End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 621 I'm Still Confident About Repairs

At night, a bonfire was lit, and several tents were set up on the lawn next to the aircraft.

Tents are prepared for male compatriots. After all, there are ten people in a group, both men and women.

Russell didn't want to be wronged by this, and he didn't dislike being crowded in the plane at all, but he didn't say anything, let Deadpool do it.

Then Deadpool was hung on the tree by Qin!

The bonfire was piled next to the tree where Deadpool was hanging, and the X-Men and the Brotherhood, the two major camps of mutants, sat around to discuss the plan to rescue Professor X Charles.

As we all know, Professor X is the backbone of the X-Men. Without him, the X-Men will not be far from disbanding, so the three of Logan attach great importance to this matter.

After discussing with Orolo, Qin and Orolo chose to join forces with Magneto King Eric. The two old men killed each other and loved each other for a lifetime. They never doubted Magneto's determination to rescue the professor.

In fact, Magneto was the most restless person to learn that Professor X had been arrested.

This kind of relationship, to give an inappropriate example, the two are like the clown and Bertman.

Clown: What, you dare to hack my idol? You are dead, only I can hack him!

When Qin and Orolo were discussing, Logan joined as a member of the Mutant Academy. Because he was uneducated, he didn't express his opinions easily at the three-person meeting. He basically expressed "hmm", "makes sense", and "I also Same'.

Even so, he must attend the three-person meeting, and participate in a fair and just vote when Qin and Ororo cannot agree.

In the end, Storm Girl Orolo said that she would not play anymore, because Logan unconditionally supported Qin, and in the voting session, all the games were 2 to 1.

This is the result of no leadership. Unlike the Brotherhood, Mystique has always regarded herself as a younger brother, and Magneto can do whatever she wants.

Russell was invited by Jean to join the campfire meeting as a temporary ally of the X-Men.

The main reason is that Qin felt that facing Magneto was too much pressure, so she asked Russell to support the scene. God knows where her confidence came from... Maybe it was not bad enough to be cheated.

No one invites Deadpool!

Unlike Little Naughty and others who were too low-level to be accepted by the boss circle, Deadpool was passed by an anonymous unanimous vote and kicked out of the chat group because his words and deeds were too shady.

Even if he is hanging on the tree at this moment, and the vertical distance from the meeting place is less than 3 meters, no one thinks that he really exists.

"It's handsome that killed me again!"

Deadpool is very sad, thinking about life alone, what is the meaning of life, and how can he truly live?

As the most famous mutant in this meeting, one of the giants, Magneto, spoke first: "The person who attacked the school was Colonel William Stryker, and his target was the brain wave enhancer..."

"When the brain wave enhancement device is activated, Charles' brain can be connected to everyone on the planet. At that time, Colonel Stryker's ambition will also be achieved. He will control Charles and kill all mutants in one go."

After hearing Magneto's words, the three of Qin breathed a sigh of relief. The situation is very difficult, but the good news is that Professor X's life is safe.

Orolo frowned, puzzled and said: "I don't understand, why does this Stryker know that the brain wave enhancement device is at school?"

"I told him!"

Magneto had an awkward expression on his face. Although it was because he was being controlled at the time and not because of his will, he didn't bother to lie about this kind of issue.

Yes, I did it, and I regret it so much!

The topic was chattered to death at once, and the three of Qin looked at the culprit, compared the combat effectiveness of the two sides, and decided to continue the meeting.

Qin said: "Who is this Colonel Stryker, why did he deliberately target mutants?"

"A military scientist dedicated his life to eradicating the hidden dangers of mutants..."

Magneto smiled mockingly, and then looked at Logan: "If you want to know more about Stryker, you can ask the werewolf, the Edman alloy skeleton in his body is Stryker's. masterpiece."

Seeing Orolo and Qin looking at him together, Logan shook his head repeatedly and said to Qin, "Sorry, I don't remember anything."

Orolo: "..."

Qin seems to have thought of something.

His eyes lit up, and he looked at Russell who was sitting silently: "Mr. Russell, do you know William Stryker?"


As Russell said, he pulled out the Adamant alloy knife from behind and threw it into Logan's hand.

