and the heart was shattered on the spot..." Jack sighed, the great opportunity was gone like this, he was too scared Bad luck.

Russell: "..."

The BOSS was pushed by the soldiers, and it was still his own soldiers, Davy Jones died with regret!

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