End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 620 People who are good at killing can always seize the opportunity

Rumble! ! !

The sun faded, and the blue sky suddenly became dark, and the dark clouds covered a radius of hundreds of kilometers. Between the overlapping dark clouds, the chains of lightning visible to the naked eye continued to jump.

In the vast darkness, only the horizon is a white line!

The clouds pressed towards the ground like giant palms covering the sky, and groups of wind vortices formed out of thin air, spread wildly in the blink of an eye, and evolved into huge black tornadoes hanging in the air.

A series of black pillars of wind connected to the sky, roughly dozens of them in the past, and the number is still increasing.

Just now, the aircraft issued a harsh alarm, and the two F-16s entered a combat state and began to attack and lock.

Storm Orolo's eyes turned white, and she activated the defensive weapon system on the aircraft. It was also herself who controlled the weather to form a natural disaster at this time.

Russell looked out the window into the darkness, frowning into the word 'Chuan'. He couldn't understand why Storm's fighting power fluctuated. She was just average when she was in the church.

Although the formation of the tornado is related to Storm's ability, she can't last for too long, but even if it only lasts for a dozen seconds, it is easy to destroy an army, and it can be called a weather weapon with terrifying lethality.

Compared with the battle in the church, her current performance is as if she is on the hook.

Is it because of the terrain that it is inconvenient to zoom in in the city?

Unable to figure out why, Russell no longer wasted brain cells. Marvel's power system is complicated, and two steps is a pit, which is still the kind that can't be filled.

Don't ask, just ask!

No matter if you are the five gods, or the court of life, even if you are the mastermind who created the multiverse in the blink of an eye, you have to honestly shake your fists when fighting.

Two F-16s were helpless in the wind, and one of them was wrapped in a tornado. The pilot could not control the direction and pressed the ejection chair to escape.

The other F-16 had better luck and held on for a moment before giving up the pursuit, but before escaping, the pilot successfully completed the attack lock and fired two tracking missiles.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just as Orolo breathed a sigh of relief, when she heard the siren, her heart rose into her throat again: "Trouble is coming, two missiles are approaching us."

"Leave it to me to solve it!"

Qin took a deep breath, half-closed her eyes, and aimed her ability at one of the missiles. The flames shot up into the sky, and the internal program of the missile exploded out of control.

Qin also fell into a state of rigidity, with a confused expression, and her eyes lost focus. Concerned about the safety of her companions, she used too much force to break the seal of the Phoenix Force.

"Jin! Qin!?"

Orolo's exclamation made Qin wake up from a state of trance, sensing another incoming missile, her complexion turned pale instantly.

That's too late!

In the cabin, Russell was about to do something when the rapidly approaching missile suddenly changed its direction and exploded. The shock wave opened a big hole in the rear of the aircraft, and the propeller was damaged and disabled.

The violent air flow caused the aircraft to lose its balance, the fuselage spun and landed towards the ground, and the reversing wind raged back and forth in the cabin. Because the little naughty hat was too tight for the chest buckle seat belt, he was out of breath and was not bound to death, and was blown out by the airflow without accident.

"Ahhh——" X2

Hey, why are there two screams?


Russell seemed to have thought of something, turned his head while staring at Deadpool, and sure enough, Deadpool's seat was empty.

People who are good at killing can always seize the opportunity!

The power system of the plane failed, and Orolo and Qin were busy restarting it. Hearing the scream of the little rascal, they were sweating profusely but had no time to separate themselves.

Everyone in the cabin held on to everything around them that could fix their bodies, so as not to be swept away by the strong wind, and no one could spare their hands to save the little rascal.


The blue-black smoke dissipated, Nightcrawler disappeared in an instant, and when he returned again, he fell to the ground with Little Rascal in his arms.

Nightcrawler closed his eyes tightly, and prayed with the Bible in his mouth. Seeing him trembling all over, it was obvious that he had mustered up his courage to save the little rascal.

It is useless to expect him to drag Deadpool back.

