End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 598 Breaking the Fourth Wall

Venom is a symbiote, an alien single-celled life that can make good people good and bad people bad. So, when it merges with Deadpool, it's...

Well, it doesn't seem to matter much, as an anti-hero, Deadpool is originally a fun-loving, money-seeking jerk!

Russell took off the venom coat on his body to weaken his combat effectiveness, at least not to take things out of his mouth at every turn, coupled with his terrible lines, it's too disgusting.

"God, who will stop him, throw him and that hot thing away." Deadpool said so, but his body charged forward, brandishing two knives and fighting Russell.


Russell held the knife in both hands and slashed down. Deadpool crossed his swords to block.

Of course, this is because he didn't use the power of an angel!

"Tsk tsk tsk, you can't do it, what can you do with such little strength? That's why I often say that young people should know how to save ammunition... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


The electric arc spread from the blade to Deadpool's body, making his huge black body glow with electricity, and the white skeleton could be seen occasionally.


Two sword lights flashed, Deadpool's hands holding the knife fell to the ground, and he himself screamed and ran away.

"Damn it, don't discharge it if you have the ability!"

He ran twenty meters in the blink of an eye, and two palms regrown from the severed wrist, and the venom blessed his self-healing ability. The downside is that Venom hates heat extremely, and is extremely repulsive to Russell's lightning.

"Hehe, do you think that being able to discharge electricity can scare Master Deadpool? I'm standing here, if you dare to take a step forward, I dare to take a step back so that you can't touch it!" Continuously suffering from lightning, Deadpool I don't want to play anymore.

"Oh, changed your name? Aren't you Hugh Jackman?"

Glancing at Deadpool who was ready to run away at any time, Russell stayed put and had no intention of chasing him.

"I'm happy, I can call you whatever I like, can you control me?" Deadpool clamored on the spot, and pointed his middle finger at Russell before saying, "It's no fun to continue, anyway, you can't beat me, today Come here!"

"you sure?"

"Of course, you can't catch up with me."


Russell grinned, and the electric arcs all over his body glowed. With the sound of crackling discharges, three silver-white giant wolves came out of his body.

"now what?"

"Your pet is nice, but I prefer electric mice."

Deadpool tried his best to say something, and in the blink of an eye, three giant wolves had already rushed in front of him. He turned over and jumped, volleyed into a difficult gymnastics posture, and nimbly hid in the gap where the three giant wolves swooped.


The giant wolf was in mid-air, turning into a plasma like flowing water, circling into a ball, wrapping Deadpool inside.

"Ah oh!"

boom! ! !

The scorching white light lit up the night sky, and the lawn of the park was burnt to charcoal. Deadpool was smoking all over his body, and fell limply in the big pit, his hands and feet twitching from time to time.

Most of the venom worn on his body was charred, and the remaining part was afraid of the high temperature, and fled away into the distance.

Russell waved his hand to cut off the fire hydrant next to him, controlled the water flow with the water ring Nanya, rolled up the venom and turned it into a madly spinning vortex.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

A dark and ferocious face condensed several times in the water, roaring at Russell, but couldn't get out of the vortex of the water.

Russell stepped forward and looked down at Deadpool. The latter was completely naked, and his self-healing ability took effect, and the black hard scabs faded away, revealing the newborn skin inside.

To be honest, this picture full of burn scars is not as pleasing to the eye as it has just been burned to carbon.

Deadpool was lying on the ground, relying on his immortal body, and said in a rhetorical manner: "Bastard, you have to be responsible for disfiguring me. Hmm... just give me money!"

【Ding! The host triggers the world task]

[World Mission: The Hero/Villain Comes! End the super villain/hero with your own hands (0/6)]

[Mission failed, staying in this world forever, being endlessly hunted down by super villains/heroes]

There is no beginning and no end, and the world task is suddenly triggered, which seems to be easy to solve.

"Hey, what are you thinking of staring at my naked body, let me tell you first, I charge a lot..."


Russell lifted the Adamantium knife upside down, stabbed it into Deadpool's mouth, nailed it to the ground, and temporarily shut him up, thinking about how to complete the world quest.

End 6 supervillains or superheroes, being a hero can only kill villains, and vice versa.

