End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 605: The Fall of the Little Spider

Deadpool's personality is escaping, his thinking is active, and he is often not on the same channel from the previous second to the next second.

Russell got along with him for a few days, and gradually summed up some experience. If a book is published, it will probably be "On How to Live in Harmony with Sand Sculptures".

Take Deadpool as an example. This neurotic will never be able to calm down. If he doesn't speak for more than 30 seconds, he must be holding back some bad ideas.

The main reason why Deadpool is crazy and has no right to do is because he knows that he is a virtual character, relying on his immortal body, he ridicules superheroes and villains who think he is real every day.

Everyone is drunk and I am alone!

He does whatever he thinks of, completely ignoring the eyes of outsiders, and lives a life of unrestrained style.

Of course, this is Deadpool's view of himself. In the eyes of outsiders, he is an out-and-out talker + sand sculpture.

It's impossible to shut Deadpool up, and Russell resorts to flattery tactics that drive him into self-abuse. The effect is obvious. Every time Russell flatters, Deadpool can be complacent for five minutes. During this period, he usually keeps his mouth shut and pretends to be cold for the sake of his personal image.

After talking about Deadpool, let's talk about Spider-Man Parker!

Little Spider has been living a very happy life recently, because he sacrificed his life to save his life, mainly because his identity was exposed, and Mary Jane chose to become the girlfriend of a superhero.

Because it sounds cool!

The son of the newspaper owner fell ill. On the day of the wedding, relatives and friends filled the church, but the bride ran away...

Parker didn't think so, and learned that Mary Jane had given up a superior life and would rather escape marriage to be with him, and his heart melted with happiness.

At this moment, the two embraced each other in the dilapidated bachelor apartment, and Parker felt that his life had reached its peak, and his gloomy mood was swept away. The sky was blue, the water was green, and even the freckles on Mary Jane's face were more beautiful than before.

Unfortunately, under the beautiful love, there is a deadly crisis lurking.

Parker was cursed by his uncle that "with great power comes great responsibility". His sense of responsibility could not ignore the people who needed to be saved. He devoted himself to New York and had little private time.

This means that Parker is busy every day, busy fighting criminals, busy rescue and relief, busy looking for a new part-time job, but has no time to spend with Mary Jane.

Except for the meager income that the freelance photographer of the newspaper can bring him, he is completely penniless, minus the rent, which is better than a tramp.

The reality is cruel, the material basis determines the spiritual will, and the pledge of eternal love is really not as good as a piece of green paper.

When the love period is over, Mary Jane is shocked to find that the superhero's girlfriend is not at all imposing, and even bitter. Ever since she followed Parker, she has been paying for the last meal, and she has been giving away money in her daily life. There are no candlelight dinners, cosmetics, brand-name bags, jewelry and clothes.

It's better to marry the son of the newspaper owner, at least the newspaper owner has the ability to make his daughter-in-law popular...

But now, the boss of the newspaper office hated Mary Jane deeply because of the fact that her escaped marriage had nothing to do with face, and published half a section of cynicism every day, which brought her acting career, which had just started to improve, back to the trough.

Mary Jane was murdered, her fans turned her public, and her public turned black. No one wanted to watch her performance. For the sake of money, the owner of the theater promoted a newcomer and dismissed her.

After being unemployed,

Mary Jane re-examines herself, which is more important, love or career?

To put it simply, which is more important, Parker or money?

Mary Jane thought for a moment, and then Parker was out of love!

What's worse is that his good friend Harry is in love. I don't know if it's a coincidence that Harry's girlfriend is also named Mary Jane!

Parker felt as if struck by lightning, the sky was dark, the water was muddy, and even Mary Jane had more freckles than before.

The loss of love is only one aspect, and Parker's road to superhero is not going well. In the past two days, a very capable robber appeared in New York--Sandman.

