End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 391 Where are you going to find reinforcements this time?

The battle between legendary mages must be full of force, otherwise it will be too cheap to spread. Gandalf is not a person who cares about fame, but he and Saruman have been working together for many years, and they are brothers and sisters. Destroy the battlefield, indicating that a shocking battle took place here.

Russell and Gandalf think the same way, Saruman is a worthy opponent, and he is to be given an honorable death.

"Those pits..."

"Don't worry, it's all done!"

Gandalf nodded. Talking to a smart person is comfortable, and you don't need to point it out. The two looked at each other and smiled, restraining Saruman's body and walking out of Isengard.

On the outskirts of the fortress, more than 2,000 cavalrymen looked in awe. First, the entire Essinger was frozen into an ice field, and then the explosion continued. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I could imagine how terrifying the fierce battle was.

"Master Wizard is so powerful!"

The soldiers secretly thought that King Theoden had the foresight and ordered them to guard the gate, otherwise, many people would surely be sacrificed.

Theoden rode forward and said nervously, "Two wizards, Saruman..."

"Saruman has been executed and paid the price with his life for his crime." Gandalf looked serious.

"Yes, Saruman is dead, he is a very difficult enemy." Russell added.

With such a big commotion, even a fool can see that Saruman is very powerful. Theoden nodded repeatedly, and then said with a smile: "No matter how powerful Saruman is, he is not a match between the two."

"No no!" X2

"You two don't need to be humble. The villain has already been taken down. Theoden represents the dead souls of Rohan. Thank you for your righteousness."

"Where is that!" X2


After the war ended, Treebeard led the tribe to leave, and the tree people were preparing to take root near Essinger, where the water source was abundant and the soil was fertile. For the tree people, it was the best place to settle down.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that they are too lazy to move, so they lie down on the spot!

More than 2,000 cavalry returned in triumph. On the way, Gandalf recounted the information he obtained: "King Theoden and King Gondor can't resist the army of Mordor. They need the assistance of Rohan's iron cavalry."

Theoden frowned. Rohan has been Gondor's younger brother for many years, and he has been the leader of Gondor. Io's oath is a testimony of the friendship between the two countries, but it is different now: "Gandalf, Rohan can send troops, but I also have a request."

"any request?"

"When Rohan was invaded, Gondor turned a blind eye. I don't have a good opinion of the regent Denethor II. If Gondor is still in power, Rohan's cavalry will never step over the White Mountains." Speaking of this, Theoden turned to look at Aragorn: "Rohan and Gondor are allies, but this Gondor...must be the Gondor led by the blood of Númenor."

What Theoden said is very reasonable. When Rohan was in crisis, Gondor stood still, and he could let the past go. But if you want him to send troops to aid Gondor, the king of Gondor must come forward, and the regent should be cool.

Gandalf shook his head secretly. He knew how dissatisfied Theoden was, and it was a great shame to be able to say such words.

The most embarrassing thing was Boromo. The regent King Denethor II was his biological father, a standard power control. He wanted to say something nice for his father, but he didn't know where to start.

"King Theoden, I, Aragorn, swear in the name of the descendants of Elendil that I will take back the throne and ask for your assistance as the king of Gondor." Aragorn pulled out the holy sword and said solemnly.

"No problem! Aragorn, with the beacon fire as a signal, Rohan's cavalry is willing to fight for the royal family of the West!"

The leaders of the two countries made an oath, and Gandalf convened a meeting of the Fellowship of the Ring, just like before the Battle of Helm's Deep, to find reinforcements first.

"Not only half-orcs, Sauron's minions are full of human beings who are willing to degenerate, the legion of the Haradrin in the south, the mercenaries and robbers on the sea, we need reinforcements..."

"Gandalf, where are you going to find reinforcements this time, can you come back before the battle is over?" Russell was honest since he was a child, and he never told lies without worrying about their face.

Gandalf gave him a blank look, and said to everyone: "Next, Boromir and I set off to the capital Minas Tirith, and persuade the regent to welcome back the real royal heir!"

"No problem, Gondor has been waiting for the real king for too long, I believe my father will agree." Boromir gritted his teeth and said.

He has made a plan, if the regent disagrees, he will be tied up and announced to the public that he will die suddenly, and then he will take over as the regent and welcome back Aragon to inherit the rule.

Boromir had longed for the throne, but he knew there was a certain gap between himself and Aragorn, who was the king who could lead the revival of Gondor. Moreover, the war is related to the survival of Middle-earth, and he cannot bear this pressure.

Boromir recognized himself, he was more than enough to be a general, but he was not the material to be a king.

Aragorn patted Boromir on the shoulder, and said to Gandalf: "I will go to the capital with you, and I only rely on you..."

"No, you can't go, it's too dangerous." Gandalf bit him to death. Everyone knew the reason, but he didn't explain clearly.

"Where are the reinforcements, who will go?" Russell asked.

"Aragorn, go to the south and find a brave man who is willing to fight for the king's banner. This is your mission!" Gandalf said like a magic stick.


"Remember to take the road of death, the undead there will give you some help." Facing Aragorn's puzzlement, Gandalf smiled deeply.

Hearing the undead, Russell suddenly realized: "Gandalf, do you want Aragorn to order the army of undead to fight for him in the name of the heir of Gondor?"

During the Second Era, there was a group of mountain people who worshiped Sauron. Later, the Kingdom of Gondor was established, and the mountain people immediately turned their backs to the Gondor royal family. They vowed to make a clean break with Sauron from now on, and if there is a war against Sauron, they will never refuse.

When the war came, these people broke their vows, refused the call of Gondor, and were cursed by Isidur, the king of Gondor at that time. They hid in the mountains to escape the world, and as time went by, they became dead due to the curse, and their souls could not escape.

"The undead army is very powerful, are they reinforcements?"

Russell remembered very clearly that the performance of this army of undead was called a BUG, ​​only he hit you, without you hitting him, like a green virus, swept across the battlefield in an instant.


Everyone had strange expressions on their faces, and looked at Russell with strange eyes. The rest of the people were a little dodging, except for Gandalf, who had 'You are stupid' written in his eyes and did not hide it.

That's weird, he's clearly a full-fledged Maier!

Russell felt that he was being targeted. The old man killed Saruman and started stabbing him!

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with what I said?"

"The undead have no entity. We can't hit them, and they can't hit us. They can't do anything except scare people." Aragorn explained.

"No way?" Russell's eyes widened. Did he see a fake Lord of the Rings?

Or is the invincible army of undead in the movie a plot requirement?

"Russell, as a mage, you don't even know this common sense." Gandalf patted the dust on his white robe, and continued: "Not to mention that the undead have no fighting power. They are seen as reinforcements."


Gandalf sighed: "Because Sauron is a necromancer!"

Russell suddenly realized, and then coughed lightly: "You may not know, some time ago I fell off a horse and lost my memory, and I forgot a lot of things. Really, Aragorn can testify for me!"

Aragorn: "..."

Sorry, I forgot!

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