Logan didn't understand Russell's meaning at first, until the blade reflected the familiar luster, and then he suddenly came to his senses, ejected his sharp claws with a clang, and collided twice.

The flames burst into flames, and Logan's face instantly became solemn: "This is Adamantium alloy, why do you have it?"

Russell didn't answer, pulled out his pistol, aimed at Deadpool, who was hanging upside down and meditating, and pulled the trigger to blow his head off.


Under everyone's speechless gaze, Deadpool recovered and revived, continued to think about life, traveled between life and death, maybe he could write a book.

Russell joked: "Logan, the self-healing factor in Wade's body comes from you. Although it was transplanted the day after tomorrow, the two of you can be regarded as brothers."

Logan shook his head: "No, I refuse!"

Russell didn't force it, after all, it took a lot of courage to recognize Deadpool as a brother.

The topic went off the rails, and Qin glared at Logan, and said to Russell: "Are you, Logan, and the sand on it... all related to Stryker?"

"Barely, because the versions are different, I can't answer you directly."

Another version!

When Russell mentioned this word again, Qin became even more curious, but Russell didn't give her a chance at all, and said directly: "Don't ask, it's multiverse. And, Logan, you are the same, join us, join us Leave, and I will tell you about your past."

"After the professor is rescued, I will reply to you."

"Okay." Russell nodded with a smile, took the Edman alloy knife that Logan handed back, and put it in the scabbard behind him.

Magneto thoughtfully, looked at Russell and said, "Mystique discovered the blueprint of Stryker's base, which has been built and operated for decades. I only know that he built a second brainwave enhancement device, but The exact location is not known, but perhaps one of you will know."

When everyone heard this, Qi Qi looked at Russell.

There are three people who know the answer. Logan has lost his memory, and Deadpool doesn't mention it. The only person who knows the answer is Russell.

Russell did not disappoint them, and reported the detailed address: "Lake Alkali, there is a military base for secret research on mutants, built under the dam."

"Very good, we're leaving now." Magneto heaved a sigh of relief, knowing the location, it's time to meet up with old friends.

"Everyone, it's not that simple..."

Qin and Orolo shook their heads together: "There is something wrong with the power system of the aircraft. It will take a long time to fix it, and it will be noon tomorrow at the earliest."

"What do you mean, we have to wait here?"

Logan couldn't accept it, and Magneto frowned. When it's time to race against time, take a step slower, and all mutants are in danger of their lives.

Orolo's face turned pale, but she was in a hurry: "Sorry, there is no other way."

"Maybe I have a way."

Russell glanced at everyone: "I am still very confident in mechanical repairs."

"Sorry, I'm not targeting you, but the aircraft only look similar to the Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft, but in fact their principles are completely different..."

Russell interrupted Orolo: "I know, because I haven't studied it, it may take longer, about 10 minutes. No, about 9 minutes and 25 seconds!"


After 9 minutes and 20 seconds, Russell put down the hammer in his hand, turned around and looked at everyone: "Fortunately, it has been fixed, and by the way, I have upgraded the aircraft. I will increase the fire control system and meet F next time." -16, the attack lock can be completed at a distance of 100 kilometers."


Although it took 9 minutes and 20 seconds, which was the same as the time agreed at the beginning, everyone is not a fool. They can see that Russell has repaired the power system in 2 minutes. In order to forcefully delay the time, he pried off the outer armor and hammered it for a while.

Well, the cabin was refurbished by the way.

"Dude, how did you do it? I mean, just a hammer, isn't it... I'm so sorry for those scientists?" Logan wiped the cold sweat from his brow, although he didn't understand airplanes, it didn't prevent him from knowing Russell did a very awesome thing.

Jean and Orolo wanted to hear Russell's explanation. They were people who knew what Russell had done. With a hammer, he hammered a standard third-generation aircraft into the fifth generation.

To use an analogy, it is equivalent to upgrading an F-16 to an F-35 in situ. This requires the cooperation of multiple countries and consumes a lot of time and money.

"Don't ask, asking is the multiverse."

Russell waved his hand and threw the hammer to the side, that is, there were not enough materials and the time was too short, otherwise he could hammer out a sky carrier.

He didn't say that, after all, it's just repairing an airplane, and there's no need to pretend to be forceful about beating and beating.

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