End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 390 Almost Never Hit Him

Russell was stunned. He knew that the antibacterial soap was so bad, and he didn't need to kill him.

But it was too late now, Saruman raised his hand, and the staff landed firmly on the palm of his hand, with the flame attached to the tip of the staff, aiming at Russell and slashing straight down.


The flames exploded, Gandalf arrived in time, and the fireball hit Saruman in the face, hitting him directly on the black tower.

"Russell, are you okay?" Gandalf asked concerned, ten meters away from Russell, not daring to approach.

Russell: "..."

He found that the cheating antibacterial soap not only kills the enemy, but also shrinks a circle after using it twice, TM is quite close to reality!

On the other side, Saruman supported the wall and stood up. Except for the burnt corners of the golden silk white robe, there was no visible injury on his body. Like Gandalf, after Saruman got up, he immediately moved ten meters away from Russell, afraid to move forward with lingering fear.

At this moment, the two white-robed mages were motionless, and they really didn't dare to move. They were all shrewd people, and they saw the terrifying power of the anti-bacterial soap, and they were afraid that their reputation would be ruined once they were recruited.

The two mages didn't dare to move, and Russell didn't dare to throw it away. The antibacterial soap is a strategic weapon, and it has a deterrent effect only when it is held in hand.

Lessons learned from the past, be extra cautious when using it!

"Russell, throw him!" Gandalf shouted.

"Don't lose it, I'll tell you all about Sauron's plan." Saruman's expression changed drastically.

"Russell, don't trust him, Saruman lied to you, throw it away!"

"Gandalf, shut up!"

Saruman trembled, scolded Gandalf angrily, turned his head to Russell, and said quickly: "I didn't lie to you, and I will tell you about Sauron's plan."

"The Ringlings have brought back the news of the battle of Helm's Deep to Mordor. Next, Sauron's half-orc army will attack Gondor in an all-round way. The goal is Minas Tirith, the capital of the king. Sauron wants to destroy mankind in one go. Don't give them a chance to unite..."

Speaking of this, Saruman's face suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "Gandalf, you despicable gray robe, you actually talk to me?"

When did I talk to you?

Gandalf felt very wronged, but he was a mature Maiya, and he snorted coldly: "Yes, I was just trying to trick you, thank you for your cooperation."

"court death!"

Saruman swung his staff and threw out a big ball of fire, then combined with his staff and sword, he fought with Gandalf.

There is no winner or loser, at least within three to five hundred moves, there is no winner.

Russell rolled his eyes and shouted, "Saruman, look at Zao!"

Saruman was terrified when he heard the sound, he caught a glimpse of whiteness from the corner of his eye, and took Gandalf's sword in his chest, and retreated violently.


A piece of broken ice fell to the ground, slid for more than ten meters, and stopped at Saruman's feet.


Saruman's face was ferocious, and he was trembling with anger. When Gandalf stabbed with his sword, he didn't have time to speak harshly, so he hastily parried and fought with him.

"Look at the soap!"

A white object struck, Saruman dodged again, and received another sword in the chest.

Still a piece of crushed ice!



"Look at the soap!"


"Look at the soap!"


After seven or eight rounds, Saruman's white robe was bloodied and wounded, his hair disheveled and his hair disheveled, his staff was knocked down to the ground, and he only had a long sword in his hand.

"Damn it, you're such a loser!"

Saruman showed grief and indignation, knowing that Russell was telling lies, but he just followed suit. After all, Maiya is good at hand-to-hand combat, her nerve reaction is faster than her thinking speed, and she is extremely sensitive to flying props. Often, her body moves before her brain gives an order.

"Look at the soap!"

Come again! ?

Saruman was furious, his feet moved subconsciously, and he forcibly reversed his center of gravity, but he did not take a step back.

Seeing that Saruman didn't move, Gandalf was overjoyed, secretly thinking that there was no chance to lose, and while Saruman's center of gravity was stable, he swung his staff and struck down on the head.

In the next second, the two old men were lying on the ground together, neither of them would let go of the antibacterial soap.

Gandalf: "..."

Fuck, this time it's for real!

Antibacterial soap is such a pit,

Pick it up, it might be given away this round, don’t pick it up, it’s time to give it away in the next round. The worst thing is that it doesn't matter whether you pick it up or not, it can be said that you can kill one thousand enemies and lose one thousand.

Finally, after a fierce struggle, Gandalf grabbed the antibacterial soap first. Snatching things from Saruman's hands, I could wake up with a smile in my dreams before, but this time...

"Hahaha, Gandalf is dead!"

Saruman's face was wrinkled with a smile, and with the long sword in hand, he rushed towards Gandalf quickly.

At the juncture of life and death, Gandalf hurriedly called for help, but Russell was nowhere to be seen, and there was a hole where he was standing.


Saruman accelerated his steps quickly, and was about to jump with the last step, but he exerted too much force, and the ice surface under his feet collapsed, and he was buried from the waist down.


Russell's newly learned permanent skill was used, he broke through the ice and jumped out, and the Edman alloy knife pierced Saruman's face. The latter's eyes froze, and he opened his mouth to bite the tip of the knife, making it impossible for the long knife to penetrate an inch.

Russell's whole body is not good. The indestructible Adamant alloy knife can't even break Saruman's old teeth. What kind of thing is the Maya race?

"Look at the soap!"

Thinking about it with a loud shout behind him, Russell trembled all over, and subconsciously wanted to make a hole to escape, but unfortunately he was a step too late, and fell to the ground together with Saruman.

Gandalf was able to compete with Saruman and exchanged for Russell, who was slapped flying, turned 3600 degrees in the air, and fell into the hole he dug.

Saruman: "..."

Picking up the antibacterial soap, Saruman thought to himself that he was going to finish it. As he imagined, he was hit by Gandalf's staff first, and then stabbed in the chest by the long sword.

Most of one life was lost!

"Hehehe, Gandalf, it's your turn this time..." Saruman's mouth was bleeding, and he had to throw the antibacterial soap on the ground, and then held the sword in both hands, preparing for a beheading posture.

This time it was Gandalf's turn to be unlucky, his face was pale, and he knew that he would be stabbed if he picked it up, but his body was out of control, his eyes followed the antibacterial soap, and he was about to pounce.


The ice broke, and Russell reached out to catch the antibacterial soap.

Saruman: "..."


Gandalf swept his sword and cut Saruman's neck open. A generation of legendary mages died. With resentment and aggrieved eyes, he died an uneasy death.

This is not the way he wants to die. Even if Saruman in white robe dies, it should be an earth-shattering death!

A moment later, Russell crawled out from under the ice, and the big killer was put into the space ring to seal it up. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would never use it against the enemy in the future.

"Saruman, a terrible opponent!" Gandalf looked solemn, swung his staff down again and again, and bombarded Isengard indiscriminately.

Russell squinted his eyes, comprehended, pulled out his two guns and fired continuously, followed by destruction.

The bombing lasted for a full five minutes, the ice sheet was in a mess and filled with gunpowder smoke.

"Saruman is amazing!" Gandalf admired.

Russell nodded: "Yes, look at his spells, the destructive power is so amazing, we almost never beat him!"

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