Russell pouted,

Unbuckle your seat belt and leave the cabin with the raging airflow.

Deadpool has an immortal body, and he can be resurrected even if he is smashed into mud. In addition, he is not worthy of sympathy for his own death, but if he is really left alone, God knows where he will fly.

The light wings spread, Russell fluttered his wings and soared high in the sky, his golden eyes swept around, and when he found the sand sculpture figure of Deadpool tumbling madly in mid-air, he rushed over angrily.

On the other hand, Orolo and Qin tried several times, but they were unable to restart the power system of the aircraft.

At this moment, the violent airflow in the cabin gradually subsided, and everyone could hear the sound of metal squeezing at the tail of the plane. They all turned their heads and watched in amazement as the metal at the damaged part twisted and sealed the big hole for air leakage. stand up.

The aircraft continued to fall, but the speed was much slower than before, and the trajectory of the landing also changed. Seeing this, Orolo couldn't help but look at her good sister.


"It's not me." Qin looked terrified, and as the plane continued to fall, she finally saw the enthusiastic people who rescued them.

On the green hillside, a handsome old man in a black windbreaker and a special helmet raised one hand high to stop the falling aircraft. Beside him, there is also a female mutant with an enchanting figure and blue skin all over her body.

Magneto King Eric! Mystique Riven!

"When will these guys learn to fly..." Magneto let go slowly, allowing the aircraft to land on the ground smoothly.

After the aircraft landed, a group of people walked out while maintaining their vigilance, especially Orolo, Qin and Logan. The three of them knew the danger of Magneto very well. And, if they remember correctly, Magneto shows up here, indicating that he escaped from prison.

Magneto smiled kindly, and was about to say something when his face froze suddenly, and Mystique next to him was similar. Looking at the two familiar figures with shopping bags on their heads, even though the city is extremely deep, I don't know what to say for a moment.

A cluster of rays of light approached quickly from a distance, and Russell lifted Deadpool's ankles and slammed down, gathering his wings and landing on the ground.

Magneto's eyes lit up, and his intuition told him that Russell must not be a member of the X-Men, and he could be wooed.


[The host contacts Eric Lanshere, a plot character, and triggers the lottery. Do you want to draw now? 】

[The host contacts Ruiwen Duckholm, a plot character, and triggers a lottery draw, and gets two chances to draw a lottery. Do you want to draw now? 】


[Character Card: Eric Lanshere (Although he is Magneto, but...you understand)]

[Character Card: Raven Duckholm (change her own cells and tissue structure so that she can change into anyone's appearance)]

[Skill Card: Weapon Proficiency (Proficiency in the use of various individual hot and cold weapons)]

At the end of the lottery draw, Russell nodded with satisfaction. The effect of the skill card is mediocre, but the two character cards are indeed good. Even if Magneto is weakened into Iron King, his ability is still very impressive.

At least he's handsome when he's pretending!

Magneto Dynasty smiled kindly at Russell, and was about to introduce himself when he was interrupted by Deadpool who jumped up suddenly.

"Russell, do you know that when I fell out of the plane, I felt like I was going to die, and my life flashed before my eyes, all of which were some sex scenes, but what I want to talk about is not this..."

Deadpool held Russell's shoulders and said excitedly: "Seeing your heroic figure flying towards me without hesitation, my heart beat faster and I lost control of my hands and feet. I... I may be in love..."


Deadpool fell on his back, Russell blew on the muzzle of the gun: "Sand sculpture, you should change your mind."

"Nice job!"

In the crowd, Storm, Pyro, Phoenix, Rascal, Iceman, and Wolverine, who didn't want to be named, all clapped and applauded. They had wanted to do this for a long time.


Magneto and Mystique looked at each other, what's going on, is the X-Men in this mood now?

Or, without Charles pressing them down, did they let go of their nature?

Looking at the mutants with serious violent tendencies, Magneto was overjoyed. He was 80% sure that he would draw this group of X-Men who had greatly changed their style of painting into the Brotherhood.

Prying old friends' corners or something, he likes it the most!

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