End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 607 Who is Mary Jane

At noon the next day, the yacht returned to the port pier, the girls reluctantly bid farewell to Parker, and Deadpool also reluctantly bid farewell to the girls.

Parker languished and sat on the stretched Cadillac and fell into a deep sleep on the seat. Yesterday he threatened to hit him ten times, but he lied and hit him fifteen times.

Russell stuffed the heavy reward into the red envelope and gave it to the fifteenth young lady. This lucky one defeated the mighty Spider-Man and won the bonus with his strength.

Although this is a teamwork, who made her the MVP!

Deadpool also threatened to hit ten, but he also lied, and Russell threw him into the sea to feed the fish without hitting one. When he went into the sea, Deadpool had only... Anyway, when he was fished out, his whole body was swollen.

When Parker woke up, he was greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling. He opened the curtains and found himself in a luxury hotel in the city center.

The night was filled, and the lights of New York were feasting. He had overlooked the city many times, and it was the first time that he felt that the city was so charming.

"Wake up, Peter Parker, you are not a real rich man, yesterday was just a dream, you should forget about it when you wake up..." Parker shook his head, talking to himself to dispel the nostalgic thoughts in his mind.

"Hey, Parker, come out as soon as you wake up."

Deadpool's yelling came from outside the door. Hearing this, Parker walked out lightly, and saw Deadpool in his nightgown in the hall. The latter sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, shaking it.

What left Parker speechless was that whether Deadpool was smoking cigars or drinking red wine, he always wore a mask. According to him, it was to maintain a sense of mystery.

Parker didn't believe this. In his opinion, only ugly people emphasize mystery, and handsome people can't wait to post their photos all over the world.

"Wade, where is Mr. Russell?" There was only Deadpool in the room, and Parker felt a little uneasy and sat on the sofa at the far end.

"Dude, why do you call me by my name, but add honorifics to Russell?" Deadpool was very dissatisfied, he was jealous.

Because you are a sand sculpture!

Parker laughed dryly, for fear that telling the truth would give Deadpool a reasonable excuse to make a move.

Sitting and sitting, Parker suddenly realized something was wrong, he fumbled here and there in his pocket, and finally, as if he had to take a quiz, his eyes were blank in a daze.

Russell came out of the room and chuckled: "Parker, what are you looking for? Those fragrant business cards?"

"Hello, Mr. Russell! Well, I just..."

Parker hurriedly stood up and scratched his nose in embarrassment. He had no idea, but felt that it was impolite to throw things away casually.

"Don't think about it, those are not good girls, I have already thrown away the business card." Russell said casually.


The corners of Parker's mouth were slightly hooked, showing a forced smile. Even though he was mentally prepared, he still felt a little reluctant.

The corners of Russell's mouth were slightly hooked, it was a smile of a successful plot, and the fish was hooked.

The corner of Deadpool's mouth was slightly hooked, showing a smug smile. He secretly picked up and hid all the business cards that Russell threw into the trash can.

"By the way, Mr. Russell, it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Thank you for your hospitality. I will definitely repay you in the future.

"Thinking of yesterday's absurd scene, Parker blushed a little, he didn't even know that he would be so crazy when he played.

"Farewell? What farewell, the party has just begun!"


"Why, you don't want to participate?"


Parker had no other intentions, and Russell kindly invited him, and he couldn't refuse.

"That's fine, I've reserved a seat at a three-star Michelin restaurant, let's go eat first..."


At two o'clock in the middle of the night, the three of Russell were asked out by the casino manager crying because they had won money.

Speaking of gambling, Russell didn't know much about it, but in order to let Parker enjoy the pleasure of throwing a lot of money, he still brought him to the casino.

Some games that test eyesight and memory, Russell played very easily, but it was a game of pure luck... He was lucky tonight, only losing $200,000.

Deadpool was extremely disdainful of Russell's luck, mocked wantonly, and then lost $400,000 in front of Russell.

These two are purely at the level of money-giving boys, and they are the favorite type of casinos. The reason why they were invited out was because Parker won money.

The little spider was so lucky that he made a crazy $1 million just by playing two random games, which scared the casino manager to use force... He failed to win, hugged the thighs of the three of Russell, and sent them away after arguing.

"Parker, don't be complacent, novices are lucky!"

"That's right, when you indulge in it, you won't have the luck you have today."

"Russell, do you believe it? I lost on purpose. Because the gambling king who keeps winning is missing arms and legs, and the gambling god who keeps losing is treated as a VIP wherever he goes. I lost money but won life."

"Believe me, I think so too."

Deadpool and Russell talked to each other, and the sour smell of lemon was in the air.

"Uh, please don't worry, Mr. Russell, I'm not obsessed." Parker was carrying two suitcases and giggled cheerfully. He had money and was going to deposit it in the bank immediately.


Russell said earnestly: "You have to know that gambling is just like playing a game. It will automatically adjust the difficulty for novices, making you feel that it is nothing more than that. When you get into the pit, you will be tortured to death."

Deadpool nodded again and again: "That's right, masters keep losing because of this reason."

Parker: "..."

He really has no idea of ​​indulging in gambling!

"Mr. Russell, I want to turn this money into more money. Do you have any good ideas?" Parker decided to ask successful people for advice. After all, it's not a problem to keep it in the bank all the time, and it will depreciate.


"How to vote?"

Russell pondered for a moment. He didn't know much about investment, but he also knew that investing is not about having as much money as possible. Small funds are not restricted in investment, and all companies can be picked and bought at will.

For example, with the scale of 1 million US dollars in Parker's hand, there are many opportunities to grasp.

"According to the current time point, in 2003, Amazon, Google, and Apple were all good choices. By the way, next year Harvard University will establish a social networking site called Facebook. You can invest all 1 million dollars in it and join Start a business and buy original shares, and in a few years, you will be able to hold yacht parties every day."

"Is there anything else?" Deadpool took out his notebook, ticking off.


Russell punched it, and said angrily: "Sand sculpture, before investing, first pay back the 200,000 dollars you lent me."

"Don't be like this, we are brothers, why should your money be separated from mine?" Deadpool leaned forward shamelessly.

Parker didn't speak, and wrote down a few investment goals, ready to try his luck. It doesn't matter if you lose, anyway, he is used to being poor, if you really want him to live the life of a rich man, he...

I don't mind either!

The three found a bank that was open all night near the casino. Parker held the passbook, feeling very happy, and Russell dragged him into the extended version of the Cadillac as soon as he turned around.

"Stop smirking, the nightlife has just begun!"


In the next three days, Russell spent a lot of money, took Parker to eat, drink and have fun, went out every day in good spirits, and fell asleep weakly. Now ask him who Mary Jane is, and I guarantee that he will not remember it!

Thinking that the training is almost done, Russell said solemnly: "Parker, now we officially invite you to join the X-Force Team, what do you think?"


"Don't rush to refuse. Our wages and benefits are extremely generous. The expenses these days are a fraction of our wages." Russell bragged seriously, first put Parker on board, and waited until the next world, he regretted it It was too late.

"Mr. Russell, I..."

Parker struggled in his heart, touched the venom suit in his clothes, his face changed back and forth, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to say goodbye to some people, and I'll get back to you right away!"

Watching Parker disappearing into the crowd, Russell smiled and gave Deadpool a look: "It's okay, it's basically taken down."


Deadpool tilted his head: "It's strange, I don't think Parker will come back after he leaves."

"Impossible, my plan is perfect, he is now possessed by venom, and he can't refuse the temptation of the colorful world."


"Because the venom came off of you!"


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