End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 716 Batman and the cat are gone

Russell didn't care much about the chaos in Gotham City that Barry said. After all, the people are simple and simple, and chaos is common.

As we all know, chaos is the daily operation of Gotham. It is precisely because of this humanistic feature that it can continuously attract talents and stimulate the crime rate to remain high.

If it was broadcast on the news that Gotham City is enjoying peace and prosperity, and the helm of the Wayne Group changed his style of dude and turned into a domineering president, that would be terrible, and it is very likely that tomorrow will be the end of the world.

No, restart the universe!

The four-person party lasted for half a day, and Hal couldn't drink anymore, and became unconscious from the alcohol. Russell called his girlfriend Carol and asked her to come and take care of Hal.

Barry drank a stomach full of milk, and said he couldn't drink any more. Seeing this, Russell immediately ended the party, and several of them went back to their respective homes, looking for their own monster brush experience to upgrade.

Originally, Russell and Clark were on the same road, and they should leave together. As a result, Barry wanted to have a racing competition with Clark, and the goal was Barry's hometown, Central City, Missouri.

Russell made a round of refereeing and watched the two disappear beyond the horizon, flapping their wings and flying straight into the sky.

With his current popularity, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a household name. In order to avoid being harassed by fans, it is inconvenient to continue to take planes and other means of transportation.

This is why Russell often warns himself to be low-key and not to put on a show. Being famous is not a good thing, and it will bring a lot of inconvenience to life.

The speed of the light wings is much faster than that of the plane, Russell is not in a hurry, he is dangling in the sky, and it is already midnight when he arrives in Gotham City.

The moon and the stars are rare!

Gotham City tonight is as dark as usual, the moonlight shines through the clouds, and casts a blur of white light, allowing people to see the city, but they cannot see it completely.

Under this invisible atmosphere, the whole Gotham is like a ghost town in a horror movie, which makes people feel hairy and subconsciously want to stay away.

"The air pollution is a bit serious, and Baiteman doesn't care about it..."

Of course, environmental protection is equivalent to increasing capital investment, letting capitalists bleed, and Batman angrily scolding the Wayne Group for having no conscience, but the master is so rich, he shouldn't care about it.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang————

Gunshots came from below,

Russell glanced sideways, and suddenly frowned.

Something is wrong!

Gotham can shoot guns, fire cannons, and play directional blasting, but the fanatics tonight are a bit blatant. Clashes broke out in several corners of the city, and one of them was the Gotham City Police Station.

"What the hell is Batman doing?"

Russell was astonished, flapped his wings and landed on the roof of a residential building next to the police station without a word, and something even more surprising happened to him.

A group of heavily armed, obviously organized gangs fought on the streets with long guns and short cannons and the Gotham police. In the Gotham police camp, there are not only police officers in bulletproof vests, but also gang members in black with "I am a man of the Tao" written on their faces to fight together.


Even though it is not surprising that anything happened in Gotham, this scene was a bit incomprehensible, and Russell was dumbfounded.

Without thinking, he took out the vertical propulsion glider from the space ring, and fired two missiles at the fanatic's position by remote control, and then machine guns fired, quickly ending the battle with air superiority.

The Gotham police cheered and high-fived the Daoist brothers beside them. Russell Cat, in the shadows, took advantage of the situation and snatched away a fleeing madman.


Russell pressed it against the wall, telepathy was activated, and he instantly controlled his thinking: "What happened, tell me everything you know."

After a while, Russell, who learned the whole truth, was stunned. He broke the lunatic's neck bone and flew towards home on the glider.

The city hall was occupied, the criminals from Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison escaped collectively, and there was a dirty bomb hidden in the city...

The influx of a large number of criminals led to the collapse of the stable underground forces. Many underworld tycoons chose to cooperate with the police to jointly fight against the new black forces.

The whole Gotham was in chaos, and Batman disappeared when he should be needed the most!

Russell smelled a conspiracy, and suddenly thought of her kitten, hoping that she would not go out to enforce justice.

With her IQ and the skills of a three-legged cat, if she stepped on the battlefield with her front foot, she would be locked in the basement with her back foot, and her whole body would be broken the next day.

There was no one in the unfinished building, and what Russell was most worried about happened. The catwoman Selina was not there, and the Egyptian cat was nowhere to be seen.

He frowned slightly, and stepped on the glider to Selina's apartment, but it was still empty and no shadow could be found.

"Is this guy really caught?"

Russell picked up the photo on the bedside table, looked at Selina's silly smiling face on it, changed his death knell cover, and then jumped downstairs, disappearing into the darkness.


On the street in the dark night, five cars passed by one after another. Suddenly, two gunshots were fired. The windshield of the front car was gray, and the window next to the driver's seat was splashed with blood.

The driver died, and the out-of-control vehicle rushed to the side of the road, slammed into the utility pole with a bang, and barely stopped.

Immediately afterwards, continuous gunfire sounded, and the car was blown into a burning fireball by a grenade thrown from nowhere.

As soon as the men in black in the four cars behind rushed out, they were thrown off their feet by the shock wave.

As the attackers emerged, a street ambush erupted, with gunshots and bullet marks streaking red lines.

