End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 604 Dude, You Really Look Like a Villain


The long knife is out of its sheath!

Doctor Octopus heard the sound and looked at Russell. The appearance of double guns and single knife reminded him of some unpleasant memories. Because of Deadpool's funny appearance, he didn't recognize Russell immediately.

This can’t be blamed on him. People’s inertial thinking is like this. Likes flock together and people are divided into groups. Subconsciously think that the circle of friends of sand sculptures is all sand sculptures. In the same way, it can be proved that sand sculptures like Deadpool are basically sand sculptures that can get together with him.

And Russell's performance on the train is not sand sculpture at all!

"Who are you?"


Russell's voice was distorted under the mask, and the moment his eyes met Dr. Octopus, he held the knife above his head with both hands, and slashed heavily before stepping forward.

The gorgeous sword light extended and turned into a huge monster with shocking visual effects, descending on the head of Doctor Octopus in the blink of an eye.


The two metal tentacles crossed to block, sparks shot out, the first tentacles snapped off, and the second tentacles were also cut in half by the blade light. After the Zizi electric current passed, the mechanical tentacle was powerless and limp beside Dr. Octopus.


The pain of the broken arm caused Dr. Octopus to scream again and again, the tips of his hair were soaked in sweat, and his sunglasses slipped off, revealing his terrified eyes.

"It's you! You were on the train that day..." Doctor Octopus staggered back, the gunshot wounds on his shoulders and legs ached, and he recalled the fear of being unable to struggle.

"And I!"

A loud shout sounded behind him, and Deadpool rushed over with two knives in his hands. The team members beat the boss to half-mutilation with one move. As the captain, he must take the head.

Without the blessing brought by the venom, Deadpool's combat power declined in all directions. Doctor Octopus waved a mechanical tentacle to sweep, and when Deadpool jumped up and flashed, he threw Parker over.

Seeing the oncoming little spider, Deadpool hastily dropped his two knives and opened his hands to reveal his broad chest.


Deadpool caught Parker as he wished, and the two fell to the ground and rolled. After stopping, it became Parker kneeling on one knee, while Deadpool lay weak and weak in his arms.

Deadpool reached out and stroked Parker's chest, and said coquettishly, "Parker, if this is a dream, don't let me wake up!"


Parker raised his hand and threw Deadpool out. He turned his head and saw that Russell had cut off all the tentacles of the octopus. He held up the butcher knife. In the next second, Dr. Octopus died on the spot.

"Mr. Russell, don't kill him!!"

Parker catapulted the spider silk with both hands, stuck to Dr. Octopus at the critical moment, and dragged him out from the knife.

Russell didn't intend to chop it down, and danced with a knife, put the knife into the sheath handsomely, and said coldly: "Parker, Dr. Octopus and his experiment are very dangerous, and they should be killed to avoid future troubles."

"Doctor...doctor, he..." Parker struggled for a moment, and thought of a suitable reason: "We need the doctor to shut down the equipment, if we leave it alone, the whole of New York will be affected."

"Without him, the experimental equipment can be shut down!"

Russell raised one hand high, and there was a loud roar outside the Clock Tower Theater. Under Parker's dumbfounded sight,

Huge palms made of two splashes tore through the ceiling.

The metal beams were twisted into twists, and the iron sheet was broken at the touch of waste paper. Two big hands pressed down and dismantled the theater in half like playing with mud, and then sank into New York's East River holding the thermonuclear fusion test reactor.


Parker squinted his eyes dryly, his throat was so hot that he swallowed his saliva but it didn't get better.

Doctor Octopus was a little cautious at first, but now he was completely honest, sitting cross-legged on the ground and not daring to move. As for Mary Jane, the high pitched the whole time, not to mention the eardrum killer.

"Dude, this is wrong!" Deadpool slipped to Russell's side, his tone very dissatisfied.

"What's the matter, isn't everything in the plan?"


Deadpool was furious, forcing Russell to pretend, what kind of plan is this?

Russell slowly said: "According to your plan, Captain, you attract the attention of Doctor Octopus and are responsible for rescuing Parker. I will take the opportunity to attack Doctor Octopus, which is a perfect cooperation."


Is that so, why don't I know?

"That's right, that's it. Your performance is not bad, and I have expected you well." Deadpool coughed lightly, and took a step forward to straighten his back in front of Parker.

Come and praise me!

Russell stretched out his hand to hold Deadpool's face, pushed him aside, and said to Parker: "The equipment has cooled down, and Dr. Octopus has too many hidden dangers. God knows if he will conduct another experiment someday. For the safety of New Yorkers, Just kill him!"


Parker put his hand in front of Dr. Octopus, sweating profusely: "You are superheroes, killing people...is always bad, why don't you hand him over to the police and let the law punish him."

"Parker, don't be naive, can you guarantee that he will be a good person in the future?" Russell sneered, and his voice became mellow through the mask.

Parker quietly clenched his fists and said solemnly, "I can!"

"Well, I'll give him another chance." Russell said coldly, "Remember your promise, and I didn't kill him today because I believed in New York's laws, but because I believed in the hero Spider-Man. it disappointed me."

"Please rest assured, I will do my best to protect this city."

"Don't promise me..."

Russell said, grabbed Deadpool by the collar and walked out.

"Goodbye, Parker! I'll come to you again!" Deadpool was dragged upside down on the ground, not forgetting to say goodbye to Parker.


Fifteen minutes later, a dozen police cars rushed to the vicinity of the East River and arrested Dr. Octopus who was hanging in mid-air.

Russell and Deadpool were leaning on the roof of a warehouse building, looking at the hanging silk and the goddess on the cobwebs in the distance. Deadpool was grinding his teeth while watching, and wiped his tears with a handkerchief from time to time.

"It's disgusting! Russell, look at that woman's fake happy expression, her acting skills are terrible, vomit... I vomited in the mask!"

Deadpool groaned bitterly, knelt down on his knees and beat the ground with his fists, as if his cabbage had been crushed by a pig.

"Wade, the plan went smoothly. We rescued Parker and Mary Jane, made him owe a favor, and let Dr. Octopus owe him another favor."

Russell ignored Deadpool's second criminal, and continued: "The next period will be a period of passionate love. When Mary Jane's five-minute enthusiasm for Parker cools down, and I'm tired of being a superhero's girlfriend, it's time for us to take over him."

Deadpool blinked, suddenly felt that Russell was a villain, everything was under his control, coughed lightly and said: "Russell, I won't worry about such trivial matters, I will leave it to you. Do it beautifully, Don't disappoint my expectations of you!"

"No problem. After all, Parker has never seen anything in the world. When his relationship is frustrated and his spirit is hit, I have plenty of ways to take care of him..."

Dude, you really look like a villain!

Deadpool struggled and didn't say anything. He changed the subject and put his hand on Russell's shoulder: "The big water elemental hands just now are very powerful. I never thought that you could manipulate such a large-scale water flow. Lightning, water elemental, close Body-to-body combat, double guns and knives, and that gorgeous knife light... Dude, tell me the truth, is there any ability you have hidden that you haven't shown?"

Deadpool was in a panic. As the captain of the X-Force team, compared with the only team member, his only remaining strength was being able to make sand sculptures, which put him under a lot of pressure.

"Captain, you don't have to worry. Compared with you, I can only fight. You are different. Not only can you fight, but your brain is also very easy to use. The X-Force team can develop to this day, thanks to your IQ crushing the enemy."

Deadpool heard the words with his hands on his hips: "Hahaha, that's right, I'm a brain-type combat genius, the core of my soul!"


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