Parker is no match at all, and then, he met Harry who turned into a little green goblin, who frankly announced that he took Mary Jane away in order to avenge him.

Little Green Goblin Harry tells Parker not to worry, because he has no real feelings and will get rid of Mary Jane after a while.

Parker's mentality was out of balance, he punched angrily, and then...lost again!

The career of a superhero was frustrated, and the job of a freelance photographer also fell through. Because some time ago, he was obsessed with love and took careless selfies. The newspaper owner recruited a new professional photographer to take charge of the Spider-Man section.

In fact, Parker is Spider-Man, and even the most perfunctory selfie is the best shot in New York.

The reason why the newspaper owner fired Parker was because he knew that Parker's girlfriend was called Mary Jane. Coincidentally, his daughter-in-law who escaped from marriage was also named Mary Jane, and they both looked exactly the same. How could the newspaper owner bear it.

Parker lost his job, and Spider-Man couldn't beat the villain, so he called Mary Jane to tell Harry's sinister intentions, but was hung up directly, feeling ashamed, and lay dead in the bachelor's apartment.

The only motivation that supports Parker's strength is his uncle's curse, "with great power comes great responsibility". He cannot fall down, and the people of New York need him.

Peter Parker is not a hero, he lives for others, he is a slave bound in New York!

A mass of dark liquid crawled into the window along the sewer pipe, and moved a little bit towards Parker, who was lying on the bed, it was venom.

Some time ago, in order to avoid Russell, Venom ran into the wilderness. By chance, he encountered another ball of Venom that followed the meteorite and landed on the earth.

The ability has been greatly strengthened, and the venom is full of confidence. When he returns to New York to find a place, it will get back together no matter how Russell beats it.

What an innocent child!

Parker heard the alarm bell next to his ear, woke up from a deep sleep, and subconsciously rushed out of the window to save people, but just as he jumped downstairs, he felt a change.

Got stronger!

Spider-Man's suit was dyed black for some reason, and at the same time, it brought a steady stream of power. Parker feels that he is super strong now, almost omnipotent, stronger than the strongest person he has ever seen, that is, Russell.

The powerful force breeds the darkness in Parker's heart, or in other words, the venom pastes the dark side of Deadpool's heart to Parker. He wears a black uniform and chooses to punch himself.

The first buddy to get beaten up was Harry, who kept his promises, and Mary Jane was asked out of the mansion just two days after she moved into the mansion.

Harry had been with Mary Jane for a while before, knew that she was not suitable to be a wife, and continued the relationship purely to disgust Parker.

In fact, Harry is very entangled at the moment. He cherishes the friendship with Parker, and hates Spider-Man for killing his father.

At the end of a big battle, Parker was strengthened by venom, and Harry was no match at all. He was hanged and beaten by Parker all the way, and was finally disfigured by the pumpkin bomb.

After the battle, Parker realized that something was wrong, the black suit made him crazy and aggressive, so he locked it up.

The next day, the police sent back news that the person who killed Uncle Parker was actually the Sandman.

An angry Parker put on the venom suit and destroyed the sand man with water in a way that almost killed him.

The revenge was avenged, and Parker felt unspeakably relieved. He never killed people before, but now...he felt that Russell was right, and he should not show mercy when dealing with the evil party.

Parker decided to let go of his burdens and try to live for himself. The dark side thrived, and his temperament changed drastically. Street rats.

Work is back!

Based on the principle that rare goods can be lived in, Parker sold selfies at high prices, made a fortune, bought himself an outfit, and changed into a handsome hairstyle.

The new look has a high rate of return. Parker has changed from a nerd to a bad boy. Coupled with the bursting self-confidence brought about by his improved strength, he has received many ambiguous glances from female passers-by.

In the past, Parker had nothing to do with being a woman. He was only in love with Mary Jane, the goddess next door!

"How about I go find Mary Jane again?" Parker muttered to himself, remembering that Mary Jane was single now, he decided to try his luck again.

