End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 392 The Undead Laid a Net

The Guardians of the Ring were divided into two groups. Aragorn went to the south to find reinforcements, and Russell, Legolas, and Gimli were responsible for protecting his safety.

Gandalf and Boromir went to the capital of Minas Tirith, followed by four hobbits. It is safest to place the Lord of the Lords next to Gandalf. Although Russell's strength is not bad, but...

No but, just Gandalf!

This was the decision made after everyone voted. They chose to vote anonymously because they were afraid that Russell would be narrow-minded and retaliate against the team members who did not vote for him afterwards. However, the result was not very friendly.

Gandalf 9 votes! Russell 1 vote!

Russell: ( ̄_ ̄) convex


"Here we are, this is Mount Dingmo, where the undead of Dengharo roam!" Aragorn looked at the mountains in front of him, full of thoughts in his heart.

The souls of the broken oath roamed the mountains, unable to rest until the descendants of Isidur lifted their curse.

"I came here according to the prophecy, to give the undead a chance to redeem their sins, and to eliminate the shame they bear." Aragorn said solemnly, "Russell, do you know, I..."

Halfway through, Aragorn suddenly felt that the picture was a bit familiar, and subconsciously turned around to look at it. Just as he thought, no one was listening to him at all. The three of Russell squatted in the corner, and at some point they set up a cauldron.

Aragorn: "..."

No one cooperates at every sensational moment, Aragorn's heart bleeds, he secretly said that he was careless in making friends, strode over, and decided to turn his grief into appetite, and eat two more bowls today.

"It turns out that this is the smell of nightmares..."

Legolas and Gimli nodded again and again. Unlike Aragorn, they tasted the nightmare for the first time and were instantly conquered.

This Nightmare died in the Battle of Helm's Deep. Although the moving ingredients could no longer be moved, the obligations must be fulfilled. Russell believed that Nightmare thought so too, so he fulfilled its last wish and cut it into pieces to take with him.

"It's not bad, but I don't know how unicorns taste?"

"Legolas, you are an elf prince, so you should have a unicorn in your family, right?" Russell asked casually.

"No, the Woodland Kingdom domesticates elk, not unicorns."

"Big horned deer... that's fine too. Let's try two of them some other day." Russell said he didn't dislike it.

"Well, I'll try!"

Legolas frowned, struggled for a moment, and finally nodded heavily.


After eating and drinking, Aragorn coughed lightly, confirmed that all three of Russell were there, and said, "Guys, next we will go through the Path of the Dead, take this shortcut to Pelag, and look for reinforcements in the south. Finally, return to the port outside the capital along the Anduin River, do you have any better proposals?"

The three of Russell shook their heads repeatedly. Legolas and Gimli were not familiar with the geography of Gondor, and Russell lost his memory and didn't know anything, so they left as Aragorn said.

Aragorn: "..."

He is obviously the leader of the four-person team, but he feels more like a tour guide, leading three foodies who are traveling around the mountains and rivers.

"Aragorn, what are you going to do with the undead?" Russell asked while putting away the iron pot.

"I just said this question..." Aragorn was speechless, so he had to repeat again: "I will give the undead a chance to redeem their sins, and let them rest in peace."

"Then what, do you know how your ancestors cursed the undead?"

"What's wrong?"

"I want to curse a despicable, shameless, shameless, and lying white-robed mage!" Russell gritted his teeth and said, he wanted to curse Gandalf, the old man deceived him and failed to fulfill his original promise.

Aragorn: "..."

Take off the 'white robe', the mage you speak of is yourself!

Russell was full of resentment. Gandalf had made an agreement with him to teach him the lighting technique when he defended the Horn Fort.

The Horn Fort was defended, but Gandalf hesitated and refused to teach him the art of lighting. He left a booklet and hurried to the capital with Boromir and others.

Russell followed the practice method in the pamphlet,

I figured out the lighting technique by myself, and after two attempts, I got it done.

But soon, he found that he had been deceived. The lighting technique in the pamphlet could do nothing but illuminate!

In fact, Russell knew from the very beginning that Gandalf's magic had an inevitable connection with his being Maia, but magic was more like instinct, or simply a power bestowed by God.

Can't share, can't teach!

Knowing this, Russell still reciprocated his luck, or the same sentence, what if the hell!

It turns out there is no ghost, just a full-fledged Maija!


"I heard about Dingmo Mountain when I was very young. It is said that there are countless undead wandering in the valley. Fear is their weapon, and it scares the living away from their undead kingdom."

When he came to the entrance of the Path of the Dead, Legolas felt a little unhappiness. The forest here was gloomy and damp, filled with the lingering dead air, which turned into hazy gray mist, which made it difficult for him to develop a good impression.

"I also heard when I was a child that no living person can safely pass through the Way of the Dead. The undead retaliate against the living with a hostile attitude, and everyone who enters dies." Jinli continued.

"I also heard when I was a child that the people of Rohan would rather cross the mountains than take the risk of taking this road. The undead will attack the passers-by with fear, making them lose their courage and frighten them to death in the valley." Aragorn Said.

Russell nodded: "Coincidentally, I heard of it when I was a child, but because of amnesia, I don't remember anything!"

"..." X3

Everyone walked into the Way of the Dead, as if passing through an invisible boundary, and the valley in front of them began to be filled with gray fog.

In a trance, a soul-stirring magic voice whispered in his ears, hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes, as if he saw ghosts floating, and there was a palpitation of being peeped by countless pairs of eyes.

"The law of the law~~~"

The war horses under the crotch of the four were restless, stomping their hooves and humming, and refused to move forward anyway. With a howling wind, they were so frightened that they returned the same way and ran out of the valley.

"It seems that the undead don't welcome us!"

Russell pulled out the Edman alloy knife. Both Gandalf and Aragorn once said that the undead have no entity and cannot harm the living, but they don't have a weapon in their hands, and they always feel uneasy.

"It would be best if they still remembered their promise, but if they forgot, then let them go!" Mordor's army was overwhelming, Gondor was in danger, and Aragorn would not waste too much time on the undead.

He also has a more difficult task on this trip, resisting Sauron's minions from the sea, the elite army of Umbar pirates.

The four of them walked along the valley, and soon found a cave in the mountain stream. Legolas had sharp eyes and read the ancient text above.

"The road ahead is closed, the undead have laid a net, they are guarding here..."

"how do you feel?"

Russell curled his lips: "The standard line for the weak, because they are afraid, the devil will write on the wall, 'The resort welcomes all brave people to stay, free board and lodging'!"

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