End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 606 Peter Rich Man Parker

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon in New York time, probably..."

Deadpool put down his trousers, shrugged, and said innocently: "Russell, you know me, I can't read watches. Watches are just decorations to me. I don't wear them to tell the time, but because I have so much money that I don't know. How to spend it."

Parker: "..."

"Well, it's normal that you can't read a watch with your IQ."

Russell nodded: "Since it's still early, let's arrange it like this! Parker, take you to buy clothes first, so as not to embarrass me when it's time."

Parker waved his hands enviously but didn't say: "No need, Mr. Russell, I am now..."

"What's this? Is it a street stall? Don't worry, I'll treat you, and you don't have to pay for it yourself!"

"No, that's not what I meant!"


Russell laughed twice, and patted Parker on the shoulder: "I understand what you mean, it's good for young people to have ambition, but don't worry, I won't spend too much to cause you psychological pressure."

Parker's heart warmed, and he nodded excitedly: "Thank you, Mr. Russell."

"Just think about it, just spend 20,000 dollars!"

Parker: "..."

It's unbelievable to say that as a superhero, Parker can only see $20,000 when robbers rob a bank.

Two hours later, the extended version of the Cadillac was docked at the marina. The driver respectfully opened the door, and the brand new Parker stepped out of the car.

Like Russell, his clothes are very low-key, seemingly without highlights, and the hairstyle he just made is more eye-catching.

On the rented private yacht, tall, long-haired beauties have been waiting for a long time. These people were recruited by Russell from a modeling agency.

Or young models from other places, or part-time 18th-tier young actors, their youth and beauty are their common characteristics, and they never refuse the gatherings of rich people.

Seeing the appearance of the three of Russell, the young lady immediately surrounded them with smiles like flowers. Maybe ordinary people can't tell the price of the clothes on Russell and Parker, but they have been in the fashion circle since they were young, and they made a judgment at a glance.

Rich indeed!

The smiles of the ladies and sisters are even brighter, work harder today, maybe you can get a winner!

Of course, Deadpool's appearance is so vulgar that it explodes, but being rich means being rich, and the young ladies don't dislike him, so they smiled and walked over.

Surrounded by a group of long-legged young ladies, all of whom were prettier than Mary Jane, Parker was a little at a loss, his cramped appearance made the ladies' eyes shine, and they liked rookies in flowers the most.

For a while, Parker was overwhelmed by Yingying Yanyan, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

"Hey, beauties, be more reserved, you scared my good brother." Russell raised his hand and pulled Parker out of the warm and fragrant nephrite.

Parker wiped off the lipstick on his face and gave Russell a thankful look. He couldn't handle this kind of situation, but after he got away, he felt empty in his heart, a little... well, he didn't want to come out.

"Let me introduce, this is Parker, the protagonist of today's party." Russell put his arms around Parker's shoulders, and said with a smile: "I know you may not believe it,

But in fact, Parker is the eldest son of a rich family and the only child. Because he was kidnapped when he was a child, his parents never let him show his face. Some time ago, Parker's parents left to travel around the world and handed over billions of dollars of property to him to take care of, but he was used to staying at home, so I asked me to help him out to see the world. "

The ladies and sisters were moved, as if they saw a door of the upper class ajar, just waiting for them to push it lightly.

Wait, the young master of a rich family, who is that?

Seeing the cannibalistic gazes of the ladies and sisters, Parker swallowed and grinned shyly.

That's right, that's him, Peter Rich Parker!

"Listen, beauties, today's yacht party has unlimited drinks, so you can play however you like. But remember, Parker is the protagonist, so you must help him see the world."

After speaking, Russell took out two stacks of beautiful knives from his arms, and threw them out like flowers, causing all kinds of screams and looting.

"This is the deposit. Tomorrow morning, the lucky one who makes Parker the most satisfied, I will pay another big reward!"

After throwing out the money with a smile, Russell pushed Parker to change clothes. When he arrived at the door, he found that Deadpool was gone. To be exact, he hadn't heard Deadpool talk for a while.



Russell sighed speechlessly, dragged Deadpool out of the powder pile, and whispered: "Wade, what the hell are you doing, have you forgotten our plan?"

Deadpool let out a foolish smirk, looking at the girls who bowed their heads to pick up the money and huddled together: "Plan! What plan?"

"Damn it, where's your brain!"


Deadpool didn't speak, he was full of brains now, so he couldn't hear what Russell was saying.


Two minutes later, Russell and Parker changed into their beach shorts, and their angular muscles elicited frantic screams, and then...the screams stopped abruptly because Deadpool came out.

Deadpool took off his white suit and fur, and put on a pair of purple-gold lace-striped swimming trunks on top of his red and black uniform. He didn't take off any of his gold chain, watch, and sunglasses, and his appearance was extremely sandy.

For the sake of the gold chain and the watch, although the young lady was at a loss, she still gave him a little applause, sparsely.

"This is my good brother Wade, he is... a performance artist, don't mind everyone, he's just a little... a little sand sculpture." Russell felt that he couldn't make it up anymore, and pushed Parker to the girls. After the yacht started, Arranging fishing gear alone, ready to take a shot.

After a while, Deadpool came to Russell with a low heart, squatted and hugged his legs with his hands, buried his head in his knees and did not speak.

It's started again!

Russell pretended not to see it, and Deadpool leaned forward bitterly: "Russell, there may be sand in my eyes, and I keep crying, help me."


It's useless to sell miserably, Deadpool collapsed on the white deck in a large font, looking at Parker not far away. There was continuous laughter and laughter, Parker didn't watch, but the ladies and sisters around Parker could see it clearly.

In the crowd, it was the first time that Parker was being watched by so many beauties, and he used all his strength to perform consecutive backflips on the deck. He had done more than a thousand flips on the spot, and the screams never stopped.

In fact, as long as he has money, even if Parker farts a thousand times in a row, people will applaud him.

Deadpool envied and hated: "Russell, spend another handful of money and let me be the protagonist of the party, too?"

"not good!"

"Please, this way, I can be surrounded by girls with long legs."

"Why, do you love legs?"

"No, I'm just pure lust!"


The country of capital is corrupt, there is no right or wrong here, money decides everything. Russell made Parker a member of the upper class, packaged him as rich, and he was instantly glamorous.

Why did Mary Jane and Parker break up and reunite several times, during which she got tired of other men, didn't she love Parker?

Love is for sure, but she loves herself more. Influenced by American culture, she is extremely insecure and thinks that men are unreliable. Therefore, instead of finding a man you love, it is better to find a rich man, even more handsome.

What Russell is doing now is to crazily raise Parker's prestige, spend money to let him enjoy the attention of the public, broaden his horizons, and don't always think about Mary Jane.

That woman is not suitable for him at all!

When Parker gets used to eating well and playing well, he will naturally forget about Mary Jane. At that time, after being tortured and baptized by capital, he will be invited to join the X-Force team.

This trick was useless against the previous Parker, but against the Parker possessed by venom, it was basically one set of tricks.

When Parker joins the X-Force team, Deadpool has no reason to stay, and the next world is not far away, and the powerful characters that Russell expects will appear one by one.

"Although it's a bit awkward to say so, I still have to say, be careful!"

Russell hooked the corner of his mouth, swung the fishing rod violently, and dragged one from the sea...


The fishing line is broken!

"Hahaha, your skills are really bad, even fish..."

Halfway through Deadpool's speech, his legs were caught by a current of water and he sank into the sea.


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