In the current Spider-Man world, the only heroes who can be called heroes are Peter Parker and Deadpool. Anti-heroes are also heroes, and Deadpool is still a hero even if he has a bad reputation and a bad and cheap personality.

As for the villain, Dr. Octopus is currently on the scene, and in the future there will be sandmen, little green goblins, and alien symbiote venom...

Wait, is the venom on Deadpool the same as the venom that will appear in the future?

"It's useless if it's not the same one, too few, not enough."

Russell frowned, whether it was a superhero or a villain, the number of unilaterally did not reach 6.

Moreover, the most cheating thing is that Doctor Octopus, Sandman, and Little Green Goblin were all cleansed in the later stage, and it is still unclear whether they are villains or not.

As for Venom, Russell found out speechlessly that the setting of this product is the same as that of Deadpool, and it is also an anti-hero.

For a moment, Russell was completely speechless. Except for the dead Green Goblin, the Spider-Man world couldn't even find a decent super villain.

"Another way of thinking, maybe I can wait for them to clean up before I start, so that I can make up six of them." Russell had an idea, but quickly denied it: "It's not that I can't do it, but that I just accepted Parker. To be a younger brother, to cover him with promises, to turn your back on him when you turn around, is against my principle of doing what I say."

"Dude, who are you going to kill? I heard you say Parker, I advise you to be kind, he is my true love, if you dare to touch him, I will take a knife and threaten the editor to draw you to death!"

Russell looked down and saw that Deadpool broke free from the Adamant alloy knife at some point, and he could not be called free. He moved back along the edge of the blade, relying on his self-healing ability, let the edge slide to his chest, and freed his mouth.

He is a ruthless man!

Russell was extremely astonished, and said casually: "You heard it wrong, I mean kill the venom."

"OK, as long as it's not Parker, everything is easy to talk about." Deadpool crossed his fingers, pillowed behind his head, with a knife stuck in his chest, looking very happy.

Russell was wrong, Deadpool didn't care about venom, nor did he care about its additional ability enhancement, whether it was the same or not. He traverses the Marvel universe, making all the heroes in the circle so disgusting that they can't eat, it doesn't depend on his strength.

It's his immortal body... No, it's his chattering mouth.

"You seem to enjoy it..." Russell said this, his face changed suddenly: "What did you say just now, say it again!"

"Ha, if you ask me to say it, I'll just say, Master Deadpool doesn't want to lose face?" Deadpool laughed.


"Ahh~~~ If you have something to say, talk about it, as long as you have money, face can be discussed!"

Russell narrowed his eyes: "You just said that you were going to threaten the editor with a knife to draw me to death?"

Deadpool heard the words, and his face instantly became serious: "No, you heard it wrong, the one I want to kill is Ryan Reynolds, that Canadian."

"No, I heard you right, you mentioned manga editing."

Russell pulled out the Edman alloy knife abruptly, stretched out his hand and made a move towards the vortex, the tumbling torrent quickly displaced the excess, and it turned into a water ball the size of a fist and landed on his palm.

The venom was squeezed into a black sticky substance, trapped in the center and sealed. It can be said that as long as the water polo does not leave the ring of water Nanya's control, the venom will never get out in this life.

Russell raised his hand and threw the venom into Deadpool's arms. The latter held the water polo with one hand, and stood up covering his bleeding chest with the other: "What do you mean? Let me tell you first, even if you do this, I won't be grateful to Dade, let alone Not in love with you, I love Jean Gray."

Deadpool throws a stalk, Russell perfectly avoids: "To tell you the truth, I have a mission to kill 6 super villains and superheroes, and I need your help."

"Can't understand!"

"You have the ability to break the fourth wall, you can take me to other worlds and help me complete the task."

"So, why should I help you?" Deadpool smiled disdainfully and pinched his nose.

"It doesn't matter if you don't help, I will kill Spider-Man Peter Parker to make up the number!"

"Hehe, you actually threatened Master Deadpool?" Deadpool smiled disdainfully, and picked his ears again.

"That's right!"

"Sorry, I don't..." Deadpool smiled disdainfully, and finished with one hand while picking out his ears and nose.

"10W dollars!"

"make a deal!"


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