Scoff! !

A stretched Cadillac was parked on the side of the road. The driver got out and opened the door. Parker hurried out of the way because he was blocking the road.

Although his self-confidence is over the top, but he has been hanged for a long time, and his behavior habits cannot be changed just by changing them.

After the door opened, no one got out of the car, and stretched out an arm to wave: "Parker, get in the car!"

Russell and Deadpool were in the car, and the Cadillac was rented. In addition, Russell spent 300,000 dollars to add a low-key, restrained and local gold outfit to himself and Deadpool.

Low-key and introverted refers to Russell. He is wearing ordinary casual clothes, which look no different from the one-hundred-dollar mix-and-match clothes. Only those who know the goods know that he is really expensive from the beginning to the end.

Russell is low-key and introverted, and the local tyrant gold can only be Deadpool. This big gold chain and small watch, sunglasses, cigars and furs are full of nouveau riche's face.

Deadpool put on an open-chested white suit of the same style as Elvis Presley over his red and black uniform, and wore a circle of mink fur around his neck in a very vulgar way.

"Mr. Russell, you... looking for me?" Parker swallowed hard. He had never made an elongated Cadillac in his life, so he didn't dare to touch it, and his words were very restrained.

Russell narrowed his eyes and glanced at Parker's neckline, saw the black Spider-Man uniform, and smiled slightly: "Get in the car, Wade and I have nothing to do, we have a yacht party, and I want to invite you to join us."

Parker deliberately refused, but meeting Russell's eyes, he still sat in the car involuntarily.

Parker sat upright, couldn't let go of his hands and feet, and didn't even dare to breathe. He only felt that the extended Cadillac had a lot of space, the leather was so soft, and Deadpool was so sandy!

"Parker, would you like a cigar?"

Deadpool unbuttoned the fur around his neck, revealing more than a dozen gold chains of varying thicknesses, then opened the cigar box, pulled out a long knife from behind his buttocks, cut off two round heads, and lit it up through the mask.

Parker: "..."

"Stop making trouble, Wade, you scared Parker." Russell chuckled, cut a cigar and handed it to Parker.

Parker blushed and shook his head hastily: "Mr. Russell, I don't smoke."

"Take it, let you smoke, you smoke."


Parker struggled to light a cigar, because he didn't know how to smoke, he coughed violently after taking a puff.

Russell took out a bottle of red wine from the freezer and thoughtfully poured him a glass, which caused Parker to shake his head hurriedly: "Thank you, cough cough... I don't... cough cough, drink!"

"It's fine if you don't drink it. It's not a good wine anyway. It's only $5,000 a bottle. I don't like this kind of cheap wine."

Russell chuckled and didn't care, took the cigar that Parker had no luck with, and threw it into the wine glass. This scene made Parker's eyes widen, and he felt that Russell's posture to extinguish the cigarette was so handsome.

At this moment, Deadpool Lanhua held her cigar with her fingers, and said with the attitude of a big boss, "Parker, do you think you can catch a girl with a suit, leather shoes, some hairspray, and a slanted bang?"


Parker's eyes hurt from being dazzled by the gold chain, and he lowered his head and dared not speak. At this moment, Deadpool is a giant in soul.

"Wade, stop making trouble, what time is it?"

"Wait, let me take a look."

As Deadpool said, he opened the white sleeves of his suit, and there were more than a dozen shiny watches hanging on his right wrist. He looked at them for a while, and then slapped himself on the head: "Look at my memory, I almost forgot, The right hand is the European time zone, the left hand is the Asian time zone, Oceania is in the middle...America is...the right leg or the left leg? Damn, how the hell am I so rich!"

Parker: "..."

Deadpool picked up his trouser legs, first his left leg, then his right leg, and finally on his right ankle, he found New York time from a dozen watches.

Parker: "..."


There is a reward from the leader of "I'd better come and see the original version", and I will make it up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!


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