Obviously, the two gangs had a dispute over who would collect the property fee. Because they were not good at negotiating with their mouths, they stopped BB and used the guys in their hands to speak.

"Oh, this city must be crazy, have you counted how many times tonight?"

The boomerang captain George leaned against the entrance of the alley, listening to the sound of the bullet hitting the wall, he couldn't help but tease his teammates.

Along the way, there were guns and cannons. Those who didn't know it thought they had stepped into the battlefield.

"I don't know how many times this is the first time, I just know that the big guy can't bear it anymore."

Deadshot raised his finger and pointed to the innermost part of the alley. Because of the stimulation of the bloody smell, Shark King's eyes were red, and the muscles on his body jumped up and down.

If Louis the Frost Killer hadn't used his ability to cool him down, the frantic shark would have already rushed out of the cage and tore the two gang members to pieces.

"Oh, he's the most troublesome..."

The boomerang captain, George, covered his face. In the chaotic battlefield, plus his teammates who would kill him at any time, he knew that he would not be a super villain back then.

Fortunately, the problem was not a big one. He was confident that he would stab his teammates before they stabbed them.

The weapon problem of several people has been solved. The sponsorship from the underworld tycoon Penguin, who had an employment relationship with Deadshot, provided a batch of weapons and equipment for free.

The request is that Deadshot will give a discount on the asking price the next time we cooperate.

"Let's go, let's take the sewer for the rest of the trip. The Harley Quinn said that she knows the way and how to get to Arkham." Deathshot shrugged. In case the Shark King goes berserk, he can only go underground.

The boomerang captain, George, was dissatisfied: "I hate sewers... Also, that bitch can find her way underground, isn't she from Batman?"

"who knows……"

As Deadshot was talking, his eyes suddenly froze, and the night vision goggles on his hood looked towards the sky.

I saw two burning tails of fire lighting up the night sky, and the whistling small missiles, one on each side, smashed into the crowd under the stunned eyes of the gang members.

boom! boom!

Accompanied by a loud bang, two orange-red fireballs soared into the air, and the powerful shock wave overturned the car used as a cover, leaving two large craters on the hard ground.

Gravel splashed, the ground was covered with blackened blood, and moaning gangsters.

Before the group of people could react, the sci-fi vertical propulsion glider fell in the sky. Amid the roar of the tail engine, two machine guns were set up, and the dense rain of metal bullets sprayed fire snakes, weaving two cross lines of death.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

The massacre came suddenly, and the gang members who were arrogant and domineering before became fish on the sticky board, screaming and being slaughtered.

Unknowingly, the two groups of gang members were rushed to one place by the hail of bullets. They stood behind a wall and raised their pistols to fight back. They fought together like brothers.

The sound of machine guns stopped, and the vertical propulsion glider was suspended in mid-air. A few daring gangsters poked their heads out and looked at this killing machine with horror on their faces.

who is it?

Not only the gangsters, but also the suicide squad on the other side were suspicious. The answer was soon revealed, and a figure in red and black armor descended from the sky.


There was a muffled sound, and the ground trembled slightly. Russell pulled out his feet embedded in the ground, held a sand eagle in each hand, and strode towards the gang members.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang————

The lunatics who were not willing to wait for death raised their guns to shoot one after another, but soon, the gunfire stopped sporadically, with despair and fear on their faces.

The bullet hit Russell, clanging and splashing sparks, and couldn't even stop him from moving.

"Scumbags, the death knell has sounded, and I will guard the night of Gotham..."

Russell held the gun in both hands and crossed it in front of his chest. The eye sockets on the faceplate lit up with blue light. He looked directly at the lunatics opposite him and spit out a word softly.


The fear of death made the lunatics feel depressed, and they dropped their guns and turned to run away.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang————

Sand Eagle's rapid-fire combo, almost within two seconds, a dozen figures fell backwards, each with their heads pierced.

When passing by a trash can, Russell took down the pumpkin bomb, knocked on the iron cover politely, opened it, ignored the bullets hitting the visor, and threw the pumpkin bomb into it.

boom! !

Russell strode towards the corpses all over the floor. Behind the red and black figure was a wave of fire that exploded suddenly.

He picked and picked on the ground, and finally chose a strong man who was not too tall. He stopped to mutter, squatted down and stuffed a ball of soul into the corpse.

The corpse trembled, the bullet hole on the forehead healed, and then stood up from the ground.

Jason: (._.)

Russell: (゜一゜)


MD, this corpse should not be so tall!

Russell pretended not to see it, and took out a photo from the space ring and handed it to Jason. It was a photo of Selina.

"Find her and come back and tell me."

Without saying a word, Jason took the photo from Russell's hand and stuffed it into his arms, before striding towards the supermarket on the street.


The glass shattered, and Jason reappeared with a hockey mask on his face and a machete in his hand.


Deadshot and Boomerang Captain George looked at each other, seeing shock in each other's eyes, and they all thought the same thing, this place is not suitable for staying for a long time, so hurry into the sewer.

Suddenly, murderous intent came!

The two secretly thought that something was wrong, and looking back slightly, it was Russell's blue eyes looking over.

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